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1018 lines (702 loc) · 32.4 KB

File metadata and controls

1018 lines (702 loc) · 32.4 KB


Hello Kubernetes

# Create deployment
kubectl create deployment my-nginx --image nginx:stable

# List deployments
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get deploy

# Show documentation for 'get' command
kubectl get -h

# List pods 
kubectl get pod
kubectl get pods
kubectl get po

# Describe pod
kubectl describe pod [pod-name]

# Delete deployment (uncomment)
# kubectl delete deployment my-nginx

# Create service for nginx deployment
kubectl expose deployment my-nginx --type NodePort --port 80

# List service
kubectl get service
kubectl get services
kubectl get svc

# [Minikube only] Show exposed url
minikube service [service-name] --url

The get and describe can be used for many kubernetes resources.

# Get list of available kubernetes resources
kubectl api-resources

# Get list of object
kubectl get [resource-name-or-shortname]
kubectl get service
kubectl get svc
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get deploy

# Describe object
kubectl describe [resource-name-or-shortname] [object name]
kubectl describe service my-nginx
kubectl describe deployment my-nginx
kubectl describe pod my-nginx-someRandomNumber

Kubectl Command Cheat Sheet

Cheat sheet

Scaling Pod

# Deploy your own image (from previous lecture)
kubectl create deployment my-devops-blue --image [your-docker-username]/devops-blue:1.0.0

# Or you can use public image from my docker
kubectl create deployment my-devops-blue --image timpamungkas/devops-blue:1.0.0

# Create service for nginx deployment
kubectl expose deployment my-devops-blue --type LoadBalancer --port 8111 --name my-devops-blue-lb

# Describe service
kubectl describe service my-devops-blue-lb

# Scale to 3 pod replicas
kubectl scale deployment my-devops-blue --replicas 3

# See detailed pod info
kubectl get pod -o wide


If you cannot access http://localhost:8111/... after one minute, try this:

  • Docker Desktop :
    • click on the Docker whale icon on taskbar and restart docker desktop
    • or simply restart your laptop
  • Minikube :
    • open new terminal window, and run minikube tunnel
    • back to first terminal, and run kubectl get service, see the EXTERNAL-IP field for devops-blue service
    • curl to http://[external-ip]:8111/...

Declarative Kubernetes

# apply configuration
kubectl apply -f path-to-config-file.yml

# delete configuration
kubectl delete -f path-to-config-file.yml


This course uses devops as namespace. Please adjust the namespace (-n) parameter on kubectl into your own namespace if you use different namespace.


# port forwarding
# kubectl port-forward [pod-name] [host-port]:[pod-port]

# get pod on namespace 'devops'
kubectl get pod -n devops

# forwarding one of the pod into host port 9111
# adjust the pod name
kubectl port-forward -n devops devops-port-forward-deployment-6d44c8c69d-kcvvj 9111:8111


# Minikube addons list
minikube addons list

# K8s dashboard
minikube dashboard


Empty Dir

# Apply the yml
kubectl apply -f devops-volume-empty-dir.yml

# Find the pod name on namespace 'devops'
kubectl get pod -n devops

# Find container name on certain pod (equals to pod spec on declarative file)
kubectl get pods -n devops [pod-name] -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'

# Run bash to devops-blue container inside [pod-name]
kubectl exec -n devops [pod-name] -c devops-blue -ti bash

# Run bin/sh (alpine linux shell) to alpine-linux container inside [pod-name]
kubectl exec -n devops [pod-name] -c alpine-linux -ti /bin/sh

Host Path

# SSH into minikube
minikube ssh

# Mount host directory to minikube, adjust according your own machine
# Directory must exists
# Example (Windows): minikube mount d://minikube-volume:/data/upload/minikube
minikube mount [directory-on-host]:/data/upload/minikube


# List nodes
kubectl get node

# Describe node (e.g. to see node's label)
kubectl describe node [node-name]

# Apply the yml
kubectl apply -f devops-volume-local.yml

# Find the pod name on namespace 'devops'
kubectl get pod -n devops

# Find container name on certain pod (equals to pod spec on declarative file)
kubectl get pods -n devops [pod-name] -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'

# Run bash to devops-blue container inside [pod-name]
kubectl exec -n devops [pod-name] -c devops-blue -ti bash

# Run bin/sh (alpine linux shell) to alpine-linux container inside [pod-name]
kubectl exec -n devops [pod-name] -c alpine-linux -ti /bin/sh


# List configmap
kubectl get configmap -n devops

# See configmap content (output as yaml)
kubectl get configmap -n devops -o yaml [configmap-name]

# See configmap content (output as json)
kubectl get configmap -n devops -o json [configmap-name]

# Edit configmap content
kubectl edit configmap -n devops [configmap-name]

# Restart deployment (re-create pod without downtime)
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops [deployment-name]

Creating configmap from command line

# Use --from-literal [key]=[value]
# Or  --from-literal=[key]=[value]
kubectl create configmap [configmap-name] -n devops --from-literal"This is my value for first key" --from-literal key.literal.two="While this is the value for second key"

Creating configmap from file

The filename will become configmap key, while file content become configmap value.

