Welcome to the RepSnapper Manual, although currently a work in progress this guide aims to help you install and use your RepSnapper software.
Contact Info
Irc channel: #repsnapper at irc://chat.freenode.net
Timothy Schmidt Version
Current development of Repsnapper is happening in Timothy Schmidt’s repository at the following URLs.
Kulitorum version
For historical reasons we leave here the links to the old svn version that developed by Kulitorum, this version is now unmaintained and commits go into the Timothy Schmidt version (as of ~ October 5th, 2010)
SVN history: http://cia.vc/stats/project/RepSnapper
Bug tracker: http://bugs.kulitorum.com
There are currently no Repsnapper binaries pre-built for Linux. However, installation from source is relatively simple. If you’d like to package Repsnapper for your Linux distribution, please let us know!
Download the latest version of Repsnapper for Windows http://www.kulitorum.com/RepSnapperBeta.rar (Kulitorums version of the code in git) This is older (svn r353), but should work with tonokip and FiveD: here. Older unofficial releases are available here and here.
David Buzz has posted binaries for OS X here.
Although RepSnapper is not generally tested outside of windows/linux/mac you may be able to get it running on other OSs. To do so you will need the following:
Install dependencies:
sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential fluid libgtk2.0-dev libfltk1.1 libfltk1.1-dev libglut3 libglut3-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libconfig++8-dev libconfig8-dev
sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential fluid libgtk2.0-dev libfltk1.1 libfltk1.1-dev libglut3 libglut3-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libconfig++8-dev libconfig8-dev
sudo apt-get install git-core build-essential fluid libgtk2.0-dev libfltk1.1 libfltk1.1-dev libglut3 libglut3-dev libboost1.40-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libconfig++8-dev libconfig8-dev
su yum install git fltk-fluid gtk2-devel fltk-devel fltk freeglut freeglut-devel boost-devel boost-thread boost-system gcc-c++ gcc binutils make libconfig-devel libconfig exit
sudo zypper install fltk-devel freeglut-devel boost-devel
Acquire source and compile:
git clone git://github.com/timschmidt/repsnapper.git -b repsnapper-1.1.x cd repsnapper/src make
Executable (repsnapper) will be left in the src folder. Currently there is no install rule.
Install XCode.
Install MacPorts
Run from a terminal window:
sudo port install fltk glut libconfig-hr boost
Acquire source and compile:
git clone git://github.com/timschmidt/repsnapper.git -b repsnapper-1.1.x cd repsnapper/src make
Executable (repsnapper) will be left in the src folder. Currently there is no install rule.
- Connect to printer
Establishes communications between the PC and the main board.
- Port
Manually selects the serial communication port that you want to talk across.
- Speed
The serial communications baud rate. Typically 19200 - must however match the setting in your firmware. For example in the latest svn firmware the baud is 57600 by default in configuration.h the value in repsnapper must match this value.
- Load STL
Loads an STL file
- Convert to GCode
Converts the STL to GCode
- Load GCode
Loads previously generated GCode file
Starts printing
- Calibrate
Not yet implemented
- Load STL
Loads an STL file
- Save STL
Not yet implemented
- Fix STL errors
Presumably makes the structure water tight and aligns all surface normals.
- Save Settings
Saves all configuration settings. The configuration settings are stored in a file called repsnapper.conf
Repsnapper stores the setttings file the current working directory (So If you start repsnapper in a different working directory don’t be surprised if all the settings are back to defaults) This will hopefully be rectified soon. |
- Load Settings
Loads configuration settings from a file.
- Save Settings As
Saves configuration settings in a file of your choice.
- Delete
Deletes the selected STL from the current working area.
- Duplicate
Creates a copy of the selected object. Useful for printing several items of the same object.
- Translate, Rotate and Scale
If an STL object is first selected in the browser, this will alter the part for creating gcode. Object Name, File location, File type and file material Name a file system and document the contents.
- Object rotation
Selects the plane to rotate the object about. GCode generation is affected by final object placement. Also useful when loading several STL files.
- Shell Only - no infill
Generates path information for only the outermost layer of an object. When printed, the object will be hollow.
