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10 December 2022

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Tracked suspensions

Found 20 suspensions for tracked accounts. ✔️ indicates that the account was verified and 🔒 that it was locked.

Screen name Created Reversed Status Followers Ranking
peterju32154155 2022-01-17 123 3939
Crabben2 2020-03-25 646 9140
xVoidW11 2022-05-06 60 9276
brannigan63 2014-08-29 1212 13502
ElevenOneThree (1 other 2019-03-15 512 23112
warmheartdesign 2013-02-19 316 27200
sailinggirl73 2018-02-25 1132 27376
lyfez11 2020-06-16 🔒 118 32012
moronicpedant 2017-02-16 386 39973
SprcmptrSatoshi 2022-03-26 372 43370
PoodleReuben 2022-07-11 116 43545
joshtracy 2009-07-09 🔒 2165 46136
billyTR98712312 (1 other 2022-02-12 18 55145
DoctorWallman 2014-11-03 2023-02-13 8636 60908
john_ishappy (5 others 2019-06-25 204 61966
Electablegroypr (3 others 2021-01-03 631 76043
craigbob99 2009-02-04 2022-12-18 2445 77645
JeffJongsma 2019-09-03 2022-12-16 263 81763
cpmmk4 2010-07-18 311 87502
JesusECast 2021-09-20 2023-02-28 5948 99264

Tracked screen name changes

Found 0 screen name changes for tracked accounts.

Untracked suspensions

Found 2625 suspensions for untracked accounts. 182 accounts have more than 1000 followers and are included here. ✔️ indicates that the account was verified and 🔒 that it was locked.

