1.4.0 (2020-09-28)
- application: add special namespace args (0bb4fdd)
- application: decode application rawvalues (dfba17f)
- application: disuse projectid cookie if no need (6fa5a50)
- application: encode application rawvalues (55a706a)
- application: js format (1d237d5)
- application: project view menu (8a88889)
- application: registry is unrequired (08ee7ef)
- application: send project name header in platform view (eaa7561)
- application: support update dryrun (c800fb2)
- application: update project name judge (3024a1e)
- auth: do not limit field number of g type rules when querying (b0a0e46)
- auth: fix invalid number of tokens when empty strings appear (2863056)
- cluster: fix cronhpa bug (d226bbe)
- cluster: ingress apigroup replacement problem (784b5b6)
- cluster: update kubelet version compare (e12f2d3)
- cluster: vip dnat to k8s-svc-ip before kube-proxy running (70932f9)
- cluster: yaml split error (2ae5ef1)
- console: support another namesapce group (78cffd6)
- console: 修复创建集群时k8s版本未选择也能创建的bug (7e8b10a)
- console: fix corhpa page error (e019a96)
- console: fix CI can't pick up installer web commit (#731) (4acf086)
- console: fix project meterice request header error (#764) (903aa89)
- console: fix some api request error (c825ab3)
- console: hpa.tsx type error (8aa4758)
- console: iat overview page add cluster display name and fix the use rate bug (480924d)
- console: kebeconfig error (935aef7)
- console: peoject platform alarm promethuses support monitor (2749bb2)
- console: remove console (64b357a)
- console: remove unuse import (8eb2757)
- console: send projectid when request app list (edef197)
- console: support dryrun (d9526c3)
- console: update chart upload guide (#747) (70eb8b6)
- console: 修复以下小问题: (73789b4)
- console: 日志采集页面空白报错 (f7a9e8e)
- console: 更换kubectl安装指引地址 (03ad08d)
- console: 添加平台判断,修复平台管理中的namespace下拉框显示错误 (2d7c8b6)
- console: 监控图表异常显示错误 (067166b)
- docker: add component docker file (01f5692)
- docs: add limitaion to api trunking (#683) (58fd4a4)
- docs: add new limitation to api trunking (187112a)
- galaxy: update galaxy version (f3e427b)
- gateway: webtty add project header (#654) (9927d4b)
- install: allowed username and passworld empty (6f455f3)
- install: fix gputype overwrite enableMetricsServer (bd7c237)
- install: fix HA config for master host list failed on UI validation (16c9cdf)
- install: when switch repoType ,set application to false (20d5e75)
- installer: access nodeport cause 63s delay (#710) (6233a91)
- installer: access nodeport cause 63s delay (#715) (8210fcc)
- installer: access nodeport cause 63s delay (#717) (8a10da3)
- installer: add replicas in application and registry (6a64b3a)
- installer: adjust EnsureDisableOffloading order (#721) (7dd0721)
- installer: application api component add repo conf (4c9dbe5)
- installer: apply configmap ignore resourceVersion (be89118)
- installer: choose to install application (3aeb0d7)
- installer: enable-nvidia-device (#676) (1d4dcf8)
- installer: increase-resource (#644) (bd95ba7), closes #579
- installer: miss sysctl.conf (1e99ba3)
- installer: modify enablebusiness (03da2b4)
- installer: modify features repo (9cc4d35)
- installer: skip docker login when no username (515bcc6)
- lint: golangci lint (16d74ca)
- lint: make lint error (591775b)
- logagent: use get to download log file (d7b2b86)
- monitor: decide to reload based on whether clusters are running (402ff1f)
- monitor: set thanos query timeout to 60s (bc09005)
- notify: make value summary more readable (3ffe13d)
- platform: add master toleration for metrics-server (47ab08f)
- platform: add nodeAffinity to bind metrics-server to master (69c14ef)
- platform: implement deployment rollback for 1.16+ cluster (45ddc20)
- platform: update cm from file (b49eee6)
- platform,monitor: add missing labels for kubelet metrics (becb7b6)
- platform,monitor: fix scheduler latency metric for k8s 1.18 (d326f5f)
- registry: add chart version policy (74fddf3)
- registry: chartgroup and chart list in the same page (f714b99)
- registry: disuse projectid cookie if no need (8c5e415)
- registry: exclude dependencies of auth and business component (6e43fbe)
- registry: fix go lint (24714a1)
- registry: modify chart version restapi (71c0ccc)
- registry: modify chart version restapi (15897f6)
- registry: modify registry base url (cb102f4)
- registry: multitenant registry domain (6aee3e2)
- registry: registry url sub (380e873)
- registry: send fuzzy resource name if need (cc5253f)
- registry: support default chartgroup (2e00cf7)
- registry: update chart project args (3e853a0)
- registry: update dependence version to fix a crash bug (f3575ea)
- 修复当cluster版本大于等于1.14时deployment回滚失败 (8a89ece)
- application: support chart and helm (36dfd40)
- application: support chart and helm application (6fbf4a1)
- application: support dryrun (883d4c4)
- cluster: add hpa and cronhpa (1bfca7f)
- cluster: installer support content resource (00225ef)
- cluster: provider can use lister to list clusters (c706d8d)
- cluster: rm lb bcs it doesn't work well in some case (8a552f6)
- console: can enable prometheus in cluster base info page (#759) (df1282e)
- console: add kubeconfig & guide (360fc4e)
- console: project console namespace select support groups (3f46a10)
- console: show chart icon and readme (c45ef42)
- console: support enable metrics server (a08571e)
- console: support helm dryrun (012bda0)
- console: support helm history manifest (#756) (0ad32bf)
- gateway: support component openapi overview (a490cb2)
- install: support enable application (86318de)
- installer: complete registry and application component (e0f2578)
- installer: generate image list for specified archs (b730ab4)
- monitor: add client in monitor client interface (81e70c9)
- monitor: add cluster display name in overview interface (047aa28)
- monitor: add tenant id in overview response (68ed840)
- monitor: add total CPU and memory to the overview interface (0686946)
- monitor: decouple monitor and business (0ff8557)
- platform: add flag enableMetricsServer for cluster feature (eae6810)
- platform: add machineIP to old nodes (4d21224)
- platform: allow cluster to set hostname as nodename (5dcd1c2)
- platform: bump up tapp controller version to v1.1.1 (18d06a6)
- platform: set nodename for stateful components (20df2ed)
- platform,monitor: add metric k8s_node_not_ready (eb71786)
- prometheus: add metrics for controller-manager and coredns (1ae16fa)
- prometheus: add more etcd metrics (17dc9f9)
- prometheus: add more info to logs of prometheus install (df92a5c)
- registry: add registry's domain names to coredns by tenant (bb5e076)
- registry: enable delete image by digest (e18a50d)
- installer fix bug (34a9ea2)