Practice question answers for Certified Kubernetes Administrator course
This repository contains answers for the practice tests hosted on the course Certified Kubernetes Administrators Course
Section | Test |
Core Concepts | Practice Test Introduction |
Core Concepts | ReplicaSets |
Core Concepts | Deployments |
Core Concepts | Namespaces |
Core Concepts | Services Cluster IP |
Scheduling | Manual Scheduling |
Scheduling | Labels and Selectors |
Scheduling | Resource Limits |
Scheduling | DaemonSets |
Scheduling | Multiple Schedulers |
Logging & Monitoring | Monitor Cluster Components |
Logging & Monitoring | Managing Application Logs |
Application Lifecycle Management | Rolling Updates and Rollbacks |
Application Lifecycle Management | Commands and Arguments |
Application Lifecycle Management | ConfigMaps |
Application Lifecycle Management | Secrets |
Application Lifecycle Management | Liveness Probes |
Cluster Maintenance | OS Upgrades |
Cluster Maintenance | Cluster Upgrade Process |
Cluster Maintenance | Backup ETCD |
Security | View Certificate Details |
Security | Certificates API |
Security | KubeConfig |
Security | Role Based Access Controls |
Security | Cluster Roles |
Security | Image Security |
Security | Security Contexts |
Security | Network Policies |
Storage | Persistent Volume Claims |
Networking | CNI in kubernetes |
Networking | CNI weave |
Networking | CNI Weave Read |
Networking | CNI Deploy Weave |
Networking | Service Networking |
Networking | CoreDNS in Kubernetes |
Install | Bootstrap worker node |
Install | Bootstrap worker node - 2 |
Install | End to End Tests - Run and Analyze |
Troubleshooting | Application Failure |
Troubleshooting | Control Plane Failure |
Troubleshooting | Worker Node Failure |
- The folder structure for all topics and associated practice tests are created already. Use the same pattern to create one if it doesn't exist.
- Create a file with your answers. If you have a different answer than the one that is already there, create a new answer file with yoru name in it.
- Do not post the entire question. Only post the question number.
- Send in a pull request