Hello, we are a mexican team, all the members are engineering students in Toluca city, very near of México city, we fall in love with software development and imposible projects, it is our first hackathon.
Our team is called 'Vagos' inspired in a popular word in México, a few people use 'vagos' to identify those guys that spend a big time in streets learning a lot of skills from the real life, at university, we call vagos to those guys that spend a lot of time learning technologies and programming languages used in real amazing apps and that not teaching inside universities.
If our team wins the hackathon, we want to use the opportunity to demonstrate that regardless of the country and social status, everybody can get access to incredible knowledges of technology through internet, on the other hand we want to inspire to other students to go ahead and learn by themselves the technologies and programming languages used to create amazing web apps in a different way that university currently teach us, but more like in real world in real great apps. We want to encourage to younger students in engineering to create incredible things to improve the world with web technology.
He is a JavaEE, Spring MVC and Javascript developer but use his free time to develop with nodejs and html5. He will be backend developer in our team.
He is a frontend engineer and UX Designer, he are learning and playing around with backend technologies like nodejs, spring mvc, hibernate, PostgreSQL and Oracle. He will be frontend developer in our team
He is a nodejs, angular, mongodb, spring mvc, hibernate, developer learning and playing around with Xamarin and Android java development. He will be backend developer in our team