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53 lines (46 loc) · 1.41 KB


Competitive coding

module 1:

  1. Quick Sort,Merge Sort.
  2. Order Statistics(Kth smallest/Largest).
  3. Kadane.
  4. Pattern Searching Algorithms(KMP/RabinKarp/Z's)
  5. Sieve,Segmented Sieve.
  6. Modulo Arithmetic.
  7. Matrix Problems.

module offshoot:

  1. Segment Trees
  2. Merge Sort Trees
  3. Binary Search on Segment Trees/Merge Sort Trees
  4. Min Heap Max Heap techniques
  5. Hashing
  6. Binary Exponentiation
  7. Cross Product Problems
  8. Binary Search to find square root
  9. High Level Decomposition
  10. Square Root Decomposition
  11. Euler Tour of Tree

module 2 :

  1. Binary Search and Applications.
  2. Queues & stacks Algorithms and application problems.
  3. Linked Lists algorithms and applications(Searching and Sorting incl merge sort,quick sort etc.)
  4. Binary Trees and related problems. !!
  5. Bit Manipulation. !!

module 3 :

  1. BackTracking - N Queen's Problem.
  2. BackTracking - Knight's Tour
  3. BackTracking - Rat in a Maze
  4. Graph - DFS using adjacency matrix
  5. Graph - DFS using adjacency List
  6. Graph - BFS using adjacency List
  7. Topological Sort

module 4 :

  1. Greedy Algorithm - Fractional Knapsack
  2. Job Sequencing with Deadlines
  3. Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree using Adj Matrix(N2 solution)
  4. Convex Hull - Jarvis March
  5. Segment Tree with Point Update
  6. Binary Heap

module 5 :

  1. Dynamic Programming : Coin Change 2 Leetcode(All possible combinations)
  2. 0-1 Knapsack recursion