vsgCs manages its dependencies using the vcpkg package manager. You should clone that repository and follow the steps described in vcpkg with CMake.
On Linux, vcpkg will complain if some development packages aren't installed in the system, although it's unclear if this makes any practical difference. On Fedora, to take an example, you can install them with:
sudo dnf install xorg-macros xproto xcb-proto libXdmcp-devel libXau-devel
Once you have set the VCPKG_ROOT
environment variable, you can build
vsgCS using a CMake preset defined in CMakePresets.json
, for example:
export VCPKG_ROOT=<location of vcpkg repository>
cmake --preset vcpkg-debug
cmake --build build-debug --target install -j 10
The cmake
files for vsgCs don't explicitly depend on vcpkg, so you
can install vsgCs' dependencies yourself e.g., using your system's
package manager. Look in vsgCs' CMakeLists.txt
files for calls to
for prerequisites, as well as in the vcpkg.json
in the extern/vcpkg-overlays
For this release candidate, vsgCs is using a private fork of the
Cesium Native library which is better integrated with cmake
. This
branch is quite close to a pullrequest in
the offical Cesium Native repository, and we intend to use Cesium
Native releases once that PR is merged.
vsgCs is often used as a vehicle for developing Cesium Native, and it
would be quite painful to create a vcpkg port and package for each
incremental change. You can include Cesium Native as a CMake
subdirectory from its source subdirectory using the
cache variable. The CMake
preset in CMakePresets.json
uses vcpkg to get
Cesium Native's dependencies without Cesium Native itself, and so is
ideal for this usage. You can create a preset in a local
file that configures this case:
"version": 3,
"configurePresets": [
"name": "my-local-native",
"inherits": ["vcpkg-debug", "local-cesium-native"],
"binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build-debug",
"cacheVariables": {
"VSGCS_CESIUM_NATIVE_DIRECTORY": "/home/foo/CesiumGS/cesium-native"