% Notes (from doc)
ga | Caracter value, in unicode, ascii, hex octal |
s | cl: Change one char |
C | c$: Change full line |
S | ^C: Change line the end |
paste next line at the end of current | |
redraw screen | |
8g8 | see if some invalid utf8 char |
gw i | indent filter: like gq but not moving cursor |
zt | (zm, zb) puts current line to top of screen |
z. | or zz puts current line to center of screen |
zb | puts current line to bottom of screen |
:jumps | Display jump list |
1 Nice | |
% | Matching bracket |
Next location, insert position | |
Previous (older) location | |
'. | To last inserted text |
_ or ^ | move to first (non blank caracter) |
gi | Insert at last modified position |
gI | Insert at col 1 |
-, + | Insert at first non blank char at [count] lines before or after |
gx | xRef (html on browser) |
gd, gD | Local(function), Global (file) declaration (no syntax) |
[I | include-search of a word |
gf | open file name under cursor (SUPER) |
2 Not bad | |
g_ | Last non-blank character of the line |
L M H | Bottom, Middle, Top of screen |
ge | Backward to end of word |
g; and g, | Older and newer changes |
3 Keys | |
( , ) | One sentence (sentences starts with .) |
{ , } | One paragraph |
fx | Next occurrence of character x |
tx | Before next occurrence of character |
Note: Capital letters and some chars are much rarer. | |
spot them |
i<c-h> |
Delete Char |
i<c-w> |
Delete Word |
i<c-u> |
Delete Line |
i<c-v><c-m> |
Carriage return for windows |
i<c-k>c1 c2 |
Insert unicode by digraph |
i<c-t> |
Indent current line |
i<c-d> |
Unindent current line |
i<c-s-u>nnnnnn |
Insert unicode char |
warning: in insert mode delete line | |
Cannot be undone but the content is in the . reg | |
i<c-v>nnn |
Decimal value(with 000 <= nnn <= 255) |
i<c-v>onnn |
Octal (000 <= nnn <= 377) |
i<c-v>Onnn |
i<c-v>xnn |
Hex value (00 <= nn <= FF) |
i<c-v>Xnn |
i<c-v>unnnn |
Hex for BMP unicode codepoint (0000 <= nnnn <= FFFF) |
i<c-v>Unnnnnnnnn |
Hex value for any Unicode codepoint: ^VUnnnnnnnn (with |
00000000 <= nnnnnnnn <= 7FFFFFFF) |
:registers "to view content
:normal @a " to run macro a from ex command
:g/vim/ normal @a " run a for lines containing vim
:call setreg('"', @", 'V')
" the inverse fct is getreg
" After that you will be back to command line editing, but it has inserted the contents of the 58th line.
:g/^foo/y A,
:g/bar/y A,
:let @+ = @a . " Copy all lines beginning with foo, and afterwards all lines containing bar to clipboard, chain these commands: qaq (resets the a register storing an empty macro inside it),
:let @" = expand("%:p")
"put in the unamed register the full path
:let @b = substitute(@a,'\_s*\(.\{-}\)\_s*$','\1','')
" this give the output in reg b
:%y+. "Copy the entire buffer to the system clipboard of the file
a | Named register |
A | Append |
" | Unamed register is the uname reg, everything going to a reg also go to this one |
_ | is the black hole register, empty when reading but writable. |
everything going to it go to /dev/null to avoid erase the standar register | |
when deleting something | |
- | the small delete (lesss than one line for example thing you delete with 3x |
. | last inserted text |
% | filename |
: | command |
/ | search |
= | expression # to take the result of an arbitrary expression |
+ | and * are for interface with system clipboard "maybe install vimx |
# | name od atlernate file |
Create | |
zf | Operator to create fold |
zf10j, zf/string, zf'a | |
Move | |
zj | To the next fold. |
zk | To the previous fold. |
]z | To end of open fold. |
[z | To start of open fold. |
Change | |
zo, zO | Opens a (all) fold at the cursor. |
zc, zC | Close (all) |
zm | Increases the foldlevel by one. |
zM | Closes all open folds. |
zr | Decreases the foldlevel by one. |
