As OpenCV is a complex beast, to ensure the full installation of OpenCV is working correctly we perform the following tests.
All tested with OpenCV 3.x / 4.x and Python 3.x.
Assumes that git and wget tools are available on the command line or that similar tools are available to access git / download files.
(On-site at Durham University: For testing on MS Windows, download and unzip example files from source URL as specified - here - onto the user space J:/ drive. On Linux run the associated opencv ... .init
shell script before testing.).
(for testing on MS Windows at Durham (DUDE system), open all .py
scripts from J:/ in IDLE and run module from there)
git clone
cd python-examples-ip
python3 ./
- Text output to console such that:
We are using OpenCV: CCC
.. do we have the OpenCV Contrib Modules: True
.. do we have the OpenCV Non-free algorithms: True
.. do we have the Intel Performance Primitives (IPP):
.. version: <???> (in use: True)
We are using numpy: <???>
We are using matplotlib: <???>
.. and this is in Python: PPP ??? (64 bit)
Check Video I/O (OS identifier: MMM)
... available camera backends: LLL
... available stream backends: LLL
... available video writer backends: LLL
Available Cuda Information:
... ['NVIDIA CUDA: YES (ver NNN, RRR)', 'NVIDIA GPU arch: ???', 'NVIDIA PTX archs: ZZZ']
DNN module CUDA backend/target availability :
OpenCL available (within OpenCV) ? : True
Available CPU Optimizations (*: build enabled; ?: not CPU supported):
... ???
- such that CCC >= 4.3.x (or higher), PPP > 3.x, MMM is sensible for the OS in use, each of the LLL list are sensible (may not all be identical) and ideally include FFMPEG + GSTREAMER in addition to V4L/V4L (for MMM = linux*), QT (for MMM = darwin) or DSHOW / MSMF (for MMM = win*), NNN > 10.x, ZZZ includes
cuDNN: Yes
, GGG is sensible if a CUDA compatible GPU is present + configured and ??? = (doesn't matter). In addition, for maximum performance RRR ideally includesCUFFT CUBLAS FAST_MATH
[ N.B. to build with Non-free algorithms set OPENCV_ENABLE_NONFREE=TRUE in CMake ]
Only to be used if building OpenCV from source (any platform) or using a pre-built version from a 3rd party repository (on Linux / Mac OS).
.. (as per test 1 for steps 1 + 2)
python3 ./
- The resulting build element information should ideally contain the following as a subset of the configuration (where present indicates a reference to a system file or a version number that tells us it is present on the system / in the build):
build element | Linux | MS Windows |
Platform: ... Configuration: | Release | Release |
Built as dynamic libs: | YES | YES |
OpenCV modules: | contains: core flann ... imgproc ... ml ... imgcodecs ... videoio .. xfeatures2d ... dnn ... dnn_objdetect ... ximgproc ... optflow ... stitching ... cuda | <-- same as Linux |
Non-free algorithms: | YES | YES |
QT: | NO | NO |
GTK+ 2.x: | YES | NO |
ZLib: | present | present |
JPEG: | present | present |
WEBP: | present | present |
PNG: | present | present |
JPEG 2000: | present | present |
OpenEXR: | present | present |
PNG: | present | present |
FFMPEG: | YES (all sub-elements) | NO |
GStreamer: | YES (all sub-elements) | NO |
V4L/V4L2: | present | NO |
XINE: | YES | NO |
gPhoto2: | YES | NO |
Parallel framework: | pthreads | ??? |
Use IPP: | present | NO |
NVIDIA CUDA: | YES ( >= 10.x) | NO |
OpenCL: | YES | YES |
- elements in bold required for OpenCV 4.3.x and later on Linux (to enable GPU use for CNN/DNN inference via DNN module).
(for MS Windows download image from here and save as example.jpg in directory python-examples-ip-master)
.. (as per test 1 for steps 1 + 2)
mv JPEG_example_JPG_RIP_100.jpg example.jpg
python3 ./
- image is displayed in window (a blurred version of example.jpg), pressing 'x' closes window.
.. (as per test 1 for steps 1 + 2)
<<< connect a usb web-cam (any web-cam)
python3 ./ -c 0
- possible error message such as "???... ???? Unable to open source 'input.avi'" - ignore this.
- possible error message relating to inability to read from camera or video device (try with
-c 1
or greater to address different video devices) - a window appears with live video from camera, pressing 'x' closes window and ends program (saving a video file).
- video file saved as output.avi file can be played in vlc or similar.
- Ignore "cannot open video messages" from ffpmeg/xine or similar (this is it failing to open video file as alt. to camera, not write from camera).
(for MS Windows download video from here and save as video.avi in directory python-examples-ip-master)
.. (as per test 1 for steps 1 + 2)
mv big_buck_bunny_720p_surround.avi video.avi
python3 ./
- The video available at is played back in a window, but with no audio.