- Shell Count
Number of passes around the perimeter of an object, before starting infill.
- Rotation
Degrees to rotate the first infill layer.
- Infill Rotation per Layer
Degrees to rotate each successive infill layer.
- Infill Distance
Distance between each filament of infill - measured in extruded material widths.
- Alternate Infill Layers
- Raft Enable
Select this option to print a "raft" on the build surface before printing your desired object. May help alleviate problems with uneven build surfaces.
- Shrinking Algorithm
Algorithm used to slice objects and generate printing path.
- Optimization
- Larger than objects
Number of millimeters by which the raft should be larger than the base of the printed object.
- Number of base/interface layers
Base layers adhere to the build surface and reduce the effect of surface irregularities. Interface layers come in contact with the printed object and should be easy to break off after printing.
- Material per distance ratio
The amount of plastic to extrude for this layer is determined by multiplying the normal extrusion speed by this value.
- Rotation
Rotation in degrees between layers.
- Distance between lines
Distance, in extruded material widths, between lines.
- Thickness Ratio
- Temperature ratio
The normal printing temperature is multiplied by this ratio to determine the temperature used while printing the raft.
- Build volume
Maximum build envelope of the printer.
- Print margin
Offset to move from the printer’s starting position before beginning print.
- Use incremental ecode
Enable this option when using "5D" firmware.
- Use 3D Gcode
Enable this option when using Makerbot firmware (or if you use the M101/M103 commands for tool control)
- Extruded material width
Width of the extrude material, in millimeters.
- Extrusion multiplier
Allows calibration of the extruder without having to adjust E_STEPS_PER_MM in the firmware.
- Layer thickness
Distance between printed layers, in millimeters.
- Min print speed XY
Minimum print speed for the X and Y axes, in millimeters per minute.
- Max print speed XY
Maximum print speed for the X and Y axes, in millimeters per minute.
- Min print speed Z
Minimum print speed for the Z axis, in millimeters per minute.
- Max print speed Z
Maximum print speed for the Z axis, in millimeters per minute.
- Enable antiooze retraction
Enable this option to retract filament by a set amount before each move, reducing unwanted extrusion.
- Distance to retract filament
Distance to retract filament — measured in millimeters of extrusion, not millimeters of filament.
- Speed to retract filament
Speed to retract filament, measured in millimeters per minute.
- Enable Acceleration
Enable this option to begin each movement at Min print speed XY, and slowly accellerate up to Max print speed XY.
- Distance used to read full speed
Distance to accelerate over, measured in millimeters.
- Buffer size on printer
Number of commands the printer is able to buffer in it’s memory.
- Port
Manually selects the serial communication port that you want to talk across.
- Speed
The serial communications baud rate. Typically 19200 - must however match the setting in your firmware. For example in the latest svn firmware the baud is 57600 by default in configuration.h the value in repsnapper must match this value.
- Validate connection
Here you can create, save, load and/or edit the GCode.
Using the tabs, you can manually enter some GCode, that will be "injected" into the resulting GCode, when you press the Convert to GCode button.
- Convert to GCode
Slices the object(s) in the current working area, and generates the necessary GCode to print that object.
- Load Gcode
Loads a previously generated Gcode file.
- Save GCode
Saves generated GCode to a file.
You can generate quite useful and very printable GCode using the default settings of RepSnapper.
There are however also a host of user changeable settings that will alter/adjust the generation of GCode. On this page you should get introduced to some of these options.
code options to set at the beginning of the print process, like 0-position, default print temperature and more
You will almost certainly want to change the value on the line that sets temperature, or remove it if you set the temperature before starting your print.
