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MailDev provides an API to use in your Node.js applications.

Basic usage example

const MailDev = require('maildev')

const maildev = new MailDev({
  smtp: 1025 // incoming SMTP port - default is 1025

maildev.listen(function(err) {
  console.log('We can now sent emails to port 1025!')

// Print new emails to the console as they come in
maildev.on('new', function(email){
  console.log('Received new email with subject: %s', email.subject)

// Get all emails
maildev.getAllEmail(function(err, emails){
  if (err) return console.log(err)
  console.log('There are %s emails', emails.length)

Use Maildev as a middleware

We can use maildev within an existing app by giving an additional parameter basePathname to the options object. We use a proxy to redirect all maildev requests to the maildev app.

Here is an exemple to achieve this:

const express = require('express')
const proxyMiddleware = require('http-proxy-middleware')
const MailDev = require('maildev')
const app = express()

// some business with the existing app

// Define a route for the base path
const maildev = new MailDev({
  basePathname: '/maildev'

// Maildev now running on localhost:1080/maildev
maildev.listen(function (err) {
  console.log('We can now sent emails to port 1025!')

// proxy all maildev requests to the maildev app
const proxy = proxyMiddleware('/maildev', {
  target: `http://localhost:1080`,
  ws: true,

// Maildev available at the specified route '/maildev'

The maildev app will be running at http://localhost:1080/maildev but we'll be able to reach it directly from our existing webapp via the specified route we defined localhost:3000/maildev

Relay emails

MailDev can relay a given email to the given "to" address. This example will relay every email sent to "":

const MailDev = require('maildev')

const maildev = new MailDev({
  outgoingHost: '',
  outgoingUser: '',
  outgoingPass: '********'


// Print new emails to the console as they come in
maildev.on('new', function (email) {
  if ( === '') {
      .then(()=> console.log('Email has been relayed!') )

API methods

All callbacks follow the Node error-first pattern, ex. function(err, data){...

listen(callback) - Starts the smtp server

close(callback) - Stops the smtp server

getEmail(id): Promise - Accepts email id, returns email object

getRawEmail(id): Promise - Returns a readable stream of the raw email

getAllEmail(callback): Promise<Mail[]> - Returns array of all email

deleteEmail(id): Promise - Deletes a given email by id

deleteAllEmail(): Promise - Deletes all email and their attachments

getEmailAttachment(id, filename): Promise - Returns the specific attachment

relayMail(id): Promise - If configured, this will relay/send the given email to it's "to" address. Also accepts an email object instead of id.

setAutoRelayMode(enabled, email, rules) - If relay configured, this will auto relay/send emails received to it's "to" address. The rules allows to filters the emails to send.

Event Methods

When receiving an email two events are emitted with the subject being new and the return value of the mailEventSubjectMapper parameter which by default select the first recipient.


The close and delete event subjects are reserved and cannot be used to wait for emails.

next(subject): Promise - Promised with the next received email with matching event subject.

iterator(subject): AsyncIterator - Generator to iterate over received email with matching event subject. Use an internal array to store received email even when not consumming. Don't forget to use .return() to close it.

buffer(subject): MailBuffer - Return a struct which store received emails. Then (Mail) => boolean ) allows to wait for a specific Mail independant of the order of arrival.


on('new', callback) - Event called when a new email is received. Callback receives single mail object.

once('new', callback) - Add a one time event called when a new email is received. Callback receives single mail object.

off('new', callback) - Alias for removeListener()

prependListener('new', callback) - Event called when a new email is received. Callback receives single mail object. Add the listener to the beginning of the listeners array.

prependOnceListener('new', callback) - Add a one time event called when a new email is received. Callback receives single mail object. Add the listener to the beginning of the listeners array.

removeListener('new', callback) - Remove the previously added event listener (at most once).

removeAllListeners('new') - Removes all listeners, or those of the specified eventName.