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Blender Tricks:

Nearly all this help comes from (shakesoda) or (ZaCkOX1000) Some of this information was originally written with Blender 2.79; most still applies to 2.80.

User Interface (2.80)

  • Bottom of the window, status bar, shows what LMB, MMB and RMB does at seemingly any time, with a glance.
  • "Header Menu" is usually positioned at the top, if loading from 2.79 it may be located on the bottom.
    • You can change in Edit > Preferences > Interface > Editors > Header Position (Top or Bottom), default is by file.


Playing with Texture Coordinates (UV Unwrapping)

  • Select on edge in uv editor, and use W menu to set align (auto/x/y) to get straight lines.
  • In vertex mode (of UV editor) use W menu to Weld (or W, W) to lock two vertices together.

Sliding along an Edge

  • Purpose: Slide an edge along the edges it is connected to, or a vertex along the connect edges.
  • Hotkey: G, G
  • Holding ALT will allow movement beyond the initial edge in the same edge direction it is locked to.


Using Mirror Modifier on Cylinder (with ngon caps)

  1. Use z to see transparently.
  2. Lock view to axis with numpad buttons.
  3. Select and delete half of the shape.
  4. Click on the end cap, press y to split the polygon then w menu to use symmetrize.
  5. Delete half of the shape.
  6. Remove doubles with a to select, w menu to use remove doubles
  7. Repeat for other cap and mirror modify the shape.

Make selection fall on a plane

  1. Set orientation to 'Normal' mode, (as opposed to Global)
  2. Select the faces that should remain planar.
  3. Press s to scale.
  4. Press z then z to scale along z-normal axis.
  5. Press 0 to set that scale to zero.

Note this can't fix the issue of quads turning in multiple axis, (like a racetrack turning while changing elevation pitch.).

Make something symmetric (without mirror modifier)

  1. Make selection.
  2. w menu symmetrize
  3. Use the tool menu to specify direction/threshold

Edit Mode Tool and Usage Tips


  • 2.79 Hotkey: CTRL+TAB with v for vertices, e for edges and f for faces.

  • 2.80 Pressing 1, 2 or 3 will change to vertices, edges or faces respectively.

    • Holding SHIFT while pressing 1, 2, or 3 will multiselct modes.
  • Purpose: Change between what gets selected or modified during edit mode manipulators like grab, scale, rotate etc.

  • NOTE: Edit in multiple modes, at the same time by shift-select the modes (vertices, edges, faces) on the bottom panel.

Selecting Things

No setup notes yet, but I believe the default is not left click select, which is used in the following section.

  • Left click to select an individual (vertex, edge or face).
  • ALT+LMB to loop select (when built properly)
  • CTRL+NUMPAD+ or CTRL+NUMPAD- to extend/decrease loop selections.
  • Press L to select the entire linked area under the mouse, or CTRL+L to select entire linked area to current selection.
  • Use SHIFT+G to perform all sorts of neat selection tricks related to something already selected. This tool has options (bottom-left) to modify.

Hiding / Unhiding (showing) Things

  • Press NUMPAD+/ to hide everything except the selections.
  • Press H to hide current selection.
  • Press ALT+H to unhide, everything?
  • Hold CTRL while clicking the eye-ball icon in the Outliner / scene list to hide children objects as well.

Helpful Workflows

Creating Tubed Pipes / Track Surfaces

  • Create a curve, SHIFT+A Curve > Bezier Curve
  • In the Curve Properties tab, above Materials, adjust Bevel Depth/Resolution
    • Resolution of 0 is 4 sided, 1 is 6, 2 is 8 ...
  • Manipulate the curve as desired, remember you can change the type of a specic handle with V
  • Note: Blender may choose Z as the "normal" axis for deformation which is the reason why tilt 90 may be required to get a track surface to remain flat. As to why Y vs -Y acts differently with tilt, just mess around with it I guess.