zR | Decreases the foldlevel to zero -- all folds will be open. |
zd | Deletes the fold at the cursor. |
zE | Deletes all folds. |
:syn match comment "\v(^\s*//.*\n)+" fold
set "foldtext" " witch show what you see when folded
:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=empty(getline(v:lnum))?'=':indent(v:lnum)/4
:t$ | Copy current line to the end |
:# | Display current line number |
:& | Repeat last substitue |
:42 | Jump to line 42, as does typing 42G. |
:e . | Edit: Open integrated explorer |
:#n and :#<n Are replaced by file buffer n or oldfiles n
runtime! ftplugin/man.vim :Man 3 printf :h find-manpage
:argdel * Delete the existing argument list :bufdo argadd % For each buffer, add the buffer's path to the list :1,1000bd Delete buffers 1 to 1000; probably there's a better way to do this :argdo e For each argument, edit that argument :bufhiden Can unload a buffer < then not visible Very cool for scratch buufer (warning they are permanently lost)
set diffopt+=iwhite " ignore spacelines
set diffexpr=
:tab help foo
:!tidy -mi -html -wrap 0 %
:, w filename
:ccl Close it quickfix
VIM: NFA regular expression
Forget me and go to :h pattern (or :h regex) that is super well written. At least for the first chapter
1. Regex |v-regex|
1. Escape Characters |v-escape|
2. Quantifiers Greedy or not |v-quantifier|
2. Search |v-search|
1. Commands |v-search-modifier|
1. Search modifiers |v-search-modifier|
3. Sustitute |v-substitute|
4. Global |v-global|
# 1. Regex
http://vimregex.com/ (Vim Regular Expression 101)
### Escaped caracter or metecaratcter
. any character except new line
\s whitespace character
\S no whitespace (upper case is the opposite)
\d digit
\x hex digit
\o octal digit
\h head of word character (a,b,c...z,A,B,C...Z and _)
\p printable character
\w word character
\a alphabetic character
\l lowercase character
\u uppercase character
/\%x30 Search hexa
/\%^, /\%$ Begining and end of document
/\_. Include newline
\@! To negate ex: /^\(\(^.*cursor.*$\)\@!.*foo.*\)$
### Quantifiers
* matches 0 or more of the preceding characters, ranges or metacharacters .* matches everything including empty line
\+ matches 1 or more of the preceding characters...
\= matches 0 or 1 more of the preceding characters...
\{n,m} matches from n to m of the preceding characters...
\{n} matches exactly n times of the preceding characters...
\{,m} matches at most m (from 0 to m) of the preceding characters...
\{n,} matches at least n of of the preceding characters...
\{-} matches 0 or more of the preceding atom, as few as possible
\{-n,m} matches 1 or more of the preceding characters...
\{-n,} matches at lease or more of the preceding characters...
\{-,m} matches 1 or more of the preceding characters...
where n and m are positive integers (>0)
### Search
``[v``] Reselect paste text
*, # Search current word (backward)
g*, g# Without word delimiter
:noh No hightlight search
/word word from top to bottom
?word word from bottom to top
### Example
\ze \zs Regex start, stop
/jo[ha]n john or joan
/fred\|joe fred or joe
/\<the the, theatre or then
/the\> the or breathe
/\<the\> the
/\<\d\{4}\> exactly 4 digits
/^\n\{3} empty lines
/\cstring Case insensitive
:bufdo /searchstr/ Search in all open files
/\<[A-Z]\+\/ or
/\v<[A-Z]+> or
/\<\u\+\> Find upper case words
### Search modifiers
/joe/e cursor set to End of match
3/joe/e+1 find 3rd joe cursor set to End of match plus 1 [C]
/joe/s-2 cursor set to Start of match minus 2
/joe/+3 find joe move cursor 3 lines down
/.*fred\&.*joe Search for FRED AND JOE in any ORDER!
### Substite
:range s[ubstitute]/pattern/string/cgiI
c Confirm each substitution
g Replace all occurrences in the line (without g - only first).
i Ignore case for the pattern.
I Don't ignore case for the pattern.
