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Fixed Price Sale

The contracts titled fixed_price_sale_market.mligo and fixed_price_sale_market_tez.mligo allow NFT and Fungible Edition Set sales for a fixed price in FA2 tokens or tez respectively.

If the contract is used for the sale of a Fungible Edition set, the seller will specify a set of N fungible editions (sharing the same FA2 token id) and the contract will sell each edition at the same specified price until all are sold out.


The next two subsections will list and explain the storage contents of each contract. We will refer to the contract fixed_price_sale_market.mligo as SALE_FA2 and fixed_price_sale_market_tez.mligo as SALE_TEZ.

SALE_FA2 Storage

The contract's storage is:

type storage = 
    admin: pauseable_admin_storage;
    sales: (sale_id, sale) big_map;
    next_sale_id : sale_id;

The first field of this record is admin. Its type is:

type pauseable_admin_storage_record = {
  admin : address;
  pending_admin : address option;
  paused : bool;

type pauseable_admin_storage = pauseable_admin_storage_record option

The admin storage fields are used by the admin entrypoints.

The second field of this recordsalesis a big_map of currently active sales that the fixed price sale contract is hosting. A sale is "currently active" after a seller has initiated it up until the point that it is bought by some user for its asking price. The key of this big_map is a unique sale_id of type nat that identifies a given sale. Storage variable next_sale_id is used as the sale_id each time a sale is initiated, and then incremented by 1. The value in the sales bigmap for a given sale_id is some record of type

type sale =
  seller: address;
  sale_data: sale_data;


type sale_data =
  sale_price: nat;
  sale_token : global_token_id;
  money_token : global_token_id;
  amount : nat;


type global_token_id =
      fa2_address : address;
      token_id : token_id;

The record sale contains the address of the sale's seller and the sale's parameters (which has type sale_data). The sale's parameters correspond to the sale_price represented by some nat amount of an FA2, the address and token identifier of the NFT for sale (sale_token), the address and token identifier of the FA2 token used as the sale's trade currency (money_token), and the number of tokens available for the given price (amount).

SALE_TEZ Storage

The contract's storage is:

type storage =
  admin: pauseable_admin_storage;
  sales: (sale_id, sale_tez) big_map;
  next_sale_id : sale_id;

The storage is almost the same as in the FA2 version but now we do not have to include an FA2 address and token_id pair to specify the token for which bidding will take place in:

type sale_tez =
  seller: address;
  sale_data: sale_data;


type sale_data_tez =
  sale_price: nat;
  sale_token : global_token_id;
  amount : nat;


The entrypoints for both versions of the fixed price sale contract are named the same, but they accept different parameters.

The entrypoints for SALE_FA2 are:

type market_entry_points =
  | Sell of sale_data
  | Buy of sale_id
  | Cancel of sale_id
  | Admin of pauseable_admin

and the entrypoints for SALE_TEZ are:

type market_entry_points =
  | Sell of sale_data_tez
  | Buy of sale_id
  | Cancel of sale_id
  | Admin of pauseable_admin


If an admin is enabled, the admin can call the sell entrypoint in order to sell an NFT/FT Edition set that they own. If a non admin calls the entrypoint and admin capabilites are configured, the call will fail with NOT_AN_ADMIN, Otherwise, when admin capabilites are not configured or in the cancel_only_admin contract version, any address can call the entrypoint. They specify the token(s) they would like to sell with the sale_token. In the FA2 version of the contract, they also specify th FA2 token for which they would like the NFT to be purchased with using money_token.

They also specify the amount of the FA2 they would like to receive in exchange for each token using the sale_price field and the number of tokens (which share the same FA2 token-id) using amount. In this way, the contract can be used to sell a set of fungible tokens which are used to represent an Edition set. Each token is listed for the same price, and they are bought individually. As these tokens share the same token-id they are not an NFT Edition set, but rather a set of the same fungible tokens being used to represent an Edition set.

Before making the call to sell, the seller must first add the Fixed price contract as an operator for their NFT, by calling the Update_operators entrypoint of the FA2 contract for which the NFT is defined in, and passing the NFT token_id.

The call to sell will fail if the caller is not an admin (in the case that admin functionality is enabled), if the fixed price contract was not correctly added as an operator for the NFT, or if the seller does not in fact own the NFT they specify.

