Javascript RDF library for browsers and NodeJS.
- Reads and writes RDF/xml, turtle and N3.
- Read/Write Linked Data client, using WebDav or SPARQL/Update
- Parses RDF/a. (rdflib-rdfa.js version only)
- Local API for querying store
- SPARQL queries (not full SPARQL)
- Smushing of nodes from owl:sameAs, and owl:{f,inverseF}unctionProperty
- Tracks provence of triples keeps metadata (in RDF) from HTTP accesses
Install dependencies you may need to generate the js file.
$ npm install -g coffee-script nodeunit
Generate the dist directory
$ npm install
Make sure you have NodeJS and Node Package Manager (npm) installed.
npm install --save rdflib
Possible out of date information is available from here:
, Run 'make' in this directory to generate dist in whch libraries are buittest
, Tests are here.
- jQuery (rdfa version only)
- jQuery, XMLHTTPRequest (Node.js version)
Thanks to the many contributors who have been involved along the way. LinkedData team & TimBL