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tRPC-Go kafka plugin

Go Reference Go Report Card Tests Coverage

wrapping community sarama, used with trpc.

producer client

client:                                            # Backend configuration for client calls.
  service:                                         # Configuration for the backend.
    - name:               # producer service name,define by yourself.        
      target: kafka://ip1:port1,ip2:port2?topic=YOUR_TOPIC&clientid=xxx&compression=xxx
      timeout: 800                                 # The maximum processing time of the current request.
package main

import (


func (s *server) SayHello(ctx context.Context, req *pb.ReqBody, rsp *pb.RspBody)( err error ) {
  proxy := kafka.NewClientProxy("") // The service name is customized 
  // and is mainly used for monitoring reporting and addressing configuration items.
  // kafka function call.
  err := proxy.Produce(ctx, key, value)

  // producer native interface, return offset、partition.
  partition, offset, err := proxy.SendSaramaMessage(ctx, sarama.ProducerMessage{
    Topic: "your_topic",
    Value: sarama.ByteEncoder(msg),

  // Business logic
  // ...

consumer service

server:                                                                                   # Server configuration.
  service:                                                                                # The service provided by the business service can have multiple.
    - name:                                                      # The routing name of the service is currently fixed.
      address: ip1:port1,ip2:port2?topics=topic1,topic2&group=xxx&version=x.x.x.x         # kafka consumer broker address,version default, partial version ckafka need to specify
      protocol: kafka                                                                     # Application layer protocol.  
      timeout: 1000                                                                       # The maximum request processing time, in milliseconds. Framework configuration, not related to sarama configuration.
package main

import (

  trpc ""

func main() {
  s := trpc.NewServer()
  // To use a custom addr, it needs to be called before starting the server
    cfg := kafka.GetDefaultConfig()
    cfg.ClientID = "newClientID"
    kafka.RegisterAddrConfig("address", cfg)
  // In the case of starting multiple consumers, multiple services can be configured, and then any matching here kafka.RegisterHandlerService(s.Service("name"), handle), If no name is specified, it means that all services share the same handler
  kafka.RegisterKafkaHandlerService(s, handle) 

// Only when nil is returned successfully will the consumption be confirmed successfully.
// If the return fails, it will be determined whether to repeat the consumption according to the message attribute.
func handle(ctx context.Context, msg *sarama.ConsumerMessage) error {
  return nil

batch consumer

import (
  trpc ""

func main() {
  s := trpc.NewServer()
  kafka.RegisterBatchHandlerService(s, handle) 

// Note: The batch parameter (>0) must be configured, if the batch parameter is not configured, the consumption processing function will not match and the consumption will fail.
// For complete usage examples, refer to examples/batchconsumer.
// Only when nil is returned successfully will the consumption be confirmed successfully, and all messages in the entire batch will be re-consumed if err is returned.
func handle(ctx context.Context, msgArray []*sarama.ConsumerMessage) error {
  // ...
  return nil

If you need to configure your own parameters, you can use:

cfg := kafka.GetDefaultConfig()
// Update own cfg properties.
kafka.RegisterAddrConfig("address", cfg) // address is the address filled in your configuration.

Parameter Description


    - name:
      target: kafka://ip1:port1,ip2:port2?topic=YOUR_TOPIC&clientid=xxx&compression=xxx
      timeout: 800
    - name:   # Polaris Naming access does not support dynamic changes. If the Polaris IP changes, the service needs to be restarted to take effect. If you need to get all Polaris nodes, you need to pay attention to Q14
      target: kafka://YOUR_SERVICE_NAME?topic=YOUR_TOPIC&clientid=xxx&compression=xxx&discover=polaris&namespace=Development 
      timeout: 800 
parameter name meaning Optional value & description
ip:port address list Separate multiple addresses with commas(','),support domain:port, ip:porta. Not supported yet cl5.
clientid producer ID If it is [wormhole] kafka (PCG internal version), you need to register on the management page.
topic producer topic call Produce required. If it is [wormhole] kafka, need to register on the management page.
version client version Version numbers in the following two formats are supported: / 1.1.0
partitioner message partition
random: sarama.NewRandomPartitioner(Defaults);
roundrobin: sarama.NewRoundRobinPartitioner;
hash: sarama.NewHashPartitioner No custom hash method yet;
compression compression method
none : sarama.CompressionNone;
gzip : sarama.CompressionGZIP(Defaults);
snappy : sarama.CompressionSnappy;
lz4 :sarama.CompressionLZ4;
zstd equal sarama.CompressionZSTD;
maxMessageBytes The maximum length Msg Defaults 131072
requiredAcks need a return receipt
When producing a message, the broker returns the message acknowledgment (ack) mode, which supports the following 3 values(0/1/-1):
0: NoResponse,No need to wait for broker response.
1: WaitForLocal, wait for the response from the local (leader node) to return.
-1: WaitForAll, wait for all nodes (leader node and all In Sync Replication follower nodes) to respond and return. (Defaults)
maxRetry failed max retries The maximum number of retries for production messages, the default is 3 times, note: must be greater than or equal to 0, otherwise an error will be reported.
retryInterval failure retry interval The unit is milliseconds, the default is 100ms.
trpcMeta transfer trpc meta to sarama header true means enable transfer, false means not transfer, the default is false
discover for service discovery type For example:polaris
namespace service namespace For example:Development
idempotent to start generators idempotent true/false,the default is false |


