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19 August 2022

Please see the project index for more information about the format of this report.

Tracked suspensions

Found 10 suspensions for tracked accounts. ✔️ indicates that the account was verified and 🔒 that it was locked.

Screen name Created Reversed Status Followers Ranking
DrKarlynB (2 others 2007-06-14 2022-09-20 67560 206
SteelAndSunMan 2021-03-07 13394 685
LiteraryGoon (1 other 2011-03-16 2022-09-05 2597 892
againstgrmrs_v2 (2 others 2022-06-22 8214 1377
sk8r4chr1st 2022-05-01 327 3639
81722fhvb 2022-08-17 351 4163
Papabeartotem (1 other 2022-01-20 186 5691
DarcyLloydJoyce (1 other 2020-02-08 87 7276
CW_Powers (1 other 2009-09-15 2022-08-25 764 36095
Frentabernacle (1 other 2021-02-13 2022-08-21 201 39894

Tracked screen name changes

Found 34 screen name changes for tracked accounts.✔️ indicates that the account is verified and 🔒 that it is locked.

Previous screen name New screen name Status Followers Ranking
WWonly93 (3 others patr1ot_p 16878 593
Archie_Signify Archie_Tilbrook 525 1195
TYLTK CannibalKabeia 838 2168
border_lenny_77 LINDY_LENNY 457 3587
sosenhoeren (1 other wh1tet1gerking 66 5053
Argo_Muria_ (7 others Ranggajati_ 10089 5737
realdonaldblumh therealfoxNY 3211 6463
sd2dl (1 other bignutzinurmth 182 6822
angrybklynmom (1 other nycexpatmom 🔒 51335 9083
precogdiary (6 others cryptocayce 1376 15500
Frogsthatdidnt1 Bac2thekitchen 185 16549
emmyinthewoods (2 others emmyinthechalet 431 17020
ActuallyChorizo (24 others seniordemais 125 17325
Anaslife6 AwakeLife6 160 21545
DuuuuurtyDrPhil zenphil_ 114 22968
TranSynapseUS (1 other kaladinmuisca 325 28307
Dodorex42 Nexorex2 2 33968
AmongstTheFungi DeznatImperium 14 46407
FoxMuldervibes (1 other HornblowerisI 113 50065
firstmember01 (2 others IddAminDada2 132 53413
PassageOfTime_ (2 others WINshallah_ 162 54084
MrKeithHibbard (1 other MrParaGod 37 56775
CutiestThings 4Raised4Vibes4 🔒 3 57511
michawave (2 others michxwxve 🔒 58 58730
flyerfan17mr mattroeder623 🔒 612 63856
DavePelna (1 other Davegotanewname 697 75704
PandianJayasri 3_DaisyAllerton 🔒 61 76877
ivan_ilyin (6 others Kudeevsky 312 77622
SpanishInq (4 others user_uid 🔒 251 81438
classamaroon (1 other GetRyback92 77 83016
AgarthanTechno AgarthanBrah 596 88146
AustralianHamb MrH4m 67 88735
alkalizedandrew (5 others aendr33w 33 96115
penny_lynlyn 45Penny24 2672 97790

Untracked suspensions

Found 1962 suspensions for untracked accounts. 301 accounts have more than 1000 followers and are included here. ✔️ indicates that the account was verified and 🔒 that it was locked.

