C binding for Go to read keystrokes one at a time and return it's ASCII value.
This package is for command-line applications when you may want to ask for a passwords and echo back asterisks or want a hotkey effect; Single key input without pressing Enter to continue. Use this in a for/while loop to build input strings, etc. etc. This function works much like Turbo Pascal's ReadKey() function does.
for {
// Good for special keys: Arrows, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End.
ch := keyboard.ReadKey()
fmt.Printf("[%d][%c]\n", ch, ch);
for {
// Use this if you want results untoched
// You will have to process/parse special keys on your own.
ch := keyboard.RawKey()
fmt.Printf("[%d][%c]\n", ch, ch);
I've put this out here to share. Do what you like. Maybe someone is/was having the same problem with reading keycodes as I was.