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20 November 2022

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Tracked suspensions

Found 35 suspensions for tracked accounts. ✔️ indicates that the account was verified and 🔒 that it was locked.

Screen name Created Reversed Status Followers Ranking
Anarcho_Toad (2 others 2009-06-28 2023-01-11 7041 946
FreeNortherner 2013-09-17 2022-11-20 4406 1257
theworlds3nd (2 others 2020-09-03 2023-02-03 742 1759
The_Nillest 2021-12-07 1026 1780
JasonPantz 2014-06-19 2023-02-21 282 1909
WomanDefiner (1 other 2022-04-26 2023-03-09 958 2605
DaRealSlimPeezy 2022-04-25 962 2835
cumdivision 2021-06-12 🔒 97 3577
carthhannibal0 2021-11-15 516 4522
peace_toad (1 other 2020-09-03 505 5710
KBearthur 2022-01-21 2022-12-06 586 7038
HenryFriendly1 2022-07-20 288 7670
ForestPassenger 2021-11-23 139 10219
adriancantskate 2020-02-25 771 14349
MasterMcgough 2022-05-24 129 14509
Mr_Pinko 2009-12-03 2023-01-27 17492 16590
OldMemeClown (1 other 2021-11-22 2023-01-03 7438 17554
JetPopulist 2022-01-08 1623 18032
FrenlyRaider 2022-06-01 20 21380
missionairre 2022-01-06 375 21593
JamesWhipkey 2014-09-11 662 24697
LifeSupport2023 2022-09-13 400 25037
sterling_nacho 2021-04-10 119 33836
TheRatKing21 (2 others 2020-10-25 887 34002
vasilistavrop 2014-01-28 715 34892
tinybproduction 2022-01-14 304 46821
AL_G_The (1 other 2022-08-27 91 52455
BushidoBrown32 2018-10-02 595 60212
FatsLifter 2021-11-25 45 65040
WS06458740 2021-06-06 18 67412
scvplumber 2011-02-22 1274 70482
CMartel732AD 2021-12-11 104 77223
BornChimp 2021-11-07 🔒 141 78845
TolkeinSociety (1 other 2022-05-11 144 99427
CopseOfTrees 2022-03-21 1432 99900

Tracked screen name changes

Found 81 screen name changes for tracked accounts.✔️ indicates that the account is verified and 🔒 that it is locked.

