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27 December 2022

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Tracked suspensions

Found 27 suspensions for tracked accounts. ✔️ indicates that the account was verified and 🔒 that it was locked.

Screen name Created Reversed Status Followers Ranking
Justice_forum 2012-02-13 2023-01-12 36920 230
LaborwaveCCCP 2017-11-12 8180 605
pwnens_modus 2021-09-03 276 3202
taedivm_vitae (1 other 2021-10-23 167 6133
TheDookieMan2 2021-12-15 61 9591
Senna0033 2022-01-14 2023-04-03 94 14970
Kaitain_US (3 others 2012-06-05 2023-02-24 4703 19060
eileen1528182 (1 other 2021-08-15 🔒 0 20007
properal 2014-07-10 2023-01-10 859 21303
kevinryanzz (1 other 2017-09-16 2023-02-02 1209 29965
GhostofZebulon (1 other 2022-07-26 168 30857
nohassleprice 2021-08-28 2022-12-29 340 33573
RealDocBrent 2012-06-18 6043 35999
CuckerTarlzon 2022-08-24 46 38470
Gent_Sausage 2017-04-09 2023-01-01 496 42645
Kachow1618 (1 other 2020-10-09 180 51321
australianwoma1 2021-09-13 2023-02-07 4403 56160
GirlsLikeFastC1 2022-03-28 920 65224
Kaitain_FL (1 other 2016-01-13 560 65624
HirasawaYockey 2022-08-04 352 71037
shiqponje 2012-10-07 58 73055
Brandonburgett_ 2015-07-07 1718 75462
TheCertainT 2021-11-12 251 75619
volalupi 2009-08-23 2023-03-16 2164 79396
abcyzzzz (1 other 2020-09-04 240 84105
JulesBartow 2009-08-10 2023-01-01 217 89106
atticvs 2009-01-25 2022-12-29 3442 98115

Tracked screen name changes

Found 0 screen name changes for tracked accounts.

Untracked suspensions

Found 1472 suspensions for untracked accounts. 126 accounts have more than 1000 followers and are included here. ✔️ indicates that the account was verified and 🔒 that it was locked.

