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  • Visit and create a new application.
  • Connection Type: "Authentication & API Access", add the required scopes. Scopes for the backend are configured with the environment variable NEUCORE_EVE_SCOPES. To use the "auto-allowlist" feature for the Watchlist, the scopes must include esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1.
  • Set the callback to https://your.domain/login-callback.

Application Setup

Below are several alternatives for running Neucore.

All installation methods share the same configuration via environment variables, see .env.dist.

Run Docker Image

You can run Neucore using the Docker image from

This is how you install Docker on Ubuntu 22.04:

sudo apt install
sudo usermod -a -G docker user
sudo systemctl enable docker

In the second line replace "user" with your username, after that login again.

If you don't have a database you can also use Docker to create one, for example:

docker network create neucore_prod

docker run \
  --volume="$(pwd)/docker-db":/var/lib/mysql \
  --env=MARIADB_USER=neucore \
  --env=MARIADB_PASSWORD=neucore \
  --env=MARIADB_DATABASE=neucore \
  --env=MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=neucore \
  --network=neucore_prod \
  --name=neucore_db_prod \
  --restart=always \
  --detach=true \

# to stop it again:
docker stop neucore_db_prod

Next, start Neucore (adjust EVE client ID and secret):

docker run \
  --env=NEUCORE_APP_ENV=prod \
  --env=NEUCORE_DATABASE_URL="mysql://neucore:neucore@neucore_db_prod/neucore" \
  --env=NEUCORE_EVE_CALLBACK_URL="http://localhost:8080/login-callback" \
  --env=NEUCORE_EVE_SCOPES="esi-corporations.read_corporation_membership.v1" \
  --workdir=/var/www/backend \
  --publish=8080:80 \
  --network=neucore_prod \
  --name=neucore_prod_http \
  --restart=always \
  --detach=true \

The above will automatically start the container when the server is started if the Docker daemon is running. The application will be available on port 8080, e.g. http://localhost:8080.

This is how you stop and restart the container or remove it completely:

# stop and restart:
docker stop neucore_prod_http
docker start neucore_prod_http

# Remove the container to be able to use "docker run" again
docker rm neucore_prod_http

Then create the database schema and add the initial data:

docker exec -u www-data neucore_prod_http vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate --no-interaction
docker exec -u www-data neucore_prod_http bin/console doctrine-fixtures-load

Now login at http://localhost:8080/ (replace localhost with your IP address if you run it on a remote host), then make yourself an admin:

docker exec -u www-data neucore_prod_http bin/console make-admin 1

Continue reading Getting started.

Production environment

In a production environment you want to run a web server with SSL and remove the NEUCORE_SESSION_SECURE=0 environment variable.

You can do that by setting up a reverse proxy (recommended) or by forwarding the SSL port from the Docker container and provide an SSL certificate.

To use SSL from Docker use the following arguments when running the container:

  --volume="/path/to/your/certificate":/etc/ssl/certs/neucore.pem \
  --volume="/path/to/your/key":/etc/ssl/private/neucore.key \
  --publish=443:443 \

If you do not have a certificate you can remove those arguments, but there will be a certificate warning from your browser.

The application will be available at e.g. https://localhost.

Example reverse proxy configuration for Apache, including necessary setup on Ubuntu 22.04:

sudo apt install apache2 certbot python3-certbot-apache
sudo a2enmod ssl proxy proxy_http
sudo a2ensite default-ssl

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/z-neucore.conf
  <VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName your.domain.tld
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyRequests off
    ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/

sudo a2ensite z-neucore
sudo certbot --apache

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Once the reverse proxy is working, you can change the "publish" argument of Docker so that the port is no longer available for every IP address:

--publish= \

Further Configuration

To access the database from the host, add the following argument when running the database container, for example:

  --publish= \

If you are not using a database via Docker, you can remove the --network argument (and obviously change NEUCORE_DATABASE_URL).

To store the logs on the host, create a directory, change its permission, and add a "volume" argument when running the Neucore container, for example:

mkdir docker-logs && sudo chown 33 docker-logs
  --volume="$(pwd)/docker-logs":/var/www/backend/var/logs \

To use a custom theme.js file, add the following argument, for example:

  --volume="$(pwd)/theme.js":/var/www/web/dist/theme.js \

To add a service plugin, for example the Discord Plugin, add the following arguments (note: $(pwd)/neucore-discord-plugin is the path on the host where you stored the plugin), for example:

  --volume=$(pwd)/neucore-discord-plugin:/var/www/plugins/discord \
  --env=NEUCORE_PLUGINS_INSTALL_DIR=/var/www/plugins \
  --env=NEUCORE_DISCORD_PLUGIN_DB_DSN="mysql:dbname=neucore_discord;host=;user=neucore;password=neucore" \

Create the Image

You can also create the image yourself. Clone the repository and build a distribution (see below) or download it and place it in the subdirectory dist (create it if it doesn't exist). Make sure there is only one neucore-*.tar.gz file. Then execute the following:

docker build -f setup/Dockerfile --no-cache -t neucore dist

Manual Installation

Server Requirements

A Linux server (others may work, but were not tested).