Previous screen name New screen name Status Followers Ranking
whitecollartrad (3 others thespoiledhick 1660 1304
BYUtahSucks (3 others BYU4lyfe 158 1469
dogbank4 (4 others seadevilblack 289 1848
Patriarch_PePe Malachias_94 318 4217
covenanterX (2 others fedvis 68 6183
GardenPhrog (30 others MoonFrog_00_ 1369 8555
Dylan_TJones (2 others ignitedzoomer 93 8781
ChimpSparkpants RealChimpOnline 214 9211
TsarJustin FrumiousConsu 380 11213
icey_screams (2 others fashbender 152 11568
ClementKnox2 Clement__Knox 236 16416
BeanFrensNFT (1 other PlisskenFren 🔒 1004 19507
skilentnight (3 others horanth434 🔒 0 19983
horanth434 (3 others 2488rjd 🔒 0 19983
ancientaryans_ (9 others cosmictoke_ 377 20098
ZenSquirrels (3 others DaBraveSquirrel 147 21331
judgement_bo1t (4 others truthorlies1984 76 21962
BBell06123606 bbellx03 118 23586
LadyJustice6910 LadyJustice4512 41939 24305
drmindfull (5 others m_i_n_d_f_u_l_l 1857 24316
NoahPesicka (45 others JDKulyk 41 24649
JoeMacEoghainn (4 others JoeMcEoinn 32 24962
JoeMcEoghain (4 others JoeMacEoghainn 22 24962
bluntcomorbid (6 others blackholesvn_ 8 27359
slumberenjoyer zoomerzeitgeist 35 29757
Linda_4justice Linda_itsme2 2363 30725
Maureen60562688 GGforColorado 43 34271
BitDiggie (17 others huesohead 1 34446
revxiae (2 others caliguladsdnt 42 35168
spacecrusade7 (13 others NaomhBreanainn 61 38023
Jc33207159Jc Shadowbanman_ 204 38067
Texasundmom (2 others truthseekermom6 3640 38611
congo_dandy (10 others sonofstretch007 445 38629
sonofstretch007 (10 others __helium3 440 38629
COReservation BigSouthFork 🔒 0 40100
sinshinkiva sinsinkiva 82 42655
allbeing667 allbeing_667 253 43290
HotPie88 theirongroyper 🔒 17 44907
btcfaithfreedom (4 others faithbtcfreedom 669 45900
VileFyodor (3 others M4KHNO 24 46246
notytIcansayit LoriWitDaModelo 83 48461
b_lvo_ (5 others realLavoe 🔒 118 49451
Rebecca35935662 Rebeccasaysno 4707 55533
MikeHaggar_1 Flynn_T1982 14 58358
realXsocyoti (11 others therealXsocyoti 132 58885
PlayerTied Bowtiedplayer 1714 63460
el_machinist (5 others 905_sol 1827 63792
AngelosAmerica (1 other Mega_2024 3066 64354
RodneyGilliam Scrabblenames 3389 65583
Ruttinbuttrubs (1 other Ruttinbut 2952 66993
NatKwonHova (1 other Halemyre 173 67145
nJIEOehGRJjm4Y1 (5 others V_F_W_ 9 67265
bigbink42069 (12 others bigbink69420 25715 69510
NickHea77733391 NickAHeath 2241 71588
genghistate (4 others kpopshooter 169 72557
mctakana (2 others fordee02 101 72670
Showthetruth99 (31 others Chevrolet1899 3560 73490
1UtahDad Helaman512 586 75703
JordanJonathanT (5 others TRUTHGLORYxx 332 75800
nerd_lift tylerwyliem 92 79785
BigDaddyDore BigDaddyHonch01 2495 81019
moon______man (3 others moonman_outloud 166 82493
GeorgeWASC (1 other SleepySaxon 150 82524
chris_blansett (2 others chrisblansettTX 185 84106
gsl6464 gsl1776 897 85229
heretohelp_18 (1 other MarleysGhost18 🔒 2552 85714
LostthenFound4 (1 other DoneRetweetedIt 528 85778
squeptic (4 others skeptic_jb 284 86409
beers_fears swampbrah 93 87354
FoulWitchHag (1 other Susan_E_J_USA 1527 87585
factBASEDmemer (2 others SooperSpooky 37 87915
DarkSid74763339 (1 other TheUnvaxxedJew 855 89485
dr_lovefun (4 others FreeDacian 3026 89917
xoxoxoxoxozzz (16 others magickalliberty 42 90539
GarSpee367318Ga (1 other spee_garry 🔒 191 90778
DrewBurgan AndrewWittstadt 79 91086
imacynictoo1 (1 other imacynictoo_ 1566 92138
umcwr19 (1 other InfoTruthWar 146 92662
ram_bra7 (61 others Q7Bravo 1282 93184
eliasthemilkman (3 others HeGotAnAfro 226 99047
OldieAndGoodie (3 others Art____Vandalay 153 99839

Untracked suspensions

Found 1365 suspensions for untracked accounts. 156 accounts have more than 1000 followers and are included here. ✔️ indicates that the account was verified and 🔒 that it was locked.

