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Wagtail TypeScript Client

The wagtail-js package is designed to provide a client for fetching content from a Wagtail-based CMS using TypeScript. This client facilitates the retrieval of various types of content, such as pages, images, and documents, from the CMS.


You can install the wagtail-js package using npm, pnpm, or yarn:

npm install wagtail-js
bun install wagtail-js
pnpm install wagtail-js
yarn add wagtail-js


To use the wagtail-js package, you need to create an instance of the CMSClient class, which provides methods for fetching different types of content from the CMS. The package also includes utility functions and types for handling CMS content.

Import Statements

import { CMSClient, FetchError, fetchContent, fetchRequest } from "wagtail-js";
import {
} from "wagtail-js";

Creating a CMSClient

To fetch content from the CMS, you need to create an instance of the CMSClient class:

const client = new CMSClient({
  baseURL: "",
  apiPath: "/api/v2",
  mediaBaseURL: "", // Optional media base URL, falls back to baseURL
  headers: {}, // Optional additional headers
  cache: "force-cache", // Optional caching strategy

Fetching Content

You can use the methods provided by the CMSClient class to fetch different types of content from the CMS. The methods handle response and error cases and return Promises that resolve with the parsed JSON response data.

Fetching Pages

const pages = await client.fetchPages({ limit: 10 });
console.log("Pages:", pages);

Fetching Images

const images = await client.fetchImages({ limit: 5 });
console.log("Images:", images);

Fetching Documents

const documents = await client.fetchDocuments({ limit: 3 });
console.log("Documents:", documents);

Fetching a Page

You can fetch a single page based on its ID (number) or slug (string):

const pageIdOrSlug = "home";
const page = await client.fetchPage(pageIdOrSlug);
console.log("Page:", page);

Fetching an Image

You can fetch a single image based on its ID:

const imageId = 1;
const image = await client.fetchImage(imageId);
console.log("Image:", image);

Fetching a Document

You can fetch a single document based on its ID:

const documentId = 2;
const document = await client.fetchDocument(documentId);
console.log("Document:", document);

Retrieving Media Source URL

The getMediaSrc method in the CMSClient class allows you to retrieve the source URL of a media item, such as an image or document, based on its type. This method is particularly useful when you need to display media content from your Wagtail-based CMS.

const imageMedia: CMSMediaMeta = {
  type: "wagtailimages.Image",
  detail_url: "",
  download_url: "/images/1/image.jpg",
const documentMedia: CMSMediaMeta = {
  type: "wagtaildocs.Document",
  detail_url: "",
  download_url: "",

const imageURL = client.getMediaSrc(imageMeta);
const documentURL = client.getMediaSrc(documentMeta);

console.log("Image URL:", imageURL); //
console.log("Document URL:", documentURL); //

Utility Functions

The wagtail-js package includes utility functions for fetching content and constructing URLs for media items.


The fetchContent function allows you to fetch CMS content using the provided parameters and handle response and error cases:

try {
  const response = await fetchContent(
    { limit: 10 }
  console.log("Response:", response);
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof FetchError) {
    console.error("Fetch error:", error.message);
  } else {
    console.error("Unknown error:", error);

Types and Interfaces

The package provides various types and interfaces to help you work with CMS content and requests. These include:

  • ClientOptions: Configuration options for the CMSClient class.
  • CMSContentPath: Path to various types of CMS content.
  • CMSQueries: Optional queries to filter content.
  • CMSContent, CMSContents, CMSMediaMeta, CMSPageMeta: Interfaces for representing CMS content and metadata.
  • NotFoundContents: Interface representing "not found" response data.


The wagtail-js package simplifies the process of fetching content from a Wagtail-based CMS using TypeScript. It provides a convenient CMSClient class with methods for fetching different types of content and handling response and error cases. Additionally, utility functions and types help you work with CMS content and requests effectively.


Example Website Using Wagtail Js