Screen name Created Reversed Status Followers
adrianarios001 (8 others 2019-08-23 945936
TheFigen (2 others 2010-11-09 831856
odiomistweets (1 other 2011-12-30 370483
blogueirinhaofc (15 others 2015-11-14 327373
twtCats 2021-11-07 269799
MsVeracruzV (1 other 2012-12-03 210916
kraptorband 2011-03-06 2022-09-10 195020
HOUDINIE2022 2022-01-14 2022-08-25 148455
CHISTEPIN 2011-05-28 120693
HeryHenriquez (1 other 2012-08-18 2023-01-01 106811
Dani_Matamoros 2009-05-11 ✔️ 101405
CobraTateG 2022-02-11 96490
thisuseroffcl 2022-03-09 84639
Clyst_F (6 others 2019-05-03 2022-12-21 76062
IAmHelenaPrice 2019-06-16 2022-08-25 74087
jbaaaaaby1 (1 other 2012-12-03 59199
knowledgeatoz (4 others 2018-02-10 56460
_HollieSparrow (5 others 2011-05-16 52880
Sugar_Tits_Bear 2016-02-11 46950
ZeroStars_NFT (2 others 2021-08-23 37432
Sharon73052814 2022-02-08 32951
m6_0xdino (1 other 2021-06-17 32912
Cynthiacc__ 2022-04-17 32093
222WildChild 2022-07-06 28573
sitatarusizuku (1 other 2009-07-21 27572
heysilk_ 2021-12-30 26163
ana_mindroc 2021-04-01 25349
ririlx 2014-07-23 2022-08-21 24938
Yaar_ii 2020-09-02 22541
BLNewsMedia (1 other 2020-08-08 2023-01-14 21742
5yrAF5566 (1 other 2020-09-28 20733
Dripflixxx 2009-08-12 20023
lt4agreements 2016-03-07 18295
SandraW32412869 2022-03-05 18235
bufftron 2012-02-21 16397
globaallNFT 2022-04-22 16015
HORZV 2021-12-10 15824
fantasticlegs 2009-07-31 2023-01-28 15748
AlixG_2 2021-09-20 2023-03-19 15573
joo_ucha4 (1 other 2019-03-11 14899
stuartgary 2010-03-30 2022-08-25 14360
Joel_Osteen24 (3 others 2010-01-04 13828
QUEENnftart 2022-04-10 13198
PatMcNamara43 2016-12-04 2022-12-21 12237
lord_knigh (7 others 2021-03-09 12104
JESSIICANFT 2022-04-08 11268
On_Air_1 2021-11-25 10978
_MASSlMO_ (2 others 2013-03-02 2023-03-31 10853
GuelfiJohn 2018-02-23 10536
LadeBqckk (1 other 2008-04-23 9978
minton2030 (2 others 2021-03-13 9856
PROMOKING34 (1 other 2022-05-01 9581
Decade1nvestors (5 others 2021-04-23 9505
stabbyTAB2 (1 other 2012-01-31 2023-03-15 9389
PTIworldwide (1 other 2020-06-20 9211
cristianefraga 2009-04-21 8880
WasatyJanusz 2012-02-23 2022-11-26 8824
DNR_Z_Front (4 others 2014-07-16 8759
jodamen79 (1 other 2011-05-22 2022-08-25 8558
Tropa_84 (18 others 2020-06-19 7794
ebonyashley98 2022-02-27 2022-09-05 7623
JelyfishTN 2020-09-29 2022-08-25 7512
BELLAANFT 2022-04-09 7459
Crypto3bridge 2021-08-28 6978
davontae234a (5 others 2020-02-29 2022-12-21 6944
nicktothecore74 2010-04-14 6841
BearVA5 2020-07-08 6662
Truthseeker1985 2020-07-31 6571
thelilianajai 2022-01-10 6549
Candynft3 2022-04-15 6511
REDCO131 2016-01-27 2022-08-25 6423
HarlowAlfred 2012-08-06 6351
TerryHunter 2010-04-16 6265
amelia_3n 2021-11-25 5805
Warofplanetgame 2021-12-19 5594
TexanPatriot99 2020-11-06 5565
cisuganda 2016-11-01 ✔️ 5522
baran_307 (2 others 2020-09-05 2022-09-05 5472
ResistereNews 2021-10-08 5392
jcakes017 2021-12-27 5382
robotfx_ro (1 other 2010-02-02 5324
Mahesh54252497 2016-03-13 5301
WRN8S1DF (1 other 2013-06-29 5298
BorisMi88282343 2020-10-22 5291
noirdosser 2019-09-10 2022-09-05 5265
BhavyaSai13 2017-10-21 5175
BreedIov22 (2 others 2021-07-22 5111
Mariebe10098426 2015-10-12 5025
subaruchen_ 2016-07-25 4976
MarkoRadonjic1 2012-02-18 4914
drow3mcph 2012-05-26 4907
93plus 2014-08-25 2022-08-25 4747
20v_Terror 2018-03-16 4634
CocReality 2015-02-21 4577
plavamrvica 2014-06-11 4550
CaptSantosh2 2020-10-31 2022-09-05 4515