Screen name Created Reversed Status Followers
YtThumbnails 2014-07-20 2022-12-13 201594
Smak303 (3 others 2010-01-05 2022-12-29 🔒 97965
ThesisHimself 2009-10-06 55612
ClaasyCrypto_ 2014-11-27 54839
MiaOffici1 2016-09-30 39610
hamakasu1202 2017-02-13 34524
RftktOfficiaI (1 other 2013-07-07 34316
gonnassau 2010-02-09 2022-12-29 31231
bangopang_ (3 others 2013-03-17 2023-01-01 24947
zynab_1978 2021-01-23 2022-11-24 20680
410okayama (1 other 2009-07-27 19318
IdiotsAlmostDyi (2 others 2022-09-10 14828
_sgasteyger (1 other 2014-05-18 13216
AysLondonArtis2 (1 other 2017-07-12 13191
danielabotelh10 2013-09-03 12910
SkeezyDonald 2016-05-21 12373
1_punny_dem (2 others 2011-01-20 11949
_Aaryn_ 2021-08-13 7639
dangdwt 2021-10-08 2023-01-02 6295
100000Bets 2018-05-07 5858
Trump2Usa (2 others 2016-09-13 5704
ostenbaken1004 2020-08-17 5419
princessofdoge (1 other 2020-10-14 🔒 5406
oceandreams64 2021-09-26 5157
winthxu 2021-12-22 4892
The_Marta_Verse (1 other 2012-01-22 4885
arquiteturaoral 2013-09-22 4744
BigDonkBoi (1 other 2013-10-07 2023-02-02 4707
FallofUSA (2 others 2010-06-06 4685
MaddKap (3 others 2007-07-27 4622
MichelleTDTC (1 other 2022-02-17 4511
ReallyBadWind (2 others 2021-01-09 4148
superchanito 2009-09-02 4111
ShortFatOtaku 2010-07-01 2023-03-18 3973
femboy_autism (1 other 2022-05-10 3964
tonyfalcone 2008-12-26 3803
thinkerdunord (2 others 2019-10-27 3735
WebmixCambara (1 other 2009-07-10 3631
dyopiw (1 other 2022-03-30 2023-01-02 3473
Tjaybillbruck (1 other 2011-10-02 3448
sabinihbigwin (9 others 2019-04-24 2023-01-02 3427
lindawow253 2022-04-05 3420
KinesisThesis 2022-09-15 3405
DavidCabral1906 2016-10-20 2023-01-01 3343
Respuestasveg4n 2021-09-05 3262
fadishka1 2015-12-15 2023-01-01 3217
Iza_Franco55 2009-10-03 3141
HermesTrading1 2021-05-20 2023-01-28 3097
pittguy122 2016-02-10 3067
am4979195 2018-12-11 2023-04-04 3058
c0caxola (12 others 2014-03-24 2022-12-02 3038
dorivas5 (1 other 2009-06-30 2975
MazahirMd1 2022-02-10 2905
SalsaPrice 2016-11-19 2023-02-10 2840
Abraxxa 2010-12-17 2743
FlossieAndBoo 2017-08-02 🔒 2735
styrimangroyper 2022-08-05 2716
TattoFalconiSpa (1 other 2017-08-30 2695
DeadNastySoul 2022-01-09 2023-02-17 2685
ArcherOnTheWall 2020-04-29 2657
Greatestcomand 2017-10-27 2623
JoeMartner 2013-05-16 2023-02-23 2620
KirilRuvinsky 2012-07-03 2022-12-03 2600
ciller_tavares 2021-12-11 2023-03-22 2580
LDNMUACONNECT 2012-06-27 2559
rembrary 2022-06-16 2023-01-02 2502
patty_crews 2022-04-11 2023-03-01 2486
hksuraj 2012-01-02 2472
theponzifactor 2015-12-07 2380
lemagnifyk 2010-06-11 2330
JoeQer17 2022-08-11 2329
dentistpatients 2016-03-08 2287
Sabrina02865300 2021-08-15 2259
SincerelyAdolf 2022-09-28 2117
bbangganteng (4 others 2019-08-07 2066
RealRioMV (1 other 2009-05-08 2047
liberalnypolak5 2022-02-06 2044