# Basic syntax
kubectl create configmap [configmap-name] -n devops --from-file=[path-to-file]

# From single file
kubectl create configmap configmap-file-single -n devops --from-file=configmap-source.yml

# From multiple files sample (each filename will become one key)
kubectl create configmap configmap-file-multi -n devops --from-file=configmap-source.json --from-file=configmap-source.txt

# From binary (e.g. image), the content will base64-encoded on configmap 
kubectl create configmap configmap-file-binary -n devops --from-file=configmap-source.png

# From folder (each filename will become one key)
kubectl create configmap configmap-folder -n devops --from-file=configmap-sources


# List secret
kubectl get secret -n devops

# See secret content (output as yaml)
kubectl get secret -n devops -o yaml [configmap-name]

# See secret content (output as json)
kubectl get secret -n devops -o json [configmap-name]

# Edit configmap content
kubectl edit secret -n devops [configmap-name]

# Restart deployment (re-create pod without downtime)
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops [deployment-name]

Creating secret from command line

# Use --from-literal [key]=[value]
# Or  --from-literal=[key]=[value]
kubectl create secret generic [secret-name] -n devops --from-literal"This is my secret value for first key" --from-literal key.literal.two="While this is the secret  value for second key"

Creating secret from file

The filename will become secret key, while file content become secret value.

# Basic syntax
kubectl create configmap [configmap-name] -n devops --from-file=[path-to-file]

# From single file
kubectl create configmap configmap-file-single -n devops --from-file=configmap-source.yml

# From multiple files sample (each filename will become one key)
kubectl create configmap configmap-file-multi -n devops --from-file=configmap-source.json --from-file=configmap-source.txt

# From binary (e.g. image), the content will base64-encoded on configmap 
kubectl create configmap configmap-file-binary -n devops --from-file=configmap-source.png

# From folder (each filename will become one key)
kubectl create configmap configmap-folder -n devops --from-file=configmap-sources



# Expose nodeport on minikube
minikube service -n devops devops-blue-nodeport --url

Nginx Load Balancer

Nginx configuration Ingress annotations

# create blue pods
kubectl apply -f devops-ingress.yml

# create ingress

Ingress Over TLS

Online self-signed SSL generator Or, use OpenSSL

# Generate K8s secret for TLS certificate
kubectl create secret tls api-devops-local-cert --key [path-to-key-file] --cert [path-to-crt-file]

Introducing Helm

# Install nginx ingress controller using helm
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace

Sealed Secret

Full documentation here.

Installing kubeseal

Non Windows Windows. Find kubeseal release. In windows, it might not updated, so you might want to follow this link for up-to-date release. However, installing from source requires go installation. To extract tar.gz file on Windows, use tools like 7zip


# Install sealed secret via helm
helm upgrade --install sealed-secrets sealed-secrets --set-string fullnameOverride=sealed-secrets-controller --repo --namespace kube-system

# Create secret, output it only at terminal (not upload to kubernetes cluster)
kubectl create secret generic my-secret -n devops -o yaml --dry-run=client --from-file [path to my-config-file.yml]

# Port forward the sealed secret service to port 8899
kubectl port-forward -n kube-system service/sealed-secrets-controller 8899:8080

# Download public certificate
kubeseal --controller-name=sealed-secrets-controller --controller-namespace=kube-system --fetch-cert > mycert.pem

# Seal the secret using kubeseal
kubeseal -flag < [path-to-input-secret-file] > [path-to-output-sealed-secret-file]

# Example, output is yml file format, using mycert.pem public certificate
kubeseal --cert mycert.pem -o yaml < my-secret-file.yml > my-sealed-secret-file.yml

# Apply the sealed secret
kubectl apply -f my-sealed-secret-file.yml

Resource Monitoring - Metrics Server

# Delete minikube cluster
minikube delete

# Restart using workaround to enable resource monitor
minikube start --extra-config=kubelet.housekeeping-interval=10s

# Enable metrics server
minikube addons enable metrics-server

# Enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress

Resource Monitoring - Kube Prometheus Stack

NOTE : Kube prometheus stack might not works on local kubernetes (like minikube)

Official documentation

# Enable metrics server
minikube addons enable metrics-server

# Enable ingress
minikube addons enable ingress

# Installing kube-prometheus-stack via helm, with additional parameters. 
# Run this in folder monitoring-kube-prometheus
helm upgrade --install my-kube-prometheus-stack --repo kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --create-namespace --values values-monitoring.yaml

# Tunneling
# Access via localhost/grafana    localhost/prometheus    localhost/alertmanager
minikube tunnel

# ----------------------------------------
# Alternative (expose via port-forward)
# Prometheus at localhost:9000
kubectl port-forward service/my-kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus -n monitoring 9090:9090

# Grafana at localhost:3000
kubectl port-forward service/my-kube-prometheus-stack-grafana -n monitoring 3000:80

# Alert manager at localhost:9093
kubectl port-forward service/my-kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager -n monitoring 9093:9093

Monitoring Ingress Nginx

# Fresh start - delete minikube cluster
minikube delete

# Fresh start - restart using workaround to enable resource monitor
minikube start --extra-config=kubelet.housekeeping-interval=10s

# 1. Disable minikube ingress
minikube addons disable ingress

# 2. Enable metrics server
minikube addons enable metrics-server

# 3. Install nginx ingress controller using helm
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace

# 4. Install kube-prometheus-stack using helm
helm upgrade --install my-kube-prometheus-stack --repo kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --create-namespace

# 5. Upgrade nginx installation. Run on folder monitoring-ingress-nginx
helm upgrade ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --values values-ingress-nginx.yml

# Optional : Check that nginx configured
helm get values ingress-nginx --namespace ingress-nginx

# 6. Upgrade kube-prometheus installation. Run on folder monitoring-ingress-nginx
helm upgrade my-kube-prometheus-stack kube-prometheus-stack --repo --namespace monitoring --values values-kube-prometheus.yml

# Optional : Check that prometheus is configured
helm get values my-kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring

# 7. Apply the deployment sample
kubectl apply -f devops-monitoring.yml

# 8. Tunneling
# Access via localhost/grafana    localhost/prometheus
minikube tunnel

Ingress Nginx Combination

Official Documentation

# Fresh start - delete minikube cluster
minikube delete

# Fresh start - restart using workaround to enable resource monitor
minikube start --extra-config=kubelet.housekeeping-interval=10s

# Generate K8s secret for TLS certificate
kubectl create secret tls api-devops-local-cert -n devops --key [path-to-key-file] --cert [path-to-crt-file]

# 1. Install nginx ingress controller using helm
helm upgrade --install my-ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace

# 2. Apply the deployment sample
kubectl apply -f ingress-combination-deployment.yml

# 3. Apply ingress
kubectl apply -f ingress-combination-ingress.yml

# 4. Tunneling
# Access via localhost/grafana    localhost/prometheus
minikube tunnel

# 5. Apply nginx config for request / response custom header
kubectl apply -f ingress-combination-nginx-configmap-headers.yml
kubectl apply -f ingress-combination-nginx-configmap-config.yml

# 6. restart nginx
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n ingress-nginx my-ingress-nginx-controller

# Monitoring - 1. Enable metrics server
minikube addons enable metrics-server

# Monitoring - 2. Install kube-prometheus-stack using helm
helm upgrade --install my-kube-prometheus-stack --repo kube-prometheus-stack --namespace monitoring --create-namespace

# Monitoring - 3. Upgrade nginx installation
helm upgrade my-ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --values values-ingress-nginx.yml

# Monitoring - 4. Upgrade kube-prometheus installation
helm upgrade my-kube-prometheus-stack kube-prometheus-stack --repo --namespace monitoring --values values-kube-prometheus.yml


# Enable metrics server
minikube addons enable metrics-server

# Apply the deployment sample
kubectl apply -f devops-autoscaling.yml

# Apply Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
kubectl apply -f devops-hpa.yml

# Examine HPA (migh take times for metric update)
kubectl get hpa -n devops

Stateful Set

kubectl port-forward -n devops devops-stateful-set-main-0 9110:8111
kubectl port-forward -n devops devops-stateful-set-main-1 9111:8111
kubectl port-forward -n devops devops-stateful-set-main-2 9112:8111

Stateful Set on Practice

helm upgrade --install my-rabbitmq rabbitmq --repo  --namespace rabbitmq --create-namespace --values values-rabbitmq.yml

The URL is http://rabbitmq.local/rabbitmq/ (it has / at the end)

kubectl port-forward -n rabbitmq my-rabbitmq-0 9220:15672
kubectl port-forward -n rabbitmq my-rabbitmq-1 9221:15672
kubectl port-forward -n rabbitmq my-rabbitmq-2 9222:15672

