This is a fork of More information at
- Generate booking url for a Product(Service in EasyAppointment parlance) with timeslots that are round-robined.
- Nonce parameter in the booking url that expires in 7 days
- Sync users and products via scripts from Latest product agents list - Google Sheets
- Customers and appointments management.
- Agent schedules/working plans.
- Google Calendar synchronization.
- Email notifications system.
- Self hosted installation.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js (which comes with npm) and Composer installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd meeting-scheduler
# Install dependencies
$ npm install && composer install
# Start the file watcher
$ npm start
- For getting a new list of products and users cd ./assets/js/trilogyfetch
- Run
node fetch.js
script to populate a fresh / new output.json.
You will need to perform the following steps to install the application on your server:
ssh to AWS EC-2 instance where you intend to host meeting-scheduler
Make sure that your server has Apache, PHP and MySQL installed.
- sudo dnf install -y mariadb105-server
- sudo dnf install -y httpd
- sudo systemctl start mariadb
- sudo systemctl enable mariadb
- sudo systemctl start httpd.service
- sudo systemctl enable httpd.service
Create a new database (or use an existing one).
- sudo mysql_secure_installation
- sudo mysql -u root -p
Copy the "meeting-scheduler" source folder on your server via scp
- scp -i <key_path.pem> ./ ec2-user@:/var/www/html
- unzip the folder into /var/www/html
IMPORTANT!: Make sure that the "storage" directory is writable. chmod -666 ./storage
Rename the "config-sample.php" file to "config.php" and update its contents based on your environment.
Open the browser on the Meeting-Scheduler URL and follow the installation guide.
To import Products from output.json:
- In the ec-2 instance cd ./application/config/config.php, make sure rate limiting is disabled.
- In your web browser go to ip-address/index.php/backend. Login as Admin.
- Go to Services tab.
- Open Developer Console, and enable the 'Sync Trilogy Products' button.
- Click on the button.
To synchronize Agent - Product mappings from the Latest Google Sheet
- In your web browser go to ip-address/index.php/backend. Login as Admin.
- Open Developer Console, and enable the 'Sync Trilogy Agents' button.
- Click on said button, and it should update the agents.
Changes have been made to the following:
- ./application/libraries/Availability.php - Applied a function to round to nearest half hour when pulling periods. Round up or down depending on end or start of shift/appointment/break. Used in get_available_hours
- ./application/controllers/Appointments.php ajax_get_unavailable_dates and ajax_get_available_hours (sub function "search_any_provider_mod") - now returns yesterday, today, tomorrow for all providers instead of only that day for a single provider.
- Round Robin logic inserted in - ./assets/js/frontend_book_api.js (Data from ajax_get_available_hours POST endpoint is parsed, and round robin logic applied here.
- Exclude Step #1 on booking page so "any-provider" always selected - ./application/views/appointments/book.php AND ./assets/css/frontend.css
- ./application/libraries/Timezones.php to insert shifts as timezones that can be selected for providers
- ./application/helpers/custom_datetimezone_helper.php - helper function to stop using new DateTimeZone() constructor which would not recognize custom shifts.
- In all instances where new DateTimeZone() was used, instead used custom_datetimezone_helper.php
- ./application/views/backend/services.php - The following options are pre-selected and readonly when creating a service because the code amendments only cater to this set of options:
- Availability Types = Fixed
- Attendants number = 1
- Modified ./assets/js/backend_services_helper.js to add the logic for generating links that will die after 7 days.
- this is simply at time of creation a time epoch string base64 encoded.
- It is reverse encoded when loading the booking page to optionally deny bookings.
- Modified controller ./application/controllers/Appointments.php - to throw an error instead of loading booking view if b64 time epoch string is not included.