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Instructions on how to run the brash docker can be found in our main documentation page: , specifically:

Instructions to build the brash docker images

Run the RoboSim demo using the docker images

The rest of this README is mostly for internal development purposes. So, if you are a new user, try the instructions in the traclabs-brash's links mentioned above.

Table of Contents:

  1. Building the Docker image
  2. Running the Docker images

Docker Test Environment

This is a containerized environment to quickly get started with the brash system, in 'development' or 'production' configurations. The containers have been tested with both Docker and Podman.

NOTE: Static IP addresses are required because cFE does not support DNS lookup and requires IP address to be pre-compiled in the SBN configuration table. To use dynamic IPs, we would need to re-compile the cfe tables on each startup of the system.

At present, all network configurations are split between 3 locations (plus compiled-in defaults)

  • docker-compose.yml
  • cFS/sample_defs/tables/*sbn_conf_tbl.c # Docker configuration uses cpu2 setup

ARM Based Machines (ie: Mac M*)

This applies to hosts such as Apple M* processors, Pis, etc.

An ARM-based image may be required for proper functionality (and improved performance). The official ROS Docker image does not include an ARM-based build.

Edit the ros-base-Dockerfile and change the base image to FROM arm64v8/ros:galactic AS ros-base


Begin with the Common Setup subsection, then procede to either the Dev or Prod section.

  1. Prod setup : This generates a fresh, static build of the complete system with minimal steps. This mode is suitable for continuous integration systems, demos, and end-user testing.

  2. Dev setup : This configuration is optimized for developers frequently editing and rebuilding. This configuration uses a shared volume to access this folder and allows for quicker iterative builds.

Common Setup


  • docker-compose must be available to build and run (you can install Docker Engine following these instructions). This setup has been tested using docker, but should also work with podman with minimal effort.

  • git and vcstool are required for source code checkout (pip3 install vcstool).

  • All commands should be executed from this folder.

  • Ensure network connectivity is available. If running behind a proxy, ensure that any related settings or certificates have been setup. In some cases, this may require tweaking the Dockerfiles before building. For example adding to ros-base-Dockerfile :

    # Corporate Firewall Certificate Configuraiton
    COPY my.cer /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/my.crt
    RUN update-ca-certificates


  1. Recursively clone this repository:

    git clone --recursive

    If you've already cloned the repository without the recursive flag, you may run git submodule update --init --recursive to complete the base checkout.

  2. ROS packages are currently configured using the vcstool. This tool clones the required repositories (which will be downloaded to brash/src) using either https or ssh based Github links.

    pushd brash
    mkdir src
    vcs import src < https.repos     # User choice of https.repos or ssh.repos


In your terminal:

# Go to your main repository folder, for instance
cd ${HOME}/brash_docker 

# Load ENV variables and aliases

# Build the Docker containers (this can take several minutes)
docker-compose build

# Run
docker-compose up

See the Running section below for additional usage information.


In your terminal:

# Go to your main repository folder, for instance
cd ${HOME}/brash_docker

# Run docker compose
docker-compose build

# Initial CFE Build
build_cfe prep SIMULATION=native
build_cfe install

# ROS Build

For incremental builds, repeat the build_cfe install and/or build_ros steps as appropriate.

For a clean cfe build, simply rm -rf cFS/build and repeat both build steps above.

For a clean ROS build, rm -rf brash/build

Running the Docker images

Always run the setup script in every new terminal to configure docker-compose and aliases. Use the 'alias' command, or inspect the contents of these setup scripts for details on interacting with the running system:

 $ ./  # or, if in devel mode 

Start the system with docker-compose. See docker-compose documentation for usage details.

  • docker-compose up -d to start the system
    • The '-d' flag causes docker to startup in the background as a daemon. Omit to keep it in the foreground
  • docker-compose down to stop the system
  • docker-compose restart ${NAME} to restart a single service. Defined services are fsw, rosgsw, and rosfsw.

CFE output is shown directly in the shell. If you started docker-compose in daemon mode (or for a filtered log), simply run docker-compose logs fsw.