Namespace Quota

ResourceQuota reference

Private Repository

# Create secret for dockerhub
kubectl create secret docker-registry dockerhub-secret --docker-server= --docker-username=[your-username] --docker-password=[your-password] --docker-email=[your-email]

Helm Spring Boot Rest API 01

Helm template tricks & tips Helm template best practice Go template language

# Run these on folder helm-charts

# [Optional] Render helm template
helm template helm-yellow-01 spring-boot-rest-api --namespace devops --create-namespace --values ..\kubernetes\helm-spring-boot-rest-api-01\values-spring-boot.yml

# Install helm release
helm upgrade --install helm-yellow-01 spring-boot-rest-api --namespace devops --create-namespace --values ..\kubernetes\helm-spring-boot-rest-api-01\values-spring-boot.yml

# list helm
helm list -n devops

Helm Chartmuseum (Spring Boot REST API 02)

# Create chartmuseum username & password using secret
kubectl apply -f secret-chartmuseum.yml

# Install chartmuseum on helm
helm upgrade --install my-chartmuseum chartmuseum --repo  --namespace chartmuseum --create-namespace --values values-chartmuseum.yml

# Package chart as tgz to be uploaded
helm package spring-boot-rest-api

# Create release spring-boot-rest-api from local chartmuseum, use chart version 0.1.0
helm upgrade --install helm-yellow-02 spring-boot-rest-api --repo http://chartmuseum.local/chartmuseum --username chartmuseum --password password --namespace devops --create-namespace --version 0.1.0 --values values-spring-boot.yml

Helm Spring Boot Rest API 03

# Install helm release (values.yml + values-dev.yml)
helm upgrade --install helm-blue-03 spring-boot-rest-api --repo http://chartmuseum.local/chartmuseum --username chartmuseum --password password --namespace devops --create-namespace --version 0.1.0 --values values.yml --values values-dev.yml 

# Install helm release (values.yml + values-prod.yml)
helm upgrade --install helm-blue-03 spring-boot-rest-api --repo http://chartmuseum.local/chartmuseum --username chartmuseum --password password --namespace devops --create-namespace --version 0.1.0 --values values.yml --values values-prod.yml 

Helm Github As Repository (Spring Boot REST API 03)

helm upgrade --install helm-blue-03-github spring-boot-rest-api --repo https://[username][repository-name]/ --namespace devops --create-namespace --version 0.1.0 --values values.yml --values values-dev.yml 

Multiple Helm Charts (Spring Boot REST API 04)

# Update chart dependencies (run on folder which contains Chart.yaml)
helm dependency update

# Run chart with dependencies (run on folder which contains values.yml and values-dev.yml)
helm upgrade --install helm-blue-04 chart-with-dependencies --namespace devops --create-namespace --values values.yml --values values-dev.yml 


# Install argocd
helm upgrade --install my-argocd argo-cd --repo --namespace argocd --create-namespace --values values-argocd.yml

Create github personal access token

Tips ArgoCD

Notification User management

ArgoCD Sensitive Data

The yaml references available on folder kubernetes-istio-docs/devops-app-deployment

kubeseal --controller-name=sealed-secrets-controller --controller-namespace=kube-system --fetch-cert > mycert.pem

# Example, output is yml file format, using mycert.pem public certificate
kubeseal --cert mycert.pem -o yaml < devops-secret-plain.yml > devops-secret-sealed.yml



# Install reloader
helm upgrade --install my-reloader reloader --repo --namespace reloader --create-namespace

# Sealed secret certificate
kubeseal --controller-name=sealed-secrets-controller --controller-namespace=kube-system --fetch-cert > mycert.pem

# Seal the secret
kubeseal --cert mycert.pem -o yaml < devops-reloader-secret-plain.yml > devops-reloader-secret-sealed.yml

# Apply the sealed secret
kubectl apply -f devops-reloader-secret-sealed.yml

# Apply configmap
kubectl apply -f devops-reloader-configmap.yml

# Apply deployment
kubectl apply -f devops-reloader-deployment.yml

CRD (Custom Resource Definition)


Cert Manager

helm upgrade --install cert-manager cert-manager --repo --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --set installCRDs="true"

East-West Traffic

Blue API documentation

Istio : Kube-Prometheus

# Install kube-prometheus
helm upgrade --install kube-prometheus-stack --repo kube-prometheus-stack --namespace istio-system --create-namespace --values values-kube-prometheus.yml

Istio : Nginx

# nginx
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx --repo --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace --values values-ingress-nginx.yml