    - name:
      address: ip1:port1,ip2:port2?topics=topic1,topic2&group=xxx&version=x.x.x.x
      protocol: kafka
      timeout: 1000
    - name:   # Polaris Naming access does not support dynamic changes. If the Polaris IP changes, the service needs to be restarted to take effect. If you need to get all Polaris nodes, you need to pay attention to Q14.
      address: YOUR_SERVICE_NAME?topics=topic1,topic2&group=xxx&version=x.x.x.x&discover=polaris&namespace=Development
      protocol: kafka                                            
      timeout: 1000    # Maximum request processing time unit milliseconds
parameter name meaning Optional value & description
ip:port list address Separate multiple addresses with commas(','),support domain:port, ip:porta. Not supported yet cl5.
group consumer group If it is [wormhole] kafka, need to register on the management page.
clientid client id connect kafka client id
topics consumer toipc multiple separated by commas
compression compression method
strategy strategy
sticky: sarama.BalanceStrategySticky;
range : sarama.BalanceStrategyRange;
roundrobin: sarama.BalanceStrategyRoundRobin;
fetchDefault The default size (bytes) of the pulled message. If the actual size of the message is larger than this value, the memory space needs to be reallocated, which will affect performance. It is equivalent to sarama.Config.Consumer.Fetch.Default default 524288
fetchMax The maximum size (bytes) of the message to be pulled. If the actual size of the message is greater than this value, an error will be reported directly, which is equivalent to sarama.Config.Consumer.Fetch.Max default 1048576
batch batch number It is required when using batch consumption. When registering a batch consumption function, if the batch is not filled in, the parameters will not match and the consumption will fail. Use reference examples/batchconsumer
batchFlush batch flust time The default is 2 seconds, the unit is ms, which means the interval of forced consumption when the batch consumption does not meet the maximum number of items
initial initial consumer location
The location where the new consumer group connects to the cluster consumer for the first time
newest: latest location
oldest: oldest position
maxWaitTime The maximum waiting time for a single consumption pull request The maximum waiting time will only wait when there is no latest data, the default 1s
maxRetry failed max retries After exceeding, directly confirm and continue to consume the next message, default 0: no limit, keep retrying, negative number means no retry, directly confirm and continue to consume the next message, positive number means if there is always an error, the final number of executions is maxRetry+1
netMaxOpenRequests Maximum number of simultaneous requests Network layer configuration, maximum number of simultaneous requests, default 5
maxProcessingTime The maximum request time for a single consumer Unit ms, default 1000ms
netDailTimeout connect timeout Network layer configuration, connect timeout, unit ms, default 30000ms
netReadTimeout read timeout Network layer configuration, read timeout, unit ms, default 30000ms
netWriteTimeout write timeout Network layer configuration, write timeout, unit ms, default 30000ms
groupSessionTimeout consumer group session timeout Unit ms, default 10000ms
groupRebalanceTimeout consumer rebalance timeoue Unit ms, default 60000ms
mechanism Encryption method when using password optional value SCRAM-SHA-512/SCRAM-SHA-256
user user
password password
retryInterval retry interval Unit ms, default3000ms
isolationLevel isolation level optional value ReadUncommitted/ReadCommitted
trpcMeta transfer trpc meta, read sarama header to set trpc meta true means enable transfer, false means not transfer, the default is false
discover The discovery type used for service discovery For example:polaris
namespace service namespace For example:Development


  • Q1: How to write the of the consumer
  • A1: If there is only one consumer service, The name can be arbitrary (the trpc framework will register the implementation to all services in the server by default), see complete examples/consumer
    - name:                                
      protocol: kafka                                                    
      timeout: 1000                                                      
s := trpc.NewServer()
kafka.RegisterKafkaHandlerService(s, handle) 

If there are multiple services, you need to specify the same name as the configuration file when registering, see complete examples/consumer_with_mulit_service

    - name: trpc.databaseDemo.kafka.consumer1                             
      protocol: kafka                                                     
      timeout: 1000                                                       
    - name: trpc.databaseDemo.kafka.consumer2                             
      protocol: kafka                                                     
      timeout: 1000     
s := trpc.NewServer()    
kafka.RegisterKafkaConsumerService(s.Service("trpc.databaseDemo.kafka.consumer1"), &Consumer{})
kafka.RegisterKafkaConsumerService(s.Service("trpc.databaseDemo.kafka.consumer2"), &Consumer{})
  • Q2: What happens if handle returns non-nil when consuming

  • A2: It will resume consumption after sleeping for 3s. It is not recommended to do so. If it fails, the business should do the retry logic