:%s//\=@0 replace last search with register 0 content
:& repeat last substitute cmd
g& to make a replacement on all file lines ( equivalent to :%s//~/& (or :%&&)
:%s/\<./\u&/g Sets first letter of each word to uppercase
:%s/\<./\l&/g Sets first letter of each word to lowercase
:%s/.*/\u& Sets first letter of each line to uppercase
:%s/.*/\l& Sets first letter of each line to lowercase
:%!/^#/d Selete lines not begining with #
Match the 21 first numbers like 12232.23 23.23
%s/^/\=line(".") . ". "/g
Substitute all lines by its line number
:4,$s/\d\+/\=submatch(0) + 1/
Add one to every number
<ESC>:%s/.*/\L&/ Tranform everything to lowar case
<ESC>:%s/.*/\U&/ Upper
/\<[A-Z]\+\/ or /\v<[A-Z]+> or /\<\u\+\> # find upper case words
:%s/.*/\L&/ Tranform everything to lowar case
:%s/.*/\U&/ Upper
:%s/\r//g Delete DOS carriage returns (^M)
:%s/\r/\r/g Transform DOS carriage returns in returns
:%s#<[^>]\+>##g Delete HTML tags but keeps text
Delete lines which appears twice
:s:\(\a*\a\):"\1":g \1 is like submatch(1)
:%s/identifying text \zs\d\+\(.\d\+\)\=/\=(1.15+str2float(submatch(0)))/
:%s/pattern \(saved portion\)\zs/\=SaverFunc(submatch(1))[-1]
:%call setline(line('.'),substitute(getline('.'),'foo','bar','g'))
1025,$s:^\(\d\+\.*\d*\)\s\+\(\d*\.*\d*\):\=printf("%f\t%f",submatch(1)/3.0, submatch(2) /3.0)
1025,$s:^\(\d*\)\s\+\(\d*\):\=submatch(1) . "\t" . submatch(2)*200
:s/helo/hello/g 4 Do the substitution in the next 4 lines
:%s/^/\=line('.') . "."/g Substitute all line with its line number
### Range
The '< Vim mark represents the beginning line of a visual region and the '> mark represents the ending line of the visual region
" Integer with - + or nothing in front
syn match celNumber '\d\+'
syn match celNumber '[-+]\d\+'
" Floating point number with decimal no E or e (+,-)
syn match celNumber '\d\+\.\d*'
syn match celNumber '[-+]\d\+\.\d*'
" Floating point like number with E and no decimal point (+,-)
syn match celNumber '[-+]\=\d[[:digit:]]*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+'
syn match celNumber '\d[[:digit:]]*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+'
" Floating point like number with E and decimal point (+,-)
syn match celNumber '[-+]\=\d[[:digit:]]*\.\d*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+'
syn match celNumber '\d[[:digit:]]*\.\d*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+'
POWER of G http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Power_of_g
:v/./,/./-j " delete duplicates
:g/{/ .+1,/}/-1 sort " sort lines betwenn { and }
:g/{/ .+1,/}/-1 > " indeent
:g// " lists all lines containing the last search pattern, and :redir will capture the results.
:g/pattern/m$ " Move EOF
:g/^/m0 " Reverse file
:g/pattern/y A " Yank appending to reg a
:v/string_to_keep/s/.*// "
:g/^/put _ " Double-space your file:
:g/^/-put ='foo'. "Add a line containing foo before each lineThis is
" a clever use of the expression register. Here, - is a synonym for .-1 (cf.
" :help :range). Since :put puts the text after the line, you have to explicitly
" tell it to act on the previous one. aa
v-script.txt Functions, scripts
:help functions :help function-list
:echo expand('<cword>') "return the word under cursor
:echo expand('%:p:h')
:let s=input('where to jump?')
function Func()
exec Func()
call Func()
echo Func()
command! -nargs=1 MyCommand call s:MyFunc(<f-args>) " transform a function to user-command
lcd to cd for current windwo
set formatoptions +=at
call append(line('$'), [variable])
call append(line('$'), split(variable, "\n"))
set autoread
help scrool-cursor
htlp winrestcmd()