When doing it manually with cylinder mesh / already to-meshed tube

  • Create circle with the desired radius and position of the curve you want.
  • Set the cursor to center of circle.
  • Loop select the cap-edge of the pipe/cylinder.
  • Use the spin tool to spin.
  • Caveat: This might only work well with global axis?

Layout of a track or object

  • Start with empty scene, add a plane, enter edit-mode, A delete (all)
  • Ensure to enter vertex mode, if nothing happens this is a reason why.
  • Using CTRL+RMB add vertices / edges to create the track (or general layout thoughts)
  • Helpful to create curves by selecting vertex and pressing CTRL+SHIFT+B
    • Use scroll wheel to add more segments (smoother curves)
    • Move mouse position to change shape.
  • For a racetrack, when finished with layout:
    • Duplicate the object with SHIFT+D, hide original, select the duplicate.
    • Cleanup unnessary bits/layout thoughts
    • In Object Mode, Object -> Convert To Curve
  • Make several things FLAT respective to eachother
    • Select the Normal transform (usually on global, icon of 3D gimbal)
    • s, z, z, 0

Painted Texturing Process

  • Create, and finalize the shape of the model before anything further. When happy
    • remove any big useless polygons before moving on (or any useless polygons)
  • Apply all modifiers (or primarily the ones that generate geometry: mirror)
  • Join any parts that are separate that should be on the object (house and chimney)
  • Select all in edit mode and press U to choose Smart UV Project then pray.
    • Use the menu the pops up to add margins so the separated parts don't paint over seams.

Texturing Tips in General

  • Enable selection sync is useful... It is the two diagnoal opposite arrows in "view header"
  • To avoid pain when painting use unified colors (header menu in Texture Paint: Brush -> unified colors and such)

Creating a Render

  • To position the render camera move your view camera as desired then select the Camera object and press CTRL+ALT+Numpad0
    • It can help to position using the flying camera which is SHIFT+~ in Blender 2.8
    • If you accidentally set your camera to another object, because that is possible, fix it by
      • Open Scene Properties (a few icons above modifier icon) and choose the camera in Camera slot.
  • If having issues with lights leaking through connected objects try turning on Contact Shadows.
    • Access this by selecting each light and in the light properties there is a Contact Shadows checkbox.

Create a Wireframe Render

  • Use the Wireframe modifier on your mesh.
  • If too busy, make a copy of the object and set an emissive, plain colored material.
  • Use an emissive plain black/colored material for the original mesh.
  • You may want a plane with the same plain colored emissive material for the render.
  • Limitation; this techique does not allow for a transparent render/video.

Intersecting an Edge with a Face

This used to test ray and box intersection stuff. Blender 4.0.2

  • Set snap tool to face, and use CTRL or turn on snap
  • Subdivide or grab an edge with "grab grab" mode to restrict to motion along the ray.
  • Done, profit. If that is broken (it was in the past, use the steps below)

Longer steps in case the above simple solution fails;

  • Select the edge representing the ray.
  • Change Global orientation to a Custom with +"
  • Next to magnet, change snap mode to Face
  • Use one of the end-points, or subdivide the edge and grab the middle...
  • Restrict to Y axis and snap (with CTRL) to land on the face of intersection.
  • Delete Custom edge orientation by selecting it and pressing the X

Unformatted mess:

Mirror as a one off, immediately using menus: `Object > Mirror` which is not a modifier.
alm-m to merge vertices.
'c' to use circle select, to left-click/paint selection (shift to unselect paint area)
ctrl-mouse (RMB) to lasso select

button-to right of face select mode button can be used to select things on the other side. (ghost thingy)
bevel tool: ctrl-b, use scroll wheel for more loops
alt-s to scale along normals (or shrink/fatten in words of (shakesoda)

Use period to put the origin/scale/things with the cursor as the hotspot.
Use comma to put the origin/scale/things to the selection.

