If one wishes, they could have their funeral when alive. A venue will be chosen to host friends and family of the person's choosing. Their ritual can be customised to each person's preference, but the general outline is:
- A feast of favourite foods and drinks
- Speeches or letters of loving-kindness, if the host so desires.
- Whatever celebratory ritual the person likes to partake in: dancing, music-playing, games, storytelling, continuation of feasting etc.
It is important to note that the formality, dress code and tone is completely up to the wishes of the person either hosting or recently deceased. While alive, a person is encouraged to document their preference for their funeral.
At the time of death, acceptance is encouraged. Everyone must die and each day is a celebration of the life you have.
After death, the body can be buried, cremated or whatever means that is clearly listed as a preference of the deceased and is legal.
One should not forget that a human is an animal, they live and they die. At the end, we are bones, flesh and a mind, like most living creatures.
It is up to personal preference on whether one chooses to believe in an afterlife. The important thing is that there is no one true belief that must be mandated to others.