LD38 - WorldTD
All game code is in app/views/ld38
Design: Number of tiny planetoids stand between enemy waves and target planet.
Place gun towers on the planets to fight these off.
LOS and bullet drop according to planetoids?
Must mine resources on the planets
- Can send resources between planets but takes time.
Mining units must be placed for economy.
- No loot for killing enemies - only time alive.
- Unless it's drones that must deposit resources on the planets? Could be cool/easy?
The planet and moons are divided into distinct segments.
- If a planet segment hits 0HP - game over.
- Moon segments can be built upon - they are tower slots.
Enemies are "dumb" - direct linear path towards the objective.
- We could make this look spirally to be cool? The end result is the same except balancing etc.
- How do we make different/harder enemies feel good? See above, different move patterns? Bullets?
How do we convey tower line of sight?
- Is bullet targeting automatic or is there some nuance eg sharp angle turns result in failure?
- Selectable Moon segment objects
- Basic bullet object
- Basic enemy object
- Segment Selection UX
- Building UX - Towers
- Parallax Starfield
- Max Perimeter for scrolling.
- Scroll using click? - Scrollwheel relative to mouse position
- Better moon seeding - make each game different rather than just fixed radius.
- Loss condition (segment lost)
- Building UX - Basic resources
- Enemy Waves and Scaling
- Menus/UX