Amandawilliam01 2020-10-23 2025
RenaKam1 2019-04-04 2012
cassandra_prit 2021-08-09 2010
Deborah95945792 2022-04-23 1974
wordwhizkid 2009-01-19 1973
Cesarbeapbeap (1 other 2015-03-18 1972
drkyla 2009-08-27 1948
NickDM 2009-02-06 1904
sarja999 2012-11-16 1874
TSRUDEBOI 2011-05-28 1865
jwilk12330 2015-01-29 1822
BRASILVERACRUZ1 2022-05-01 1817
blockchainchik7 (3 others 2014-06-15 1792
TattoFalconiUsa 2021-06-16 1788
Lu_Sevisk (4 others 2020-03-17 1779
winsatus (2 others 2019-07-23 2022-12-02 1774
MemoryHold777 (1 other 2016-05-06 1768
TattoFalRussian (1 other 2017-08-31 1726
SDiego1889 2019-09-25 1719
ferreira_f_h (1 other 2009-01-09 2023-02-10 1696
ChopOn1980 2022-08-02 1663
DCarsonCPA_MFC 2015-05-14 1662
MaggieL 2007-11-14 2023-02-20 1649
casi1no (2 others 2022-08-20 1629
teusdae (4 others 2022-01-24 2023-01-02 1626
qwind0m (6 others 2017-05-23 2022-12-02 1598
rkive_sky7 2021-10-27 2022-12-02 1579
AlfredoLampert 2017-05-20 1559
blackworl121 (2 others 2020-04-21 2023-01-02 1558
sludgekitty (4 others 2020-09-28 2023-02-24 1536
yo_argentinook (5 others 2019-01-10 1491
ChamoisPlas 2020-07-05 1491
FreddyfazFunZon 2021-03-20 1463
KajalSi8084 2022-09-09 1461
lawazya 2021-03-08 1448
jayhawk202064 2022-01-23 1434
TattoFalcFrance (1 other 2017-11-10 1430
KJV_Extremist (2 others 2022-09-14 1430
alyxxchr 2010-12-30 1425
itzyourv 2022-09-07 1422
DelautreChloe3 2021-05-07 1411
officialpeach92 2015-02-17 1391
markLiv30 2022-09-04 1390
mito22a26 (2 others 2019-01-01 🔒 1355
awdemsari (5 others 2017-10-13 2023-01-02 1348
nellisoncrypto 2022-05-04 1345
0xw1nDesemb3r (23 others 2020-08-24 2022-12-02 1338
PawelPiotr1944 (2 others 2014-03-20 1333
ConflictOfValue 2018-08-30 2023-02-09 1333
SpecialistAbee (1 other 2009-03-11 1297
apenasmagui 2022-09-23 2023-03-09 1292
PauloforTruth (1 other 2016-06-27 1284
pdtdy777 2022-08-26 1276
juicydee_eth (1 other 2021-04-02 1273
AxtonAmy (1 other 2013-08-01 2023-03-11 1271
chipper_hq (1 other 2021-12-09 1267
princDjordje (4 others 2012-03-22 2022-12-26 1259
1RedTulie 2013-08-10 2022-11-21 1243
GingerSbagliato (47 others 2020-04-15 1221
LE0SAGA (3 others 2016-08-06 1208
MikeSouthWestUK (2 others 2021-10-03 2023-02-07 1200
johnkvalIls 2011-12-19 1191
oyrnet 2022-03-15 2023-03-28 1182
matovuhuzaifah9 2022-08-11 1172
CoSachs (1 other 2021-08-16 1142
SilvioC68090247 2019-01-07 1139
EspritCrazy 2022-08-08 1124
akunwangy_ (4 others 2019-07-29 2023-01-02 1119
chris_shurey 2022-04-18 1117
umjipdf (3 others 2019-04-25 2023-01-02 1114
Pastar_nak 2016-12-20 2023-02-04 1096
kilithamannJaro (3 others 2020-01-20 1082
Lvstarlet64 (1 other 2011-03-05 1077
kamumenanq (1 other 2022-04-19 2022-12-02 1067
Heath_Feth 2022-07-02 1052
vlilianka 2022-09-29 1020
Evelynn0123 2022-06-30 1016
maia_marcilene 2015-03-08 1000
aleclwrnc 2022-10-29 1000