Modified from:
- Python:
- Tensorflow: 1.7.0
- Pandas: 0.22.0
- Numpy: 1.14.2
- tqdm: 4.20.0
- keras: 2.1.5
- scipy: 1.0.1
- skimage: 0.13.1
- imgaug: 0.2.5
- Google Cloud Platform:
- CPU: 8 core, 32GB RAM.
- GPU: Nvidia K80, 11G.
- 200G HDD.
Basic Downloads: (Link:
- stage 1 train\test data. (For model training repeat)
- External data link (already in the provided stage 1 train data).
- Link:
- stage1_metadata.csv. (For model training repeat)
- stage1_background_foreground_classes.csv. (For model training repeat)
- Model trained weights. (For submissions repeat)
- stage2_metadata.csv. (For submissions repeat)
- stage2_backgroud_foreground_classes.csv. (For submissions repeat)
- Stage 2 test data downloads:
- Run the following jupyter notebooks for two models: (Using different pre-processing)
- training.ipynb
- Modifies:
- 'paths' in the notebook to save the model weights trained.
- Run "post process-stage2.ipynb" for two models’ predictions:
- Modifies:
- 'paths' in the notebook to the model weights to be used in inference.
- TEST_PATH to stage 2 test data
- META_DATA_PATH to stage2_metadata.csv
- BG_DATA_PATH to stage2_backgroud_foreground_classes.csv
- Run Ensemble-stage2.ipynb to combine two models’ predictions.
- Mask R-CNN: Follow
- Post-processing (Most time spent here):
- Soft-nms
- Flexible soft-nms
- Parallel Processing to speed up
- Augmentation.
- np.fliplr, np.flpud, np.rot90
- Random crop for external dataset.
- Too many instances in one original image.
- Testing-Time Augmentation.
- Rotation, even np.rot90 hurt performance. I used np.fliplr\ud only.
- Background-Foreground Processing:
- Training different model based on different background-foreground type.
- Also applied with different preprocessing.
- IOU Calculation.
- Pixel level instead of using box.
- For situation when nuclei (say A) is long and inclined, s.t. the bounding box has very high 'box' iou with some other smaller nuclei around nuclei A.
- Implementation: (Calculating pixel IOU between A and B):
- Binarize masks of A and B.
- Pixel >= .5 to be 1, else 0
- Returns (np.logical_and(A, B).sum() / min(A.sum(), B.sum())
- This improves a lot, since the following case performs much better:
- Small nuclei totally overlapped with large nuclei
- Misc.
- Compile fixed labels\masks.
- Hyper-parameter tuning: detection min confidence, max detected instances…
- Filter invalid\small boxes out of training phase.
- Train longer. (20 -> 90 epochs).
- Schedule learning rate. * Compile external data set. (H&E stained dataset)
- Tried deform conv layer.
- But doesn’t work out well.
- More external datasets to generalize to different kind of nuclei.
- Using Crop to train instead of resize => Better at dealing with small nuclei.
- Try Modified IOU calculation in training phase as well.
- Try UNet and Ensemble.