  • Q3: When using ckafka to produce messages, error hint

err:type:framework, code:141, msg:kafka client transport SendMessage: kafka server: Message contents does not match its CRC.
  • A3: By default, gzip compression is enabled, and it is preferred to add parameters to the targetcompression=none
target: kafka://ip1:port1,ip2:port2?clientid=xxx&compression=none
  • Q4: When using ckafka to consume messages, error hint
kafka server transport: consume fail:kafka: client has run out of available brokers to talk to (Is your cluster reachable?)
  • A4: First check whether the brokers are reachable, and then check the supported kafka client version, try to add parameters in the configuration file address, for exampleversion=
address: ip1:port1,ip2:port2?topics=topic1,topic2&group=xxx&version= 
  • Q5: When consuming messages, error hint
kafka server transport: consume fail:kafka server: The provider group protocol type is incompatible with the other members.
  • A5: The client regrouping strategy of the same consumer group is different, the parameter strategy can be modified, optional value:sticky(default),range,roundrobin
address: ip1:port1,ip2:port2?topics=topic1,topic2&group=xxx&strategy=range
  • Q6: The same user needs to be ordered in production, how to configure
  • A6: The client adds the parameter partitioner, optional random (default), roundrobin, hash (partitioned by key)
target: kafka://ip1:port1,ip2:port2?clientid=xxx&partitioner=hash
  • Q7: How to produce asynchronously
  • A7: The client config adds the parameter async=1
target: kafka://ip1:port1,ip2:port2?clientid=xxx&async=1
  • Q8: Having error with Polaris routing "Polaris-1006(ErrCodeServerError)" "not found service"
  • A8: Make sure that the in the trpc configuration is trpc.${app}.${server}.AnyUniqNameWillWork instead of, a placeholder must be used Error site:
type:framework, code:131, msg:client Select: get source service route rule err: Polaris-1006(ErrCodeServerError): Response from {ID: 2079470528, Service: {ServiceKey: {namespace: "Polaris", service: ""}, ClusterType: discover}, Address:}: not found service
  • Q9: How to use account and password
  • A9: The encryption method, username and password need to be configured in the connection parameters For example :
address: ip1:port1,ip2:port2?topics=topic1,topic2&mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512&user={user}&password={password}
  • Q10: How to use asynchronous production write data callback
  • A10: It is necessary to rewrite the success/failure callback function of asynchronous production write data in the code, for example
import ( 
  // ... 
  // ...

func init() {
  // Override the default asynchronous production write data error callback
  kafka.AsyncProducerErrorCallback = func(err error, topic string, key, value []byte, headers []sarama.RecordHeader) {
    // do something if async producer occurred error.

  // Override the default asynchronous production write data success callback
  kafka.AsyncProducerSuccCallback = funcfunc(topic string, key, value []byte, headers []sarama.RecordHeader) {
    // do something if async producer succeed.
  • Q11: How to inject custom configuration (remote configuration)
  • A11: Configure fake_address in trpc_go.yaml, and then inject it with kafka.RegisterAddrConfig method trpc_go.yaml The configuration is as follows
address: fake_address 

Before the service starts, inject custom configuration

func main() {
  s := trpc.NewServer()
  // Use a custom addr, which needs to be injected before starting the server
  cfg := kafka.GetDefaultConfig()
  cfg.Brokers = []string{""}
  cfg.Topics = []string{"test_topic"}
  kafka.RegisterAddrConfig("fake_address", cfg)
  kafka.RegisterKafkaConsumerService(s, &Consumer{})

  • Q12: How to transfer trpc metadata
  • A12: Producers and consumers add the parameter trpcMeta=true, and transparent transmission is not enabled by default; if the original production interface has already set headers, you need to pay attention to header conflicts, duplication, overwriting and other issues;


target: kafka://


address:     #kafka consumer dsn
  • Q13: How to get the context information of the underlying sarama
  • A13: The underlying sarama ConsumerGroupSession and ConsumerGroupClaim can be obtained through kafka.GetRawSaramaContext. However, the exposure of these two interfaces here is only for the convenience of users to monitor logs, and only the read method should be used. Calling any write method is undefined behavior here, which may cause unknown results
// RawSaramaContext deposit sarama ConsumerGroupSession and ConsumerGroupClaim
// This structure is exported for the convenience of users to implement monitoring, the content provided is only for reading, calling any write method is an undefined behavior
type RawSaramaContext struct {
    Session  sarama.ConsumerGroupSession
    Claim sarama.ConsumerGroupClaim

use case

func example(ctx context.Context){
    if rawContext, ok := kafka.GetRawSaramaContext(ctx); ok {
        log.Infof("InitialOffset:%d", rawContext.Claim.InitialOffset())
  • Q14: How to obtain all nodes in server-side Polaris addressing
  • A14: Enable service_router.need_return_all_nodes=true in trpc_go.yaml
plugins:     # plugin configuration
        need_return_all_nodes: true