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Practical recipes over the App Store Connect API via Fastlane

Read more about the why in this blog post.


Applelink is a small, self-contained, rack-based service using Hanami::API, that wraps over Spaceship and exposes some nice common recipes as RESTful endpoints in an entirely stateless fashion.

These are based on the needs of the framework that Tramline implements over App Store. The API pulls its weight so Tramline has to do as little as possible. Currently, it exposes 13 API endpoints.

In Applelink, a complex recipe, such as release/prepare, will perform the following tasks all bunched up:

  • Ensure that there is an App Store version that we can use for the release, or create a new one
  • Update the release metadata for that release version
  • Enable phased releases, if necessary

Similarly a simple fetch endpoint like release/live will give you the current status of the latest release.

Applelink is a separate service that is not reliant on Tramline’s internal state. It can be used in a standalone way, for e.g. from a CI workflow, or a Slack bot that spits out app release information.



bundle install
just start
just lint # run lint

Auth token

All APIs (except ping) are secured by JWT auth. Please use standard authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>

The AUTH_TOKEN can be generated using HS256 algo and the secret for generating and verifying the token is shared between Tramline/any other client and applelink.

These can be configured using the following env variables:

These values can be set to whatever you want, as long as they are same between the caller and Applelink.

Example code for generating the token can be taken from this file in the Tramline repo.

In addition to the auth token, you also need the App Store Connect JWT token which is documented here.

Internal API

For the development environment, you can generate the above tokens using the following helper API:

curl -i -X GET

  "store_token": "eyJraWQiOiJLRVlfSUQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJJU1NVRVJfSUQiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODIwNjA1MzYsImV4cCI6MTY4MjA2MTAzNiwiYXVkIjoiYXBwc3RvcmVjb25uZWN0LXYxIn0.-pFtamhBjsNKLr5Z2Ft2tW9H2NojBF1d8RqQBr7nNZF43KUNGMQIPQyp9BCSrFXJop1k7hk7jJstXRJ-WMH_8Q",
  "auth_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2ODIwNjA1MzYsImV4cCI6MTY4MjA2MTUzNiwiYXVkIjoiYXBwbGVsaW5rIiwiaXNzIjoidHJhbWxpbmUuZGV2In0.HDJJw6o6YK-Jmzpl0Xu4SmlTcGtNeEFI0VIg6fqitdw"

This expects the correct env variables to be set for AUTH_TOKEN and the App Store Connect key.p8 file to be present in the Applelink directory along with the relevant KEY_ID and ISSUER_iD being passed to the API.


One can also use requests in restclient-mode to interactively play around with the entire API including fetching and refreshing tokens.


Name Description
Authorization Bearer token signed by tramline
Content-Type Most endpoints expect application/json
X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id App Store Connect key id acquired from the portal
X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id App Store Connect issuer id acquired from the portal
X-AppStoreConnect-Token App Store Connect expirable JWT signed using the key-id and issuer-id

Fetch metadata for an App

GET /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle-id
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Success response
"id": "1658845856",
"name": "Ueno",
"bundle_id": "com.tramline.ueno",
"sku": "com.tramline.ueno"

Fetch live info for an app

GET /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle-id/current_status
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Success response
    "name": "Big External Group",
    "builds": [
        "id": "da720570-cb6e-4b25-b82f-790045a6038e",
        "build_number": "10001",
        "status": "BETA_APPROVED",
        "version_string": "1.46.0",
        "release_date": "2023-04-17T07:03:01-07:00"
        "id": "1c4d0eb3-5cec-47f2-a843-949b12a69784",
        "build_number": "9103",
        "status": "BETA_APPROVED",
        "version_string": "1.45.0",
        "release_date": "2023-04-13T00:09:38-07:00"
    "name": "Small External Group",
    "builds": [
        "id": "e1aa4795-0df2-4d76-b899-8ee95fb8589e",
        "build_number": "10002",
        "status": "BETA_APPROVED",
        "version_string": "1.47.0",
        "release_date": "2023-04-17T10:00:19-07:00"
        "id": "da720570-cb6e-4b25-b82f-790045a6038e",
        "build_number": "10001",
        "status": "BETA_APPROVED",
        "version_string": "1.46.0",
        "release_date": "2023-04-17T07:03:01-07:00"
    "name": "production",
    "builds": [
        "id": "bf11d7a3-fe1c-4c71-acae-a9dc8af57907",
        "version_string": "1.44.1",
        "status": "READY_FOR_SALE",
        "release_date": "2023-04-11T22:45:25-07:00",
        "build_number": "9086"

Fetch all beta groups for an app

GET /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle-id/groups
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Success response
  	"name": "The Pledge",
  	"id": "fcacfdf7-db62-44af-a0cb-0676e17c251b",
  	"internal": true
  	"name": "The Prestige",
  	"id": "2cd6be09-d959-4ed3-a4e7-db8cabbe44d0",
  	"internal": true
  	"name": "The Trick",
  	"id": "dab66de0-7af2-48ae-97af-cc8dfdbde51d",
  	"internal": true
  	"name": "Big External Group",
  	"id": "3bc1ca3e-1d4f-4478-8f38-2dcae4dcbb69",
  	"internal": false
  	"name": "Small External Group",
  	"id": "dc64b810-1157-4228-825b-eb9e95cc8fba",
  	"internal": false

