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Module Configuration

Aaron Coburn edited this page Oct 8, 2018 · 14 revisions

Trellis consists of various modules that are assembled into a single application. Many of these modules can be configured at runtime with Apache Tamaya; this is especially useful for injection frameworks such as CDI.

The configuration keys for each module are described here:


trellis.http.baseUrl - A base URL trellis.http.cors.alloworigin - Allowed Origin names (default is *) trellis.http.cors.allowmethods - Allowed CORS methods trellis.http.cors.allowheaders - Allowed CORS headers trellis.http.cors.exposeheaders - Exposed CORS headers trellis.http.cors.allowcredentials - Whether to allow CORS credentials trellis.http.cors.maxage - The CORS max-age value trellis.http.cache.maxage - The max-age for HTTP cache headers trellis.http.cache.revalidate - Whether cached response must be revalidated trellis.http.cache.nocache - Whether to disable cache handling trellis.http.websubhub - A websubhub URL


trellis.auth.realm - The authentication realm to use (default=trellis) trellis.auth.challenges - The challenges to use, separated by comma (e.g. Basic,Bearer)

Basic authentication

trellis.auth.basic.credentials - The path to a credentials file

OAuth authentication

trellis.auth.oauth.keystore.path - The path to a Java Keystore trellis.auth.oauth.keystore.credentials - The credentials for a Java Keystore trellis.auth.oauth.keystore.ids - A whitelist of IDs for the Java Keystore trellis.auth.oauth.sharedsecret - A shared secret, when using HMAC signatures trellis.auth.oauth.jwk - A URL for an external JWK document


trellis.webac.membership.check - Whether to enforce WebAC on membership resources

File-based binary and memento storage

trellis.file.binary.basepath - The base file path for the binary resources trellis.file.binary.hierarchy - The levels of hierarchy for storing binaries trellis.file.binary.length - The length of each hierarchy level (usually 2 or 3) trellis.file.memento.basepath - The base file path for the memento resources

RDF I/O processing - A whitelist of JSON-LD profiles - A whitelist of JSON-LD domain names

Namespace processing

trellis.namespaces.path - The path to a namespace file

RDFa/HTML generation

trellis.rdfa.template - A mustache template for HTML generation trellis.rdfa.css - CSS URL(s) to use with RDFa trellis.rdfa.icon - an icon URL to use with RDFa trellis.rdfa.js - JS URL(s) to use with RDFa



trellis.amqp.exchangename - The AMQP exchange name trellis.amqp.routingkey - The AMQP routing key trellis.amqp.mandatory - The AMQP mandatory property trellis.amqp.immediate - The AMQP immediate property


trellis.jms.queue - The JMS queue name


trellis.kafka.topic - The Kafka topic name

Application wrappers

Dropwizard application wrapper - Whether to initialize the root resource


trellis.webapp.cache.enabled - Whether HTTP cache headers should be enabled trellis.webapp.cors.enabled - Whether HTTP CORS headers should be enabled trellis.webapp.rdf.location - The location of the RDF persistence store

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