Screen name Created Reversed Status Followers
amouredelavieii 2022-02-12 114867
Cryptoking (1 other 2017-12-20 ✔️ 106229
xoxobkc (1 other 2019-03-20 84651
Titolabs_id (16 others 2015-01-02 2023-01-11 82697
long_white_cock (1 other 2016-09-08 55719
SundaeDivine 2021-11-01 2023-01-14 52252
RepublicanGOP 2009-03-23 46336
lavidaNOTA 2009-04-03 2023-03-29 44888
cryptohierarchy (2 others 2009-05-04 35352
Kareenastann 2021-06-21 2023-01-02 32327
Bokang_the_bae (1 other 2013-12-27 2023-01-01 22629
mashed69 2010-09-23 15979
urmila_00 (1 other 2022-01-18 2023-01-02 15662
JoyJoyNumber2 (1 other 2009-06-17 2022-12-29 15259
ILRUSSO1 2022-03-28 🔒 14464
Bestvibe1 2019-04-15 11568
rajwa2020 2020-05-25 2023-01-04 10667
_Hot4lexi 2022-06-15 10003
Zenndragon307 2012-06-03 9908
4everRedskin 2018-05-08 2023-03-24 9314
HimBoxGlobal (2 others 2020-10-30 8879
ilciclistainblu 2020-08-01 7880
Suntalkeredo (2 others 2011-02-03 7790
jogi_12 (1 other 2011-12-18 7410
hammythetechie (10 others 2010-08-30 2023-01-04 7274
AnnCoulterChat (3 others 2015-11-02 5778
amirmahdi_1st 2021-12-28 5605
irie_kun_ (2 others 2020-10-09 5269
EndHateRadio 2012-03-13 4981
jdmyersyahooco1 2021-09-01 4913
deathbois (1 other 2014-06-28 4825
angryray66 2015-09-21 4524
donnacomenta (1 other 2020-09-12 2023-01-11 🔒 3818
mat_gerrard 2013-08-05 3702
SelimKarlitekin (1 other 2018-11-14 3677
Bernigh2 (1 other 2014-02-13 2023-01-01 3453
Kipr2000 (3 others 2011-10-02 2023-03-19 3334
RudysHolyRelic (3 others 2020-09-10 2023-01-01 3184
WizyFear 2020-04-05 3147
AlbinKhamis 2011-06-16 3102
hallucinyan 2010-03-20 2983
Coprologue 2014-02-27 2903
soniyasoni1234 (1 other 2018-09-24 2881
Ameliachloe583 (6 others 2019-11-17 2023-01-02 2837
Cuebanks18 2021-02-06 2820
Me4ok1 2019-01-31 2800
lisawillis477 (1 other 2017-01-17 2022-12-30 2779
Happy88428543 2022-10-21 2752
lfegmx 2010-06-10 2748
Jupie2000 2012-12-22 2738
XnfciuRhfw (1 other 2013-05-15 2579
AhmadzaiOmeed 2020-02-19 2566
klopeckx 2015-12-23 2411
AlmaHar50117450 2020-06-16 2401
NEOrganics 2011-12-16 2339
Proletkultur (11 others 2021-07-27 2300
koneserka_ 2019-08-19 2252
I_am_Mr_JAN (2 others 2014-09-22 2247
sacknationkc (1 other 2020-10-11 2226
Ar_De_122 2021-06-21 2225
AyoAdenugba3 2018-07-26 2197
siminy1781 2019-03-04 2117
aWehrmacht (2 others 2020-03-27 2108
grechishnikov64 2014-10-18 2072
pdxjoin 2009-12-08 2060
Lamin92123802 2021-04-05 2023-02-05 2058
MarcosArauj22 2022-02-16 2047
MxChukwuma 2020-12-28 2023-01-02 1978
LaCosaNode_stra 2014-09-02 1977
LonnieK21397858 2021-04-28 1919
ElonRescueUs 2022-04-04 1915
doug_wright1 2013-04-25 1907
1871Deutschland (1 other 2020-09-30 1863
jizuzuka 2012-08-27 2023-01-01 1860
eriannalashayy (11 others 2012-10-01 🔒 1787
MarcosgmsGomes 2013-07-24 1787
JNN186 (2 others 2013-08-06 2023-02-07 1786
vinssou49 2013-01-07 1745
DakotaLindsay10 2021-11-07 1735
christmass2022 (6 others 2017-10-01 1664
MAGA_MAX_ (1 other 2020-08-07 2023-02-25 1643
Tuckrulemadeus 2022-01-31 1617
SoundStride 2011-05-03 1610
MariamMoresby 2021-12-29 1605
BonganiMng (1 other 2019-12-18 1597
LincoGray 2013-02-06 1580
KK87448056 2020-02-10 1566
Dukes3O5 2022-03-23 1553
odinvovk 2010-12-14 1490
AadBaartman 2021-01-31 1465
leoanmilove 2021-06-16 1450
johnnyO85255 (1 other 2012-03-15 1433
GgrimReaperrr (1 other 2022-01-01 2023-02-17 1431
LaurenFerrier5 2021-12-07 1408
thetrompwner 2015-09-08 2022-12-31 1406
FashionSmut 2022-02-16 1399
legbarules 2022-11-14 1388
TheSandMann_ (1 other 2013-07-10 1370
Chuksism 2018-03-02 1363
HolyCrapJButler 2022-08-30 1360
SigaraMid 2021-06-18 1310
Scholske (1 other 2020-04-09 1298
fabriciobratti 2009-11-09 1284
damnseason13 2021-09-11 1242
Captain45_ 2022-09-05 1235
33rdWizard 2020-03-08 1233
CaitlinBrookedf 2022-03-16 1223
LilKendrick18 2021-03-28 🔒 1206
kaityrose875 2021-12-06 1189
KibbyMariam 2022-04-16 1184
AnnaHennessey3 2017-10-07 1175
WS76025683 2020-04-08 2023-03-21 1168
Sahiram24380730 2021-03-04 1140
lovelygiftsand1 2019-02-13 1122
DudeAbidesTexas (1 other 2013-02-10 1088
IraBel12979184 2022-03-11 1084
ePVoyLjTce1203G 2019-07-21 1082
yeh_mera_handle (3 others 2014-07-15 1077
ClaireCatholic 2022-11-04 1074
RuchamCiMatke0 (6 others 2022-03-28 🔒 1058
Troylouis_3 2022-10-22 1045
bigbenhenderson (4 others 2018-02-26 2023-02-02 1036
Lots_Of_Fun_96 2022-08-27 1034
Sanaull98762955 2019-08-28 1013
presentehoy 2010-03-18 🔒 1011
dabroadcaster (1 other 2020-01-09 2022-12-30 1011