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Topcoder - Legacy Submission Processor Application - Verification

NOTE: ALL COMMANDS BELOW EXECUTE UNDER <legacy-sub-procecssor> directory

Run Kafka and Create Topic

Build Kafka image:

docker-compose build kafka

Run Kafka server:

docker-compose up -d kafka
docker exec -ti kafka bash -c " --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic submission.notification.create"
docker exec -ti kafka bash -c " --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic submission.notification.update"

Run Informix and Insert Test Data

Make sure you're running a clean database (you can take down and remove iif_innovator_c container and then up it again)

export DB_SERVER_NAME=informix

docker kill iif_innovator_c
docker rm iif_innovator_c

docker-compose up -d tc-informix

docker logs iif_innovator_c
# When you see log like following then informix is started:
# starting rest listener on port 27018
# starting mongo listener on port 27017

Then insert test data (which will be used by Unit Tests step and Verification step):

docker cp test/sql/test.sql iif_innovator_c:/
docker exec -ti iif_innovator_c bash -c "source /home/informix/ifx_informixoltp_tcp.env && dbaccess - /test.sql"

Build Application Docker Image

We only need to do this once

export DB_SERVER_NAME=informix
docker-compose build lsp-app

Install App dependencies

export DB_SERVER_NAME=informix
rm -rf node_modules && docker-compose run lsp-app-install

Note, if the legacy-processor-module is changed locally (e.g. during local dev and not pushed to git yet), then you need to delete it from node_modules and copy the local changed one to node_modules:

rm -rf ./node_modules/legacy-processor-module
cp -rf <path/to/legacy-processor-module> ./node_modules
# e.g cp -rf ../legacy-processor-module ./node_modules

Standard Code Style

  • Check code style npm run lint
  • Check code style with option to fix the errors npm run lint:fix

Run Unit Tests

  • Stop legacy-sub-processor application if it was running: docker stop lsp-app
  • Make sure kafka container running with topic created and informix container running with test data inserted
  • Run unit tests:
docker-compose run lsp-app-test

Verify with Test Data

Deploy first:

export DB_SERVER_NAME=informix
docker-compose up lsp-app
  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event different-topic" and verify that the app doesn't consume this message (no log)

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event null-message" and verify that the app skips this message (log: Skipped null or empty event)

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event empty-message" and verify that the app skips this message (log: Skipped null or empty event)

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event invalid-json" and verify that the app skips this message (log: Skipped Invalid message JSON)

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event empty-json" and verify that the app skips this message (log: Skipped the message topic "undefined" doesn't match the Kafka topic submission.notification.create)

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event invalid-payload" and verify that the app skips this message (log: Skipped invalid event, reasons: "timestamp" must be...)

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event wrong-topic" and verify that the app skips this message (log: Skipped the message topic "wrong-topic" doesn't match the Kafka topic submission.notification.create)

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event wrong-originator" and verify that the app skips this message (log: Skipped event from topic wrong-originator)

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event submission" and verify that the app makes call to the Submission API successfully (log: Successfully processed non MM message - Patched to the Submission API: id 111, patch: {"legacySubmissionId":60000}) and the Mock API log (docker logs mock-api) like Patch /submissions/111 with {"legacySubmissionId":60000}.

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event final-fix" and verify that the app has log like final fix upload, only insert upload, and it should only insert into upload table, but not submission/resource_submission table.

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event not-allow-multiple" and verify that the app has log like delete previous submission for challengeId....

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event update-url" and verify that the app has log like Successfully processed non MM message - Submission url updated....

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event no-challenge-props" and verify that the app has error log like Error: null or empty result get challenge properties....

  • Run docker exec -ti lsp-app bash -c "npm run produce-test-event mm-submission" and verify that the app skips this message (log: Skipped event for subTrack: DEVELOP_MARATHON_MATCH).

Verify Database

Open your database explorer (DBeaver application, for instance). Connect to database tcs_catalog Check table: upload, submission and resource_submission


After verification, run docker-compose down to take down and remove containers.