Given you have anaconda installed, run the following commands to clone the repository into a new folder sound_field_analysis-py
, install necessary tools into a new conda environment and activate it:
git clone
conda create -n sfa_dev scipy numpy plotly pip ipython
source activate sfa_dev
pip install -e sound_field_analysis-py
You can now work on the sfa toolbox inside the sound_field_analysis-py
folder. Using ipython
, you may use the following magic commands to ensure reload on any changes inside the package:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
If you want to compile the documentation (pdf and/or html), you need to additionally install sphinx and sphinx_rtd_theme and clone the gh-pages branch:
conda install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
git clone --single-branch --branch gh-pages sound_field_analysis-docs
Now you can compile the pdf readme (given you have latex installed) and html pages by running make latexpdf
or make html
from the sound_field_analysis-py\doc
If you decide on a different folder structure, you may edit the following line in doc/Makefile
to decide on where to move the html documentation:
HTMLDIR = ../../sound_field_analysis-docs