Proportional Edit Mode
alt-o to enter/exit proportional edit mode
Check the area of influence (use scroll wheel)

- **Split a mesh into smaller parts**
	In edit mode, select the parts/faces desired in the new part
	then press `p` and use `selection` to break it apart into a new mesh.

- **Joining two meshes together, with same surface loops**
	In object mode, select the meshes to be joined.
	Press `ctrl-j` to join them into a single mesh.
	In edit mode, select the edges of the two peices to be combined and bridge
		Bridge via space 'bridge' or `w` menu `e` ... also or ... `ctrl-e` menu `l`

- Snapping to various things
	Bottom right of 3D view has 'closest' next to that is a mode, vertex, edge, increment etc.
	Grab item to move to snapped location, lock in axis if needed,
	Hover thgy

Working with Materials:
	Don't hit [+] New unless a new material is required, use the ball next to it to select a material.
	To delete a material from that list: 

ctrl-x to dissolve an edge loop (or other things) S
shift-k in vertex paint mode to fill
v is a hotkey to go to vertex paint/to object mode

shift-f free move (fps) camera can use LEFT-CLICK to set the view and return to edit.
	in Blender 2.8+ this is now `SHIFT+~`
shift-f1 to open/copy an object/something from one blend file into current.

select, then scale 0 on the Z (or other axis) to create a flat spot)
hit axis key a second time (g, x, x) to move along normal

ctrl numpad +/- to increase/decrease selections
to slice a model- 'a' to select all, then use 'bisect' (select fill, clear inner/outer to taste)
knife tool 'k' to create new 
While in color mode, use s to sample the color under cursor. (perhaps just UV/Image editor?)

m to move an object from one layer to another.

☐ Mesh cleanup, remove doubles with:
	In edit-mode, select all `a` then
	`w` menu `r` for remove doubles

☐ `Copy a mesh`
	Do NOT use ctrl-c/ctrl-v (shakesoda says this litters the file with junk; as in
	it also duplicates the materials and stuff.)
	☐ Use `alt-d` to link and share same object data
	☐ Use `shift-d` to duplicate the mesh without sharing.

☐ Splitting a curve into multiple segments
	Select both nodes that should be split, press `w` then `s` to subdivide.

Select child object first, then parent next and hit `CTRL+P` to link.
	To unparent an object, select the child then press `ALT+P`

☐ `Playing with the 3D Cursor`s
alt-home centers the rotation to 3d cursor

☐ `Extrude along perpendicular`
Select the edge, `e` to extrude, `escape` to cancel movement, `alt-s` to move along normal.

tab to edit mode
grab the bottom edge (or desired rotation point)
`SHIFT+S` cursor to selected
	in 2.8 you can use `SHIFT+S` then `2` to avoid mouse move/click.
period (regular keyboard) to switch 3D cursor pivot   (comma to set back to average)
tab to object mode
rotate etc

`Permanently change center point in object mode to move origin to geometry or cursor`

	box-select all tiles/objects
	relations tab on T menu: make local (all)
	box-select all tiles/objects (again)
	ctrl-shift-a (make duplicates real)
	relations tab on T menu: make single user (check option for "object data")
	Apply transforms
	File > Revert

Color palette: File >preferences >File,
	set textures directory if not already.
	Then go open C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\ 
		insert in to line 110 "searchpaths=[bpy.context.user_preferences.filepaths.texture_directory]"
		save it.
	Back to preferences in blender Add-on tab,
		search paint,
		and enable pallet
	finally migrate you pallet to the other pallet using the eye dropper in the colour picker.
	Good luck!
	Display the bones on top of the mesh for easier selection by
		- Select the Armature
		- Use the Armature menu (human like skeleton icon where modifiers/materials live)
		- Open Viewport Display and check the box "In Front"
	Jump to start / end of animation with `SHIFT+LEFT` or `SHIFT+RIGHT`