To run the benchmarks:
- Make sure nix is installed. I have instead placed the nix-portable executable in the home directory. If you have nix installes natively, you can omit all references to the binary and directly start the commnd with
nix ...
- I have cloned this repository to
Gather most required files by running
nix build gitlab:torbeneims/ddfd-evaluation#all
on a nix-enabled system (this does not work with nix-portalbe).
Then copy the files from the result
link to the scripts
folder in this repository. Make sure not to overwrite files.
Then run these commands:
# Enter dev shell with required python packages
cd ~/dfd/scripts/data; ../../../nix-portable nix develop ../..#pyShell # <-- The # before is not a comment
sh ../../
# Exit dev shell
^d # or exit
In different shells, start the spark master and workers:
screen -RR -D sparkm
cd ~/dfd; ../nix-portable nix develop .#default -c master & > spark_master.log
screen -RR -D sparkc
cd ~/dfd; sh > spark_clients.log
Make sure the workers are only started when necessary, it makes sense to execute the commands in individually or comment them out
# Start a screen
screen -RR -D hyperfine
# Enter a different dev shell for evaluation
cd ~/dfd/scripts; ../../nix-portable nix develop ..#default
sh ../
cd ~/dfd/scripts; ../../nix-portable nix develop ..#pyShell
sh ../