If the call to sell succeeds, the Fixed price contract will have transferred the NFT to itself and will hold it in escrow until it is either purchased or the seller cancels the sale. It will also keep in storage a record of the sale until the sale is over.


A user calls this entrypoint in order to buy an item for sale in the contract. A buyer will specify the token they would like to purchase as well as provide the required funds. In the tez version of the contract, they will attach the required amount in tez to the call to buy. In the FA2 version of the contract, they will instead add the Fixed price sale contract as an opperator for the token they would like to place bids in and only then call the buy entrypoint.

The call will fail if the caller does not have the required funds or if they did not correctly add the Fixed price sale contract as an operator. If the contract is paused, the call to buy will fail as well.

If the call to buy succeeds, the Fixed price contract will have first initiated a transfer of the funds from buyer to seller. In the Tez version of the contract, this amounts to sending the buying price in tez to the seller. In the FA2 version, the Fixed Price contract will call the FA2 transfer entrypoint and transfer the correct number of tokens from buyer to seller. Next, the Fixed price contract will have transferred the token from itself to the buyer by calling the FA2 transfer entrypoint.

The contract will decrement the amount by 1 if the sale was advertising a FT edition set. If amount == 0 at the end of the purchase (in the case of an NFT sale, or when all the tokens in the FT Edition set have been sold), the contract will also delete the big map record of the sale. If any of these steps failed, the call to buy necessarily failed as well.


If the contract is not paused, a seller or an administrator can cancel an active sale (initiated by the seller). They simply specify the sale they would like to cancel. Their call will fail if they are not the seller or admin with NOT_AN_ADMIN_OR_A_SELLER, or if the sale they specify does not exist with NO_SALE. If no admin is configured, only the seller can cancel their active sale. A cancel attempt by a non-seller will fail with NOT_AN_ADMIN_OR_A_SELLER as well.

Upon a sale's successful cancellation, the fixed price sale contract transfers the token(s) back to the seller and deletes the record of the cancelled sale.

%admin entrypoints

An admin can pause/unpause the contract, guard other operations to be invoked only by the admin and change the admin using two steps confirmation.

  • set_admin - Admin initiate a process that will set the current administrator to some specified address.
  • confirm_admin - If set_admin entrypoint was successfully run, the pending_admin set by the admin in that step calls this entrypoint to confirm themself as admin.
  • pause - pause/unpause the contract. When the contract is paused any entrypoint other than these 3 admin entrypoints will fail with PAUSED.

Any call to these entrypoints will fail with NOT_AN_ADMIN if admin capabilites are enabled, and will fail with NO_ADMIN_CAPABILITIES_CONFIGURED if the contract was not originated with admin capabilites.

Allowlisted extension

Some contract versions allow restricting the set of FA2 contracts that can be used for Sale_tokens. Only tokens from specifically defined contracts can be sold in these versions of the contract.


Update allowlist

| Update_allowed of (address, unit) big_map

This entrypoint allows setting a new allowlist, overriding the current one.

It accepts (address, unit) big_map for the sake of efficiency (allowlist is kept in this form in the storage).

Can be invoked only by the admin, fails with NOT_ADMIN otherwise.

Modification of the base marketplace contract

Each contract with allowlist restriction inherits the behaviour of the respected non-restricted contract.

FA2-money version (fixed_price_sale_market.mligo and its extensions)

Respective allowlisted contract is fixed_price_sale_market_allowlisted.mligo.

  • Sell entrypoint fails
    • with SALE_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED in case any token_for_sale_address is not from the allowed list;

Other entrypoints are not modified.

Tez version (fixed_price_sale_market_tez.mligo and its extensions)

Respective allowlisted contract is fixed_price_sale_market_tez_allowlisted.mligo.

  • Sell entrypoint fails with SALE_ADDRESS_NOT_ALLOWED in case any token_for_sale_address is not from the allowed list.

Other entrypoints are not modified.

Fixed Fee extension

The fixed_fee contract versions allow for the configuration of a fixed perecent of any sale to be paid to a fixed address.

type fee_data = 
    fee_address : address;
    fee_percent : nat;

fee_percent is a nat between 0 and 100 representing the percent of the sale to be paid to the fee_address. If fee_percent > 100, the sell and buy entrypoints will both fail with FEE_TOO_HIGH. Fee is subtracted from the buying price and is calculated as ((fee_percent * price) / 100). For example, if an NFT is listed for 100tz, and fee_percent := 30 then 70tz will be sent to the seller and 30tz will be sent to the fee_address.

The fixed_fee contracts are activated with the FEE macro.

Per Sale Fee Extension

The per_sale_fee contract versions are similar to the fixed_fee versions but differ in that fee data is configurable per sale as opposed to per contract-- fee_data is pased to the configure entrypoint in these contracts as opposed to being passed as storage data upon contract origination.

The per_sale_fee contracts are activated by the PER_SALE_FEE macro, which is mututally exclusive with the FEE macro used to activate the fixed_fee contracts.

Cancel only admin extension

In the normal fixed price sale with admin enabled, admins have sole authority over configuring and cancelling sales. For some use-cases however it is useful for anyone to have the power to configure a sale, and admins to only have sole authority over cancelling sales. This is accomplished when the C Macro CANCEL_ONLY_ADMIN is defined as in the LIGO files with cancel_only_admin in the title.

Offchain purchase extension

This extension is useful for sales in which users are not necessarily onboarded to Tezos. They can buy tokens with a credit card, and the contract admin can purchase the item on their behalf without sending Tez/FA2 using a permit similar to the implementation in One step permit calling the Offchain_buy entrypoint, potentially submitting multiple permits in batch.

Offchain_buy : (list %offchain_buy
               (pair (nat %sale_id)
                     (pair %permit (key %signerKey) (signature %signature))))

Only an admin can call this entrypoint with a permit. If an admin submits a purchase order with a permit, no payment is necessary as it is assumed payment is handled offchain. For these reasons, Offchain_buy is not formally a One-step permit entrypoint as in TZIP-17 as its behavior is different from the normal Buy entrypoint.

In contrast to the normal Buy entrypoint, after the Offchain_buy entrypoint is called, the token purchase is marked as pending. When the purchase is pending, no one else can purchase the token. However, the fixed price contract holds the payment (in case of a non-permited purhcase) and token in escrow until the purchase is either approved or denied by the admin. Typically, admin will wait until the offchain payment is either approved or rejected.

Additionally, the purchaser cannot attempt to buy another token from a given sale again, until the admin either approves or rejects the previous purchase attempt-- otherwise the contract call will fail with PENDING_PURCHASE_PRESENT.

The admin can approve purchases in batch by calling:

Confirm_purchases : (list %confirm_purchases (pair (nat %sale_id) (address %purchaser)))

and reject purchases in batch by calling:

Revoke_purchases : (list %revoke_purchases (pair (nat %sale_id) (address %purchaser))).

If a purchase was made using a permit, calling Confirm_purchases will send the token to the purchaser and remove the token from sale. Revoke_purchases will update storage so that the purchase attempt is deleted and the token is put back up for sale.

This extension also defines the Macro OFFCHAIN_MARKET which makes optional changes to the base fixed price sale contracts to allow for the offchain extension. It changes the storage structure by adding the pending_purchases set to the sale record (the value in the sales big_map). pending_purchases is automatically configured to the empty set upon a sale creation. Furthermore, upon an attempted sale Cancel, pending_purchases must be empty or the operation will fail with error PENDING_PURCHASES_PRESENT, upon which Revoke_purchases ought to be called to return the pending purchases.

Pending_purchases : (set %pending_purchases address)

Permit creation

Permit creation is the same as the specification in TZIP-17. Additionally, it should be noted that when permits are submitted in batch, it is necessary to increment the counter that will be used to sign the BLAKE2B hash of the packed parameter for each permit in the list.

Tez Stuck Guards

Guards are placed on entrypoints to ensure no tez is sent to them, as to avoid the tez getting stuck in the contract.

  • In the FA2 version of the fixed price contract, no tez can be sent to any entrypoint. An attempt to do so wil fail with DONT_TRANSFER_TEZ_TO_ANY_ENTRYPOINT.
  • In the Tez version of the fixed price contract, tez is only expected to be transferred to Buy, however there are only guards placed on Cancel and Sell to minimize costs.