To run the application:

  • PHP >=8.1.0 - 8.4 (64bit version), see backend/composer.json for necessary and suggested extensions (APCu highly recommended).
  • MariaDB or MySQL Server (tested with MariaDB 10.5, 10.11, 11.4 and MySQL 8.0.22, 8.4.0). Unit tests can also be run with a SQLite in-memory database.
  • An HTTP Server with support for PHP and URL rewriting.
    • Set the document root to the web directory.
    • Configure URL rewriting to app.php:
      • For Apache there's a .htaccess file in the web directory (set AllowOverride All in your VirtualHost configuration for that directory if you want to use it).
      • For Nginx there's a sample configuration file in the setup directory.

Additionally, for a development environment and to build the application:

  • PHP extensions: pdo_sqlite (optional for unit tests), xdebug (optional for debugging).
  • Composer 2.
  • Node.js, only tested with version 18.12.1 (LTS) with npm 8.19.2.
  • Java runtime >=11 (but only tested with v17) to generate the OpenAPI JavaScript client.


Clone the repository or download the pre-built distribution file and extract it.

Copy backend/.env.dist file to backend/.env and adjust values or set the required environment variables accordingly.

Make sure that the web server can write to the log and cache directories, by default backend/var/logs and backend/var/cache.

Please note that both the web server and console user write the same files to the cache directory, so make sure they can override each other's files, e.g. by putting them into each other's group (the app uses umask 0002 when writing files and directories), or simply use the same user.

If available, the app uses an APCu cache in production mode. It must be cleared during an update: depending on the setup, restart the web server or php-fpm.

Pre-built Distribution file

If you downloaded the pre-built app, you only need to run the database migrations and seeds and clear the cache.

If you are using a different cache directory, you must first copy or generate the Doctrine proxy cache files:

cp -R backend/var/cache/proxies /path/to/your/cache/proxies
# or
cd backend
bin/doctrine orm:generate-proxies

Then execute (adjust cache path if necessary)

cd backend
rm -rf var/cache/di
vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate --no-interaction
bin/console doctrine-fixtures-load

If you have cloned the repository, you must install the dependencies and build the backend and frontend:

# for production:
setup/ prod

# for develeopment:
cd frontend && npm run build

Docker Development Environment

Needs Docker Compose V2. Only tested on Linux and once or twice on macOS.

Copy backend/.env.dist file to backend/.env and adjust values, the database password and user are both neucore, the database host is neucore_db and the database name also neucore.

  • Always run export UID first in each console that you use to execute any of the following commands.
  • Build the containers:
    docker compose build
  • Start services:
    docker compose up
  • Install the app:
    docker compose exec neucore_node npm run build
  • After the first login, make the account with the ID 1 admin:
    docker compose exec neucore_php bin/console make-admin 1
  • Run tests and other commands in the php and node containers:
    docker compose exec neucore_php /bin/sh
    docker compose exec neucore_node /bin/sh

The web application is available at http://localhost:8080, the frontend development server at http://localhost:3000. The database is also available at and it's data is stored in the .db subdirectory.

Post Installation


Set up necessary cron jobs, e.g. every 8 hours using a lock file (adjust user and paths):

0 4,12,20 * * * neucore /usr/bin/flock -n /tmp/neucore-run-jobs.lock /var/www/neucore/backend/bin/

The output is logged to backend/var/logs. It can be filtered to see how long each job was running, e.g.:

cat app-cli-2022w36.log | grep -E 'Started|Finished|Guzzle' > app-cli-2022w36-filtered.log


Adjust web/dist/theme.js if you want another default theme or add additional JavaScript code, e.g. for analytics software.


It is recommended to set the following security related HTTP headers in the web server configuration:

Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'none'; style-src 'self'; script-src 'self'; font-src 'self' data:; img-src 'self' data:; connect-src 'self'; form-action 'self'; base-uri 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'; sandbox allow-downloads allow-forms allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation;"
X-Frame-Options "sameorigin"
X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"

Build Distribution

There are scripts that build the distribution package, setup/ or setup/ They need a working development environment.