When you first open RepSnapper this is what is in the tab:
; GCode generated by RepSnapper by Kulitorum G21 ;metric is good! G90 ;absolute positioning T0 ;select new extruder G28 ;go home G92 E0 ;set extruder home M104 S200.0 ;set temperature to 200.0 G1 X20 Y20 F500 ;Move away from 0.0, so we use the same reset (in the layer code) for each layer
In Labitat.dk the Workhorse Mendel uses this in the Start tab
; GCode generated by RepSnapper by Kulitorum G21 ;metric is good! G90 ;absolute positioning T0 ;select new extruder ;G28 ;go home - does not work with current version of Tonokip Firmware (oct 2010) G92 X0 Y0 Z0 E0 ;set home to current location of the nozzle M104 S215 ;set temperature (heating units - NOT actual degree centigrade) G1 X20 Y20 F500 ;Move away from 0.0, so we use the same reset (in the layer code) for each layer
something to do at the end of a print, like turning the heater off
When you first open RepSnapper this is what is in the tab:
G1 X0 Y0 F2000.0 ;feed for start of next move M104 S0.0 ;Heater off
- Connect to printer
Initiates communication between Repsnapper and the printer. If already connected, pressing this button will reset the printer.
- Power on
Starts sending the GCode from the "Result" tab under the "GCode" tab to the ptiner.
- Pause
Pauses communication with the printer.
- Kick
- Fan on
Sends the M106 / M107 codes to the printer to toggle the fan on / off respectively.
- Voltage
- Errors
Toggles the logging of communications errors.
- Info
- Echo
Toggles echoing of all commands sent to the printer.
- GCode send
Text entry field allowing user to manually send individual commands to the printer.
- Jog pannel
A matrix of buttons allowing the user to manually jog the printer set distances along each of it’s axes. The topmost row controls the X axis, followed by the Y axis, with the bottom most row controlling the Z axis.
- Temperature update interval
Number of seconds between sending the M105 command to the printer to check the extruder temperature.
- Switch heat on
Sends M104 command to the printer, with Target Temp as the argument.
- Current temp
Current extruder temperature, as reported by the M105 command.
- Target temp
Target extruder temperature, in degrees Celcius, sent to the printer when "Switch heat on" button is pressed.
- Run extruder
Jogs extruder in the direction set by the Reverse toggle button, distance set by the Length slider, at the speed set by the Speed slider.
- Reverse
Toggles extruder direction.
- Speed
Speed to jog extruder, in millimeters / minute of extruded material.
- Length
Length to jog extruder, in millimeters of extruded material
- Downstream speed multiplier
- Downstream extrusion multiplier
- Custom buttons
These buttons do nothing by default, but can be assigned custom strings of GCode to be sent to the printer when clicked.
- Communication log
- Errors / warnings
- Echo
- Auto scroll
- Log Files
- Clear logs when print starts
- Clear logs now
Clears the log window immediately
To run repsnapper on
- windows
double click the repsnapper.exe file within the repsnapper/src directory
- linux
type repsnapper/src/repsnapper into the console window.
type repsnapper/src/repsnapper into the console window.
After launching the repsnapper application you are presented with the main window of the application
On the left is the 3D view and on the right is the configuration and control panel. Loading an STL
To load an STL into the 3D view
click on the tab labeled Input file and
press the Load STL button. In revision prior to ??? you are presented with a Fluid file browsing dialog. In later versions you will be presented with your standard operating systems file browse dialog. Choose the STL that you wish to load and click OK.
The 3D view should now display your STL. Use this button to pull in a facet file to process into Gcode.
If repsnapper crashes at this point you might have an STL file that is "Bad Input" try converting it to binary using ./ivcon file.stl file.stlb and loading the binary version into repsnapper instead. you can get ivcon here. Compile using gcc -lm ivcon.c -o ivcon |
Viewing the STL Viewing STL in repsnapper
Once an STL is loaded you can rotate, translate and/or scale the view in the 3D viewer so as to see what the object looks like, doing so will not effect the print its mearly for viewing purposes.
To rotate the view of the STL hold down the left mouse button and drag.
To translate the view the STL hold down the left and right mouse button and drag.
To scale the view the STL hold down the right mouse button and drag, or turn the wheel on your mouse.
Note: the grid shows your build platform / printing area Working with STL
Once an STL is loaded, you can move it to further onto the build platform, rotate it and scale it. You can also duplicate it and load additional STL files onto the build platform.
To move the STL, first select it on the browser, then tab to the translate box and enter absolute values into the X and Y fields. You can also drag the object by left-click-hold in the X or Y box then dragging it with the mouse. Apparently changing the Z value is not recommended.