Istio : Basic

Istio homepage Istio Installation guide

# Istio base & CRD
helm upgrade --install istio-base base --repo --namespace istio-system --create-namespace

# Istio daemon (istiod)
helm upgrade --install istiod istiod --repo --namespace istio-system --create-namespace

# Scrape istio metrics
kubectl apply -f istio-scrape.yml

# Deployment apply
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-basic-deployment-1.0.0.yml

Istio : Enable Sidecar Injection

# add label to namespace
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-enable-sidecar.yml

# dummy pod
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-dummy-blue.yml

# restart existing deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops

# remove dummy pod
kubectl delete -f devops-istio-dummy-blue.yml

Istio : Kiali

Kiali homepage Kiali yml configuration

# Kiali Server
helm upgrade --install kiali-server kiali-server --repo --namespace istio-system --create-namespace --values values-kiali-server.yml

Istio : Jaeger

# Need to install certmanager
helm upgrade --install cert-manager cert-manager --repo --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --set installCRDs="true"

# create namespace
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-jaeger-namespace.yml

# Create jaeger operator
# Latest version, google with keyword : install kubernetes operator
# wait for operator to complete
kubectl apply -f -n observability

# Install simple jaeger
kubectl apply -f install-jaeger-simple.yml

# Update istiod, send 100% trace to jaeger
helm upgrade istiod istiod --repo --namespace istio-system --values values-istiod-after-jaeger.yml

# apply deployment
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-basic-deployment-1.0.1.yml

Istio : Open Telemetry

# Make sure cert-manager already installed
helm upgrade --install cert-manager cert-manager --repo --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --set installCRDs="true"

# Install open telemetry operator
kubectl apply -f

# Install open telemetry objects
kubectl apply -f devops-open-telemetry.yml

# Deploy application with open telemetry sidecar
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-basic-deployment-1.0.0-otel.yml

Prometheus, Grafana, Istio

# Port forward application
kubectl port-forward -n devops [istio-otel-deployment-blue-pod-name] 8111:8111

# Port forward istio
kubectl port-forward -n devops [istio-otel-deployment-blue-pod-name] 15020:15020

URL for prometheus:

Securing Kiali

# Create service account token
kubectl apply -f kiali-sa-token.yml

# Use token auth
helm upgrade --install kiali-server kiali-server --repo --namespace istio-system --create-namespace --values values-kiali-server-secure.yml

Istio : Traffic Routing

Clear all deployment (pod, service, ingress) on devops namespace, then apply below

# 1.0.0
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-routing-1.0.0.yml

# 1.0.1 (additional pod)
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-routing-1.0.1.yml

# Service & Ingress
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-routing-service.yml

Istio : Nginx Combination

  • Clear all deployment (pod, service, ingress) on devops namespace, then apply below.
  • Clear all istio objects (virtual service, destination rule)
# sidecar injection
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-nginx-namespace.yml

# restart ingress
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n ingress-nginx

# Deployment & Service
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-nginx.yml

# Ingress
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-nginx-ingress.yml

Istio : Load Balancer

Istio Destination Rule

  • Clear all deployment (pod, service, ingress) on devops namespace, then apply below.
  • Clear all istio objects (virtual service, destination rule)
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-load-balancer.yml

Istio : Canary Release

  • Clear all deployment (pod, service, ingress) on devops namespace, then apply below.
  • Clear all istio objects (virtual service, destination rule)
# 1.0.0
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-canary-1.0.0.yml

# 1.0.1 (new white pod)
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-canary-1.0.1.yml

# Service & Ingress
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-canary-service.yml

Istio : Canary Release

  • Clear all deployment (pod, service, ingress) on devops namespace, then apply below.
  • Clear all istio objects (virtual service, destination rule)
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-dark-launching.yml

Istio : VirtualService

Istio VirtualService official documentation

Istio : DestinationRule

Istio DestinationRule official documentation

Istio : Retry

Use this on VirtualService.spec.retryOn : 5xx,400,401,403,404,405,406,408,413,415,429,431

Istio : Circuit Breaker

Istio : Mutual TLS

# Modify namespace (enable / disable sidecar) & apply the file
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-mtls-deployment.yml

# Modify tls mode and apply
kubectl apply -f devops-istio-mtls-mode.yml

# Reload deployment on namespaces after namespace modification
kubectl rollout restart deployment -n ingress-nginx

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops-blue

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops-yellow

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops-white

kubectl apply -f devops-istio-mtls-deployment.yml

kubectl apply -f devops-istio-mtls-mode.yml

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n ingress-nginx

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops-blue

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops-yellow

kubectl rollout restart deployment -n devops-white