:toc:left :icons: font :source-highlighter: rouge :description: Example project for using Hibernate Reactive Panache in Quarkus.
This project requires a mariadb database to run. This database can be provided by a container. The following instructions will provide a mariadb container with [Podman](https://podman.io/).
Create the database POD.
The database port mapping must be the one informe in the application.properties file. |
podman pod create -p 7736:3306 --name quarkus_example_db_pod
podman run --rm --name quarkus_example_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=quarkus_example -e MYSQL_DATABASE=quarkus_example -e MYSQL_USER=quarkus_example -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=quarkus_example --pod quarkus_example_db_pod mariadb:latest