Duplicate adds another copy of the STL beside the first.
Convert to GCode Repsnapper displaying GCode
Converting to GCode is a simple process,
click the GCode tab and
press the Convert to GCode button.
You can generate quite useful and very printable GCode using the default settings of RepSnapper. There are however also a host of user changeable settings that will alter/adjust the generation of GCode, see RepSnapper Manual: Setting GCode options for details. Print
To send the GCode to a FiveD GCode compatible printer:
open the Print tab, and
click the Connect to printer button. (you set com-port and speed in "Simple tab")
Check the Communication Log tab to make sure the printer has connected and is receiving temperature signals from the Extruder Controller.
Set the extruder target temperature, by editing the "Target Temp" field, and
click "Switch Heat on" to turn on the extruder heater.
once the target temp has been met, you may want to try to extrude a bit, to make sure the extruder is fully loaded and ready to print.
To start printing
click the Print button. This starts sending commands to the printer for execution.
Below the author describes the things he had to do to get repsnapper (V333, dated 14-08-2010) working to the point where he could finish a print of a test block. Firmware used was Tonokip’s firmware running on an Arduino Mega with Pololu stepper drivers. Firmware
Make sure your Arduino config file is accurate. Test movement lengths with a ruler to be sure.
you can do this from repsnapper. (See appendix A to see how to manually control your bot from repsnapper)
Printer definition
Make sure 'extruded material width' matches the extruded filament diameter.
Extrusion multiplyer determines how fast your extruder goes at a given print speed… This parameter is the one to fiddle, to set your stretch.
Max printspeed is the speed that repsnapper will command the axes to move. Too fast and you will strip your filament or stall your extruder.
Turn acceleration off. Make sure Use Incremental ecode is on
Print options
infill Distance was set quite small, I changed it up to 1.8mm
Turned off Raft for the test blocks.
Start tab
Cleared the text out of the other tabs, knowing that the steppers are skipping steps is a good thing at the beginning.
Appendix A.
Everything happens from the Print tab when you want to manually control your bot.
To get working for the first time, you must make a connection.. make sure the USB is plugged into the arduino, and that the arduino software is not using the virtual serial port.
make sure you have the correct serial port selected in the Printer Definition tab, and the speeds set to a reasonable number.
Select 'Connect to printer' (should be lit)
You can check your connection by selecting the communication log tab on the 'Print' page. From 'Communication Log', select 'Communication Log, again and see that commands are being acknowledged…
you can eventually skip this step by making sure that your temperature is being updated.
Go back to the 'interactive control' tab.
You can execute a line of gcode by putting the cursor into the 'GCode' box and pressing enter, or the 'send' button.
You can jog all three of your axes by hitting one of the numbered buttons.. -100 on the top line will move the X axis 100 mm (or inches! if you are set up for inches) in the home direction…
(you may want to re-visit your arduino config file and reverse an axis or two if things move in the wrong direction).
middle line is Y axis, Bottom line is Z axis…
Pressing home will cause that axis to run in the minus direction until it reaches an endstop.
'Home All' is not supported in Tonokip's firmware.
Clicking 'Switch Heat On' will cause your extruder to start to heat up. It will try to get to the set 'Target temp'.
If you change the target temp, you must deselect switch heat off, then on again for it to register.
To run the extruder, once at temperature, set the speed slider (in mm/minute ?), the length (in mm ?) and click the 'Run extruder' button. It will run for the distance specified in 'Length'.
to run it again, you click 'Run Extruder' again, it will de-select, but the motor will run anyways.
Even if you have a working machine, it can be usefult to emulate a serial connection to see what the firmware would see. Using socat (install from your distro repos as usual). For the simplest case, issue "socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 readline" in a terminal. It reports the address to to connect RepSnapper to, (something like /dev/pts/N). You should disable connection validation int the printer settings dialog. If you happen to have a working firmware in a simulator (please share if you do :), then you can use "socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0", which gives two addresses, so you can connect anything to RepSnapper. You could also use another serial terminal app this way.