Thank you for reading this documentation and considering contributing to our projects. Any contributions that help us improve the platform are valuable and much appreciated, especially if it is meaningful to you or your organization.
Below are several resources and answers to help you understand the projects, where we are heading, and how you can contribute.
Do not hesitate to shoot us an email or join us on our forums. Most articles below introduce our detailed documentation.
Trend Vision One has an open-source project focused on building platform extensions, connectors, rules, scripts that help our community of customers and partners. If you want to know more about Trend Vision One, you can read the detailed documentation or request a demo.
Whether you are an organization or an individual working or studying cybersecurity and cyber-defense or simply looking for a technical challenge, contributing to the Trend Vision One project may represent a great opportunity.
You can help grow the community.
You can adapt the tool to your core interests and work methods by developing features or fixing bugs you are most interested in.
Now that the project has been released, our goal for the future is two-fold:
- Of course, fixing bugs and developing features identified as non-critical would add to Trend Vision One's power.
- Provide quality open-source enhancements to customers Vision One experiences
Trend Vision One has adopted a Code of Conduct that we expect project participants to adhere to. Please read the full text so that you can understand which actions are and are not tolerated.
Any contribution is appreciated, and many don't imply coding. Contributions can range from suggestions for improving documentation, requesting a new feature, reporting a bug, developing features, or fixing bugs yourself.
You can open an issue on the repository with the label "question" for general suggestions or questions about the project or the documentation. We will answer as soon as possible though the formal Trend Micro product supports aren't applied as this OSS project isn't a formal Trend Micro product. If you do not wish to publish on the repository, please see the section below "How can you get in touch for other questions?".
Just using Trend Vision One's OSS and opening issues if everything is not working as expected will be a huge step forward. See our section about opening an issue. To report a bug, please refer to the bug reporting module. To suggest a new feature, please fill in the feature request form.
Don't hesitate to flag an issue with the documentation or the templates if you find them incomplete or unclear. You can do that either by opening a bug report or by sending us a message on our forums.
You can look through opened issues and help triage them (ask for more information, suggest workarounds, suggest labels, flag issues, etc.)
All commits messages must be formatted as:
[component] Message (#issuenumber)
where component should be:- API
- frontend
- worker
- doc
*** ALL COMMITS MUST BE SIGNED *** This is to ensure that we can validate and ensure quality for our customers.
If you need support or want to discuss the Trend Vision One OSS platform, please join us on our forums.