sshep_99 2009-04-18 2023-03-10 4502
freedom_girlbot 2017-11-24 4489
a111us 2015-08-13 2023-03-09 4458
Jawa66923519 2021-07-14 4391
assamhomidan123 2016-03-24 4374
leslieolds98 2011-10-02 4349
HIHKatharine 2016-06-16 2023-01-01 4132
DenhoffMaja 2021-01-20 4120
DontBooVoteBlue (3 others 2021-03-25 4101
LarryRo65757761 2020-05-09 4084
ap_utd (8 others 2020-12-08 4081
Knopfvid90 2012-07-13 4073
MetcalfeMegan 2011-06-20 4060
Timerican (2 others 2010-09-15 2022-12-18 3988
PhilipLynn4 2013-10-03 3956
RickyFarley18 2012-08-07 3935
RTomDavies1 2021-05-02 3707
sxybio 2009-02-11 3690
HarryDismiss (5 others 2014-04-01 3644
ToggleShiftLock 2022-04-01 2022-08-21 3635
DavidUphim 2011-05-21 3626
elamNFTs (1 other 2022-05-04 3623
MikeSBlumenthal 2021-01-16 2023-03-04 3600
CryptoKatty_ 2021-12-27 2022-08-21 3599
JeyanZane 2013-03-27 3595
PBeatap (1 other 2020-03-29 2023-02-11 3583
LeandraGuerra 2010-02-13 3543
singingfb 2021-07-09 3477
hystrionico1984 2021-11-20 3417
SeattleIndepen1 2021-12-13 3385
Martino887 (1 other 2020-06-09 3371
ProfBokdrol 2013-02-25 3357
quadriparesis 2022-04-27 2023-02-15 3357
mik_glass (1 other 2018-12-28 3340
WilliamASheare1 2020-07-06 3230
LandoFree 2009-05-01 2023-03-27 3205
PEGASUS_FLIGHT 2021-09-23 3204
yadirar03193523 2020-04-30 3183
Zartman44 2013-06-08 2023-02-12 3163
NidaKirmany 2022-03-24 2023-01-26 3154
ShaneCallagha15 2017-07-26 2023-03-12 3044
StopTheGQP (1 other 2020-10-23 2850
ilungabass (1 other 2015-03-29 2822
ste7ens1 2012-05-24 2819
swavedave1 2019-03-05 2813
castello2 2009-08-05 2023-02-13 2799
mullinssteven72 2021-11-27 2773
PatriotaZz (1 other 2021-09-26 2753
11HotelTOWSUP (1 other 2022-02-04 2745
DarianLambert11 2013-03-11 2658
Kremlinboti 2022-02-24 2623
johnw1381 2011-03-10 2603
_SlMBA (1 other 2020-01-11 2577
midgedotcon 2009-05-10 2534
ilikeemwhite69 2022-04-07 2493
UWSinGA (5 others 2008-12-26 2022-12-29 2480
Amanda85949423 2022-04-07 2456
AmaioAlfred 2021-09-06 2023-03-16 2442
MrMusicSoftware 2011-05-18 2375
Tess_VanTassel 2022-04-30 2371
JimJones1913 2013-10-11 2022-09-23 2326
KCJonathan15 (1 other 2019-06-01 2326
injaeneous 2014-01-11 2325
LinearOutcome 2016-07-23 2321
RamosJPR_RN (1 other 2019-10-28 2300
paulgugs55 2017-03-30 2023-02-20 2288
Goddard2066 2021-08-06 2285
atouchofsnark 2020-06-09 2284
georgejgalatis 2013-09-22 2271
IbrahimJabr22 2021-05-13 2266
mhinvt2 2020-09-20 2230
brent74 2009-03-07 2226
juanitotmax 2016-04-17 2216
PatsanTurk (1 other 2017-06-20 2148
EdozieJonathan 2021-08-11 2023-01-02 2138
JasonChengZAP 2019-04-27 2136
_alienwalker_ (4 others 2010-08-31 2129
GreatResetMood (1 other 2016-01-01 2093
yanglai15 2022-01-24 2029
LocalSEOSF (2 others 2018-01-11 2008
DELYMT82 (1 other 2021-08-24 1978
Nam24663899 2017-08-17 1969
RosieHeys 2021-02-15 2022-08-21 1933
colbycalltheco1 2019-02-16 1913
MarinaMika85 (1 other 2020-12-02 1901
MagaUSA62 2017-03-31 1895
LillyForAmerica (1 other 2022-05-21 1893
GAG_NYC (1 other 2021-07-11 1854
82_swedish 2020-06-09 1851
OGB1ZzaRr077 (1 other 2022-07-21 2022-08-21 1850
d_orison 2019-08-04 2023-01-14 1820
FlojdBrana 2020-12-01 1816
wench2043 2021-10-31 2022-08-21 1795
GlobalPigeon 2010-11-08 1784
matrxs9 (1 other 2021-10-13 🔒 1776
Sonu04813419 2020-06-20 1756
julie41617109 (1 other 2022-01-03 1748
Brad55814639 2021-07-12 1737
POOH72RU 2022-02-22 1733
Sparksjay483AD 2021-10-04 1725
OkSolrak 2021-02-11 2022-12-03 1723
DliwayoReg 2019-09-29 1694