Log files for each ROS application are saved to brash/*.log. TIP: The tool "multitail" can be installed from most package managers to provide an easy method to tail multiple files at once, ie: multitail brash/*.log

To enable TLM output (TODO: Make this automatic):

  • ros_to_en

A "noVNC" server is included in this docker-compose setup for easy execution of GUI applications. Any GUI launched from the rosgsw or rosfsw machines will be accessible at http://localhost:8080/vnc.html

An alias to launch the rqt tool on rosgsw is rosgsw_rqt.

To open a shell for issuing multiple ROS service commands on the rosgsw instance:

  • docker-compose exec -it -w /shared/brash -it rosgsw bash
  • Example commands include the following (see main documentation for more)
    • ros2 topic pub --once /groundsystem/to_lab_enable_output_cmd cfe_msgs/msg/TOLABEnableOutputCmdt '{"payload":{"dest_ip":""}}'
    • ros2 service call /cfdp/cmd/put cfdp_msgs/srv/CfdpXfrCmd '{src: "test1.txt", dst: "test2.txt", "dstid" :2}'

For debugging, network activity can be monitored with tshark. The pcap file can be opened in a local Wireshark instance for easier viewing.

  • docker-compose exec -w /shared -it fsw tshark -w test.pcap -f udp


cFS Mqueue errors

The provided cfs-Dockerfile has been configured to run as a non-root user in order to suppress internal checks that will otherwise prevent cfe from starting up with an errour concerning maximum number of message queues. In this configuration cfe will run, but may drop messages in some circumstances.

Another approach is to alter docker-compose-prod.yml to add privileged: true to the fsw image definition.

This can also be resolved (for Linux systems) by directly increasing the limit with:

echo 128 | sudo tee /proc/sys/fs/mqueue/msg_max

On Mac systems, the above command needs to be executed from within the VM hosting the daemon. If using podman, this can be accessed with podman machine ssh. If using colima for Docker, connect with colima ssh.

Simple Tests of System

There are a couple of tests you can run to verify message flow between cFE, and the ROS instances on the ground and flight sides.

  • ROS on the ground side to/from cFE. This test verifies that the CFE_ES housekeeping packet is flowing from the cFE system down to the ROS on the ground side.

    • For all these instructions, make sure you are in "brash_docker" in the terminal.
    • First in one terminal, start the cFE system:
      docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up fsw
    • Then in another terminal, start the ROS on the ground side:
      docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up rosgsw
    • Then, in another terminal, try running the simple test of data flow between the two:
      docker exec -it  brash_docker-rosgsw-1  bash
      colcon test  --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --ctest-args " -VVV" --return-code-on-test-failure --packages-select cfe_plugin
    • If the test is successful, you should see something like this:
    Start 1: test_telemetry_flow
    1: Test command: /usr/bin/python3.10 "-u" "/opt/ros/humble/share/ament_cmake_test/cmake/" "/code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/test_results/cfe_plugin/test_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml" "--package-name" "cfe_plugin" "--output-file" "/code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/ament_cmake_pytest/test_telemetry_flow.txt" "--command" "/usr/bin/python3.10" "-u" "-m" "pytest" "/code/brash/src/cfe_ros2_bridge_plugin/cfe_plugin/test/" "-o" "cache_dir=/code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/ament_cmake_pytest/test_telemetry_flow/.cache" "--junit-xml=/code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/test_results/cfe_plugin/test_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml" "--junit-prefix=cfe_plugin"
    1: Test timeout computed to be: 90
    1: -- invoking following command in '/code/brash/build/cfe_plugin':
    1:  - /usr/bin/python3.10 -u -m pytest /code/brash/src/cfe_ros2_bridge_plugin/cfe_plugin/test/ -o cache_dir=/code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/ament_cmake_pytest/test_telemetry_flow/.cache --junit-xml=/code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/test_results/cfe_plugin/test_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml --junit-prefix=cfe_plugin
    1: ============================= test session starts ==============================
    1: platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.0
    1: cachedir: /code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/ament_cmake_pytest/test_telemetry_flow/.cache
    1: rootdir: /code/brash/src/cfe_ros2_bridge_plugin/cfe_plugin, configfile: pytest.ini
    1: plugins: launch-testing-ros-0.19.7, ament-xmllint-0.12.10, ament-copyright-0.12.10, ament-lint-0.12.10, ament-pep257-0.12.10, launch-testing-1.0.4, ament-flake8-0.12.10, colcon-core-0.15.2
    1: collected 1 item
    1: ../../src/cfe_ros2_bridge_plugin/cfe_plugin/test/ . [100%]
    1: - generated xml file: /code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/test_results/cfe_plugin/test_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml -
    1: ============================== 1 passed in 1.40s ===============================
    1: -- return code 0
    1: -- verify result file '/code/brash/build/cfe_plugin/test_results/cfe_plugin/test_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml'
    1/1 Test #1: test_telemetry_flow ..............   Passed    2.32 sec
    100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1
    Label Time Summary:
    pytest    =   2.32 sec*proc (1 test)
    Total Test time (real) =   2.32 sec
  • cFE to/from ROS on the flight side. This test verifies that the CFE ES housekeeping is making it to the flight side ROS.

    • First in one terminal, start the cFE system:
      $ docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up fsw
    • Then in another terminal, start the ROS on the ground side:
      $ docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up rosgsw
    • Then in another terminal, start the ROS on the flight side:
      $ docker compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up rosfsw
    • Then in another terminal, try the test:
    $ docker exec -it  brash_docker-rosfsw-1  bash
    $ colcon test  --event-handlers console_cohesion+ --ctest-args " -VVV" --return-code-on-test-failure --packages-select cfe_sbn_plugin
    • If the test is successful you should see something like this:
test 1
    Start 1: test_fsw_telemetry_flow

1: Test command: /usr/bin/python3.10 "-u" "/opt/ros/humble/share/ament_cmake_test/cmake/" "/code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_results/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_fsw_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml" "--package-name" "cfe_sbn_plugin" "--output-file" "/code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/ament_cmake_pytest/test_fsw_telemetry_flow.txt" "--command" "/usr/bin/python3.10" "-u" "-m" "pytest" "/code/brash/src/cfe_sbn_bridge_plugin/cfe_sbn_plugin/test/" "-o" "cache_dir=/code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/ament_cmake_pytest/test_fsw_telemetry_flow/.cache" "--junit-xml=/code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_results/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_fsw_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml" "--junit-prefix=cfe_sbn_plugin"
1: Test timeout computed to be: 90
1: -- invoking following command in '/code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin':
1:  - /usr/bin/python3.10 -u -m pytest /code/brash/src/cfe_sbn_bridge_plugin/cfe_sbn_plugin/test/ -o cache_dir=/code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/ament_cmake_pytest/test_fsw_telemetry_flow/.cache --junit-xml=/code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_results/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_fsw_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml --junit-prefix=cfe_sbn_plugin
1: ============================= test session starts ==============================
1: platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-6.2.5, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.0
1: cachedir: /code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/ament_cmake_pytest/test_fsw_telemetry_flow/.cache
1: rootdir: /code/brash/src/cfe_sbn_bridge_plugin/cfe_sbn_plugin, configfile: pytest.ini
1: plugins: launch-testing-ros-0.19.7, ament-xmllint-0.12.10, ament-copyright-0.12.10, ament-lint-0.12.10, ament-pep257-0.12.10, launch-testing-1.0.4, ament-flake8-0.12.10, colcon-core-0.15.2
1: collected 1 item
1: ../../src/cfe_sbn_bridge_plugin/cfe_sbn_plugin/test/ . [100%]
1: - generated xml file: /code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_results/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_fsw_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml -
1: ============================== 1 passed in 2.60s ===============================
1: -- return code 0
1: -- verify result file '/code/brash/build/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_results/cfe_sbn_plugin/test_fsw_telemetry_flow.xunit.xml'
1/1 Test #1: test_fsw_telemetry_flow ..........   Passed    3.59 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 1

Label Time Summary:
pytest    =   3.59 sec*proc (1 test)

Total Test time (real) =   3.60 sec