- Veronica Berglyd Olsen (@vkbo)
- Concept: Marian Lückhof (@Number042)
- Internationalisation: Bruno Meneguello (@bkmeneguello)
- Setup and Packaging: Rachel Powers (@Ryex)
For other contributions, see the project's Contributors page.
The default language is English (UK) with English (US) as an option. These are the original translators for the languages currently available:
- Dutch: Martijn van der Kleijn (@mvdkleijn)
- French: Jan Lüdke (@jyhelle)
- German: Myian (@heymyian)
- Italian: Riccardo Mangili
- Japanese: hebekeg (@hebekeg)
- Latin American Spanish: Tommy Marplatt (@tmarplatt)
- Norwegian: Veronica Berglyd Olsen (@vkbo)
- Portuguese: Bruno Meneguello (@bkmeneguello)
- Simplified Chinese: Qianzhi Long (@longqzh)
Additional larger translation contributions:
- French: Albert Aribaud (@aaribaud)
Translations are managed on Crowdin, and more contributions are listed on the project's Members page.
The following libraries are dependencies of novelWriter:
- Qt5 by Qt Company
- PyQt5 by Riverbank Computing
- Enchant by Dom Lachowicz
- PyEnchant by Dimitri Merejkowsky
Some of the assets bundled with novelWriter were adapted from the following sources:
- Typicons icons by Stephen Hutchings (CC BY-SA 4.0)
- Tomorrow syntax themes by Chris Kempson (MIT License)
- Owl syntax themes by Sarah Drasner (MIT License)
- Solarized themes by Ethan Schoonover (MIT License)
The font used for the main novelWriter logo, mimetype and text banners is:
- Pridi by Cadson Demak (Open Font License, Version 1.1)
Additional thanks to @johnblommers who was an early user and who has provided a lot of very useful feedback over the years.