LezanneBenn 2021-10-10 1665
panuhoglund 2009-06-25 1663
SexSerenity 2020-06-23 1657
AfricanJokic (6 others 2011-06-30 1641
e_khandaa 2022-06-25 1638
YuyaKouyama0414 2020-06-20 2022-08-25 1634
LiliPralong 2022-01-06 1627
enigmafnn 2020-01-14 1611
LuisMiguelUS (1 other 2013-10-12 2023-02-19 1610
SinglesexyL 2022-05-11 1594
rubecsar 2019-03-07 1583
Asafkha0786 2018-09-07 1580
DarkwingDuck322 2022-05-11 1579
SilencedFeather (1 other 2021-12-06 🔒 1552
JaniUstad5 2022-04-15 1548
ColonelMark3 2022-07-26 1548
rnCry_pt (2 others 2016-07-23 1538
lilaaguayo90 2020-11-06 1534
demfortrump3 (2 others 2022-03-03 1533
DerFrischste 2021-09-09 1520
SonOfSeanile 2021-07-12 1499
CoronyaTheFuQa (1 other 2021-07-04 1478
Atul85397632 2022-04-20 1454
Gutto_Mike3 2022-04-08 1437
TCLweed (1 other 2021-07-14 1434
JaSeUvekVracam 2020-04-22 1429
latulipe_A 2022-04-18 1414
MattJeremy11 (1 other 2022-02-07 1407
wealthcufu 2018-01-28 1398
Westcr4ck (1 other 2015-11-27 🔒 1388
Marquis20430943 2020-08-09 1376
PabloMonS03 2015-05-23 2022-12-06 1367
EstoniaCountry 2020-05-17 2023-02-15 1366
USBornNRaised00 2022-05-10 1352
radabdad 2021-10-04 1335
Tat_Loo 2009-05-18 1333
FrancHftseixas 2017-09-19 1332
Skooked 2009-10-25 1312
SaffronScout (2 others 2016-10-31 1312
BiwiMobu 2013-02-12 1309
diane_speer82 2020-12-28 1307
FFLPatriot (1 other 2017-03-03 1295
annamartins568 2020-06-09 1285
javiergiza 2011-07-08 1256
hockey27warrior 2022-04-25 1239
Matrixunpluged 2022-02-27 1231
santiagojean 2010-10-28 1230
Menino_maiki 2021-10-27 🔒 1228
AqeelGhamidov (1 other 2022-02-19 1219
lilBeanasaur (2 others 2012-06-22 1210
emperor_dune (2 others 2020-09-29 1204
NNkwuda 2013-08-14 2022-08-21 1201
LOLY_TOMY 2010-09-21 1199
NJavierBustos7 (1 other 2020-01-18 1198
irishbill42 2022-02-27 1195
t_swansea 2021-11-09 1190
wenwen520_ (1 other 2011-11-05 1182
coolest20211 (2 others 2020-03-17 1181
PascalM59750502 2022-05-30 2022-08-21 1180
Iegend_lstRRS (10 others 2019-07-11 1174
company_octopus 2022-04-27 1173
maxxemtucker 2013-07-24 1170
flyingdancer 2009-05-18 1166
Aktarus91_ 2022-02-08 1163
trappuccino9 2021-10-20 1154
centralpinochet (2 others 2019-10-22 1153
wfjr2020 (1 other 2020-08-25 1151
ubulon94 (14 others 2021-11-14 1146
topasiaforex (1 other 2018-09-25 1140
Michael75905676 2022-07-13 1138
FarFicin 2021-07-01 1132
prudence_sereo 2017-01-12 2023-01-01 1131
we_arent_here (2 others 2011-05-24 2023-02-01 1130
MatejicIlija 2020-10-23 1128
carpenbarker 2019-01-01 2022-09-23 1123
Abofade64522161 2021-01-01 1123
shomoyogu 2009-05-25 1115
KabilMahto 2022-02-08 1114
Norinas1984 (1 other 2021-01-10 1104
isabelh84954639 2021-01-20 1103
Meanmelon 2011-07-19 1102
TrumpTrain3X0 (1 other 2022-04-05 2023-02-10 1098
kitweUG (1 other 2012-12-03 2023-01-09 1097
SlappeSlapp 2009-08-19 1095
StruggleShout (2 others 2017-04-23 1090
IndoCora 2020-09-11 1089
SoundwavePromo1 2020-12-10 2023-02-20 1087
dmfl7902 2022-02-09 1079
florencelucas_a (3 others 2014-12-07 1077
LittleHawk621 2021-09-16 1057
Ananamadsad 2021-09-24 1049
huwdrury 2008-08-25 2022-11-13 1039
bougatsas1 2020-10-11 1038
ship_scout_atm 2022-06-24 1034
yeyetetete (1 other 2010-12-25 2023-02-22 1032
delilahgallo68 2021-01-24 1026
Miss_Redtail (1 other 2016-12-26 1025
_booliet_ (2 others 2019-07-18 1015
sinotte_dorothy 2020-11-27 1013
farukh1992 (1 other 2013-05-24 1011
Mahardika_2789 2021-11-14 1008
RedPillJonny2 2022-02-10 1006
liberateIL 2012-03-24 1002