Fetch a single build for an app

GET /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle-id/builds/:build-number
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
build-number required integer build number
Example cURL
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Success response
"id": "bc90d402-ed0c-4d05-887f-d300abc104e9",
"build_number": "9018",
"beta_internal_state": "IN_BETA_TESTING",
"beta_external_state": "BETA_APPROVED",
"uploaded_date": "2023-02-22T22:27:48-08:00",
"expired": false,
"processing_state": "VALID",
"version_string": "1.5.0"

Update the test notes for a build in TestFlight

PATCH /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle-id/builds/:build-number
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
JSON Parameters
name type data type description
notes required string "test the feature to add release notes to builds"
Example cURL
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"notes": "test the feature to add release notes to builds"}' \

Fetch the latest build for an app

GET /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle-id/builds/latest
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Success response
"id": "bc90d402-ed0c-4d05-887f-d300abc104e9",
"build_number": "9018",
"beta_internal_state": "IN_BETA_TESTING",
"beta_external_state": "BETA_APPROVED",
"uploaded_date": "2023-02-22T22:27:48-08:00",
"expired": false,
"processing_state": "VALID",
"version_string": "1.5.0"

Assign a build to a beta group

PATCH /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle_id/groups/:group-id/add_build
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
build-number required integer build number
group-id required string beta group id (uuid)
Example cURL
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Prepare a release for the app

POST /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle_id/release/prepare
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
JSON Parameters
name type data type description
build-number required integer build number
version required string version name
is_phased_release optional boolean flag to enable or disable phased release, defaults to false
metadata required hash { "promotional_text": "this is the app store version promo text", "whats_new": "release notes"}
Example cURL
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"build_number": 9018, "version": "1.6.2", "is_phased_release": true, "metadata": {"promotional_text": "app store version promo text", "whats_new": "release notes"} }' \

Submit a release for review

PATCH /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle_id/release/submit
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
JSON Parameters
name type data type description
build-number required integer build number
Example cURL
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"build_number": 9018}' \

Fetch the status of current inflight release

GET /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle-id/release?build_number=:build-number
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Query parameters
name type data type description
build-number required integer build number
Example cURL
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Success response
  "id": "bd31faa6-6a9a-4958-82de-d271ddc639a8",
  "version_name": "1.8.0",
  "app_store_state": "PENDING_DEVELOPER_RELEASE",
  "release_type": "MANUAL",
  "earliest_release_date": null,
  "downloadable": true,
  "created_date": "2023-02-25T03:02:46-08:00",
  "build_number": "33417",
  "build_id": "31aafef2-d5fb-45d4-9b02-f0ab5911c1b2",
  "phased_release": {
    "id": "bd31faa6-6a9a-4958-82de-d271ddc639a8",
    "phased_release_state": "INACTIVE",
    "start_date": "2023-02-28T06:38:39Z",
    "total_pause_duration": 0,
    "current_day_number": 0
  "details": {
    "id": "ef59d099-6154-4ccb-826b-3ffe6005ed59",
    "description": "The true Yamanote line aural aesthetic.",
    "locale": "en-US",
    "keywords": "japanese, aural, subway",
    "marketing_url": null,
    "promotional_text": null,
    "support_url": "",
    "whats_new": "We now have the total distance covered by each station across the line!"

Start a release after review is approved

PATCH /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle_id/release/start
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
JSON Parameters
name type data type description
build-number required integer build number
Example cURL
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"build_number": 9018}' \

Fetch the status of current live release

GET /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle-id/release/live
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Success response
  "id": "bd31faa6-6a9a-4958-82de-d271ddc639a8",
  "version_name": "1.8.0",
  "app_store_state": "READY_FOR_SALE",
  "release_type": "MANUAL",
  "earliest_release_date": null,
  "downloadable": true,
  "created_date": "2023-02-25T03:02:46-08:00",
  "build_number": "33417",
  "build_id": "31aafef2-d5fb-45d4-9b02-f0ab5911c1b2",
  "phased_release": {
    "id": "bd31faa6-6a9a-4958-82de-d271ddc639a8",
    "phased_release_state": "COMPLETE",
    "start_date": "2023-02-28T06:38:39Z",
    "total_pause_duration": 0,
    "current_day_number": 4
  "details": {
    "id": "ef59d099-6154-4ccb-826b-3ffe6005ed59",
    "description": "The true Yamanote line aural aesthetic.",
    "locale": "en-US",
    "keywords": "japanese, aural, subway",
    "marketing_url": null,
    "promotional_text": null,
    "support_url": "",
    "whats_new": "We now have the total distance covered by each station across the line!"

Pause the rollout of current live release

PATCH /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle_id/release/live/rollout/pause
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Resume the rollout of current live release

PATCH /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle_id/release/live/rollout/resume
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Fully release the current live release to all users

PATCH /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle_id/release/live/rollout/complete
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Halt the current live release from distribution

PATCH /apple/connect/v1/apps/:bundle_id/release/live/rollout/halt
Path parameters
name type data type description
bundle-id required string app's unique identifier
Example cURL
curl -X PATCH \
-H "Authorization: Bearer token" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Key-Id: key-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Issuer-Id: iss-id" \
-H "X-AppStoreConnect-Token: token" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \