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File metadata and controls

208 lines (164 loc) · 5.6 KB

Public API Documentation


The API, accessible through the /api route, accepts POST requests containing valid JSON data and responds with JSON. Please note that your query may not exceed 16 KiB in size.

Generic response format

  • version string – always contains the semantic version of the backend; use this to ensure that your appli(ance|cation) is up to date
  • success bool
  • error string? – absent if success === true

Entry object format

Entries are JSON objects with the following fields:

  • id string – unique identifier representing the entry
  • date string – when the entry was created, in ISO format
  • user string – author of the entry
  • scope string – the ‘scope’ the entry resides in; currently, this signifies what language body is supposed to be in
  • head string – the header, i.e., the Toaq word
  • body string – the definition
  • notes array of:
    • date string
    • user string
    • content string
  • score number – as determined by the votes users cast on the entry
  • vote number? – your vote on the entry. One of -1, 0 or 1. This field will appear iff you send your token with your query


Queries must be JSON objects with a string action field, designating the action to be performed. The semantics of the rest of the fields in the input object are determined by the chosen action.

In addition, if an action requires the sender to be logged in – as marked with (L) – a token field containing a valid UUID token must be present in the object.



  • query array of
  • ordering string?
  • limit number?


  • results entry array

Execute a search against the database given a Lisp-like description of the search. The following paragraphs describe the exact format of this description.

A query is a tree-like array structure which describes constraints in terms of certain criteria or logical operations on such criteria. The interpretation of non-initial elements of an array (called arguments) is determined by the initial element, the operator. The format – or formal grammar – of the query field can therefore be described thus:

query := ["and" | "or", ...query]
       | ["not", query]
       | ["arity", number]
       | ["id" | "user" | "scope" | "term", string]

Here are listed the semantics of each operator:

  • Functors:
    • and: logical conjunction of constraints (or intersection of the sets of results)
    • or: logical disjunction of constraints (or sum of the sets of results)
    • not: logical negation of constraint (or complement of the result set)
  • Property constraints:
    • id: succeeds if entry has the given ID (without the octothorpe #)
    • user: succeeds if entry has been created under the given user name (without the at sign @)
    • arity (Toaq-specific): succeeds if the highest number of argument places in the parts of a definition is equal to the one supplied (must be a number, not a string representation thereof)
  • Textual constraints:
    • term: succeeds if the supplied string, after removing special characters, appears in either the head, the definition, or the comments of an entry

Alternatively, query may be a string like "hello scope:en user:official" which is then interpreted as in the Toadua frontend. See for more information.

ordering describes the metric by which entries should be sorted.

  • empty/null/undefined or default: a nuanced metric based on vote count, officiality. Only metric that takes exact matches into account.
  • highest: by score, descending.
  • lowest: by score, ascending.
  • newest: by date, descending.
  • oldest: by date, ascending.
  • random: take a guess silly

limit describes the maximum number of entries that should be returned.





  • count number

Returns the total number of entries in Toadua's database.

note (L)


  • id string
  • content string


  • entry entry

Adds a note to the entry with the given ID. Note that content may not be over 2048 characters long. Returns the new state of the entry.

create (L)


  • head string
  • body string
  • scope string?


  • entry entry

Creates a new entry with the given Toaq word and definition in the given scope (which defaults to "en"). Note that the head–body pair must be unique; note also that there is a restriction of 2048 characters on each of the head and the body. Don't go crazy.



  • name string
  • pass string


  • token string

Attempts to log in with the given credentials.

logout (L)

Invalidates the token passed as input.



  • name string
  • pass string


  • token string

Attempts to register with the given credentials. Note that name may only contain letters from the Latin alphabet; there is a restriction on the length, too.

vote (L)


  • id string
  • vote number


  • entry entry

Casts a vote on the entry with the given ID. Possible values of vote are -1, 0, and 1; 0 effectively cancels your previous vote.



  • token string?


  • user string | null

Make welcome the first message you send to the server. If you send a valid token, you will get your username back in user; otherwise, user will be null and you will know your token is invalid or has expired.