Screen name Created Reversed Status Followers
DyrtyBlonde (4 others 2014-07-27 532230
scottdclary (1 other 2011-10-15 2022-12-17 241513
nfts_cristiano (5 others 2009-03-19 227511
xhttp_asians 2022-11-02 171155
Q_jij (4 others 2014-02-11 157435
UuxXxuU9999 2013-07-14 79095
ashley4keeps (1 other 2022-09-06 72618
cake5511 (1 other 2022-06-17 72286
rodosha1 (1 other 2015-06-21 2023-01-01 52912
Beluga__NFT (3 others 2009-11-19 51078
marcelecuona 2010-04-02 49222
WaterworxLtd (7 others 2012-11-03 46012
TH0TB0TXO 2022-10-04 37601
Galaxy_Crown (2 others 2014-08-11 35604
AccumulateDAO (10 others 2021-05-31 32156
mmccsolana 2021-09-06 2023-03-12 30366
666Psych0 (2 others 2022-02-07 29171
blackedbbcfan (1 other 2017-09-25 24970
melinashakur (2 others 2019-03-21 19693
KiaraMooonpv 2022-02-25 18775
dinhooop 2012-08-16 17672
yellaaabae 2022-09-15 17007
AlinskyDefeater 2009-07-13 15528
rajpromotions 2009-05-03 13712
ItsDatBytchh 2011-11-19 11950
iamabuff 2013-01-24 11603
Rvcool 2009-07-14 11464
salrasa 2008-07-31 10491
cristiano_dao (1 other 2022-01-25 9747
MaraphotoMara 2012-10-02 8865
flyflygoing (2 others 2013-03-21 8755
aneeslodhi09 2016-07-23 2022-12-30 8488
IsmetLekoglu (2 others 2010-05-25 2023-01-14 8399
BrisketCrypto (1 other 2017-08-28 8317
CabdiF2 2021-01-28 8310
gafr60 2012-07-28 2022-12-27 7887
tammynt87 (3 others 2010-09-14 7433
NTY57NTY 2022-04-14 7349
Jairoclee1 2022-02-11 7155
AntisWTF 2022-04-07 2022-12-15 6888
StarApesNFT 2022-04-29 2023-01-02 6827
DropOfFun 2014-06-08 6768
HUNGJUIHSIN1 2019-01-08 6372
52waterproof 2020-04-24 6209
rjsmith169 2009-06-17 5874
DJXBeats (1 other 2013-09-21 2023-01-01 5585
CryptoMal1 2021-06-27 5390
_DirtyTruths (1 other 2011-08-26 5320
AnonSC_ 2022-04-12 5319
rondrews11 2022-07-13 5309
collinbraunhaus (9 others 2016-07-28 5047
mamafluffs 2014-05-21 5020
_ZeeshanAli 2012-05-20 4972
kentrellplugz 2020-08-13 4930
kitchens_amelia 2020-01-12 4914
potpetsnft 2022-02-16 4641
eclectitude (3 others 2015-02-12 4617
gooooodshirts (1 other 2012-05-03 4420
Diane1hDiane 2011-07-06 4402
sunny2228 2017-02-14 3939
afinstar (4 others 2017-03-18 3869
ellamaulding 2021-10-21 2023-02-11 3829
RevvedUpDip 2009-03-16 3567
nostalgiavintuk (2 others 2015-05-11 3424
SafeWebforkids 2011-09-14 2023-01-01 3366
PierreLarti 2014-06-28 3351
LazyDai59720391 2020-11-26 3332
1stupidmunkey 2010-03-12 3230
EffinSeaGull 2017-10-07 3196
UncleTrini (1 other 2012-06-24 3168
Adpro208 2020-01-23 3033
Sifat9946652 2021-12-03 2876
Kryptik_Hacker 2008-11-27 2841
Comebackdon1 2022-10-19 2839
hubbard2015 2015-04-24 2023-02-13 2821
Gong_Show75 (1 other 2011-03-08 2770
GenAmjadshoaib1 (4 others 2022-06-30 2023-01-02 2761
jamaicanmescott 2020-04-09 2745
PatrciaRuizRei1 2018-09-09 2648
HeidiSumner 2015-02-17 2022-12-17 2638
lgV2xCmGACeAA (1 other 2012-11-20 2614
EricMchugh007 2022-07-28 2559
Aiolias_ (1 other 2016-02-05 2022-12-28 2558
RenAD13_3 (1 other 2021-06-27 2536
AndromedaBeauty 2009-01-22 2517
LaserNfts 2022-07-11 2483
24hrrscrypto1 2015-02-08 2453
80ef1b1416904ef 2014-08-31 2023-01-01 2431
MarcPmarket (1 other 2014-09-09 2429
JavedKh38132141 2022-04-15 2400
_joezin (3 others 2021-04-02 2394
betapobre 2019-12-05 2365
FinnVanWilder (1 other 2011-10-14 🔒 2339
tom45cat 2022-03-16 2313
trulysecularr (2 others 2020-05-08 2297
Martinez75V (1 other 2022-05-03 2292
ShanayaImansa36 (2 others 2020-01-04 2271
yoobademon 2017-11-18 2022-12-23 2255
Rahmad27645285 2021-05-24 2238
micaelapocadiaz 2016-07-27 2228
KCNix3 2020-10-20 2155
danachag 2012-02-14 2130
Jeremy_Borden 2009-05-14 2124
HatsuneMikuNFT (2 others 2022-08-06 2071
iHateWaspz 2022-08-16 2022-12-12 2055
idhrd_org (1 other 2022-02-10 2053
Hipcatprintery 2010-09-02 2042
C1Christine 2011-06-27 1979
_nasho1 2019-10-29 1968
NWODatenbank 2018-01-13 1944
tioarturo3534 2022-03-02 1923
christinemel10 (1 other 2011-09-07 1891
JRMcGrail 2009-03-22 1871
brittanysaidwut (1 other 2021-10-12 1857
gary23andrews 2014-09-18 1784
DestinLearning 2016-04-30 1721
NiFTting 2022-06-21 2022-12-21 1720
EmilyWKennedy 2012-05-26 1710
Seasonal_Bitch 2021-03-23 1709
CalvinRainsford 2021-08-31 1707
WonCryptoClass (3 others 2022-02-05 1694
ma_noster 2022-07-29 1621
FelineAdvoCat 2012-04-22 2023-01-04 1596
Neobaianismo (2 others 2019-02-10 1577
js_prague 2022-03-01 1574
DjgGdn 2022-05-28 1554
BP1023 (1 other 2021-04-05 1544
Catheri92950358 2022-05-11 1537
Heldes777 2022-02-08 🔒 1535
NcekuKaMpande 2020-04-14 1522
summerchive (2 others 2020-12-30 1518
theelibcon (1 other 2016-04-08 1508
JenGonz65326100 2022-07-24 1486
samuelekpe 2013-04-02 2022-12-15 1478
TamaraLaine7 2021-07-18 1477
lucky_asfuck 2009-01-14 2022-12-29 1469
umoetok_nsikak 2022-08-11 1417
ameliakelly_us 2016-05-16 1407
miyaneco_eth (1 other 2016-03-18 1395
BMaehler 2022-06-19 1395
jflag1 2013-06-03 1392
TheGoldenPups 2021-08-22 2022-12-14 1384
Kelsea687 (3 others 2015-11-09 1373
TheAnimeGuy80 (2 others 2021-05-13 2023-02-24 1337
BJackcon 2020-03-24 1336
google_img 2022-05-29 1329
garotadpi 2007-08-13 1289
Muhamed19253776 2022-07-30 1288
rh6ir 2020-09-24 1265
TerryLandrum_24 (1 other 2016-02-26 1261
Enoc404771664 2022-06-14 1259
pointshooter69 2022-02-17 1242
g_masiphula 2021-08-09 1229
AA13KF 2022-11-22 1224
shahidfatehpur 2015-03-11 1218
LeondaGarbo 2014-01-07 2023-01-01 1216
haresh2608 (1 other 2020-05-03 1214
Chukwu85604330 2021-02-25 1204
positiVIBES__FM (2 others 2021-01-09 1195
scott_toomey 2008-09-06 1194
KhyryZhrh 2022-08-09 1180
RyanCarl 2009-01-04 2023-01-27 1170
woobackbashar (2 others 2022-02-04 1168
OgKushIndica 2022-07-04 1163
aleprechaunist (1 other 2012-11-21 1156
BenyMakeej 2022-03-24 2023-01-01 1128
ELuiichin 2021-06-20 1121
mari187sez 2017-07-21 1116
a6_a12 (1 other 2020-07-30 1108
haydedrganf 2015-12-14 1102
Wanggarrett1 2019-01-26 1100
MMALokiVariant (2 others 2020-02-08 1089
DonaldG21555089 2022-02-28 1089
pjozment 2022-06-12 1087
The_Calgarian 2014-09-15 1058
KarimKh09841295 2021-11-05 2023-01-02 1052
rofyden 2015-02-07 1047
yuta___official 2022-07-03 1043
nelsonmtumbuka3 2022-08-02 1040
R_Valeriotrking 2022-04-26 1034
IK1994 2011-08-27 2022-12-30 1013
faddybaton 2021-11-12 2023-01-30 1006