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Missing CSS optimization - colors #315
If you've already written this code in your hand rolled version, care to share it to save it being rewritten here |
I do have some code that I can rip out, but be warned it is written in VB.NET. The code establishes a static Dictionary that holds color replacement regular expressions (for performance reasons) and then loops through them to check each possible color value. The other thing I do is to be sure that all colors (both hex and names) are lower-case. There was a study a while back showing a slight performance increase and better network transmission times if you do this. I'll try to pull out everything relevant from my code and paste below. It might be 12-15 years since I've looked at this code, so no guarantees. It has been in production all that time however.
Please update the CSS optimizations in NUglify to optimize colors.
The shortest methods of including a color in CSS are either with the color name (
, etc.) or with a 6- or 3-digit hex string (#f0f0f0
, etc.).All CSS colors, except those that include an opacity, should be converted to the shortest color represented either by name or 6- or 3-digit hex string. That would include colors defined by RBG notation (using specific numbers or percentages) and possibly HSL.
RGB is pretty simple to convert to a hex string, which can then be evaluated for possible shrinking to 3-digits or converted to the corresponding name.
Colors that are shorter as hex strings
aliceblue => #f0f8ff
antiquewhite => #faebd7
aquamarine => #7fffd4
black => #000
blanchedalmond => #ffebcd
blueviolet => #8a2be2
burlywood => #deb887
cadetblue => #5f9ea0
chartreuse => #7fff00
chocolate => #d2691e
cornflowerblue => #6495ed
cornsilk => #fff8dc
darkblue => #00008b
darkcyan => #008b8b
darkgoldenrod => #b8860b
darkgray => #a9a9a9
darkgreen => #006400
darkkhaki => #bdb76b
darkmagenta => #8b008b
darkolivegreen => #556b2f
darkorange => #ff8c00
darkorchid => #9932cc
darksalmon => #e9967a
darkseagreen => #8fbc8f
darkslateblue => #483d8b
darkslategray => #2f4f4f
darkturquoise => #00ced1
darkviolet => #9400d3
deeppink => #ff1493
deepskyblue => #00bfff
dodgerblue => #1e90ff
firebrick => #b22222
floralwhite => #fffaf0
forestgreen => #228b22
fuchsia => #f0f
gainsboro => #dcdcdc
ghostwhite => #f8f8ff
greenyellow => #adff2f
honeydew => #f0fff0
indianred => #cd5c5c
lavenderblush => #fff0f5
lawngreen => #7cfc00
lemonchiffon => #fffacd
lightblue => #add8e6
lightcoral => #f08080
lightcyan => #e0ffff
lightgoldenrodyellow => #fafad2
lightgreen => #90ee90
lightgrey => #d3d3d3
lightpink => #ffb6c1
lightsalmon => #ffa07a
lightseagreen => #20b2aa
lightskyblue => #87cefa
lightslategray => #789
lightsteelblue => #b0c4de
lightyellow => #ffffe0
limegreen => #32cd32
mediumaquamarine => #66cdaa
mediumblue => #0000cd
mediumorchid => #ba55d3
mediumpurple => #9370db
mediumseagreen => #3cb371
mediumslateblue => #7b68ee
mediumspringgreen => #00fa9a
mediumturquoise => #48d1cc
mediumvioletred => #c71585
midnightblue => #191970
mintcream => #f5fffa
mistyrose => #ffe4e1
moccasin => #ffe4b5
navajowhite => #ffdead
navyblue => #9fafdf
olivedrab => #6b8e23
orangered => #ff4500
palegoldenrod => #eee8aa
palegreen => #98fb98
paleturquoise => #afeeee
palevioletred => #db7093
papayawhip => #ffefd5
peachpuff => #ffdab9
powderblue => #b0e0e6
rosybrown => #bc8f8f
royalblue => #4169e1
saddlebrown => #8b4513
sandybrown => #f4a460
seashell => #fff5ee
whitesmoke => #f5f5f5
yellowgreen => #9acd32
Colors that are shorter as hex strings, but need to be substituted last because they are partial macthes for other color names
goldenrod => #daa520
lavender => #e6e6fa
magenta => #f0f
seagreen => #2e8b57
slateblue => #6a5acd
slategray => #708090
springgreen => #00ff7f
steelblue => #4682b4
turquoise => #40e0d0
white => #fff
yellow => #ff0
Colors that are shorter as CSS names
#f0ffff => azure
#f5f5dc => beige
#ffe4c4 => bisque
#a52a2a => brown
#ff7f50 => coral
#ffd700 => gold
#808080 => gray
#008000 => green
#4b0082 => indigo
#fffff0 => ivory
#f0e68c => khaki
#faf0e6 => linen
#800000 => maroon
# 000080 => navy
#808000 => olive
#ffa500 => orange
#da70d6 => orchid
#cd853f => peru
#ffc0cb => pink
#dda0dd => plum
#800080 => purple
#f00 => red
#fa8072 => salmon
#a0522d => sienna
#c0c0c0 => silver
#fffafa => snow
#d2b48c => tan
#008080 => teal
#ff6347 => tomato
#ee82ee => violet
#f5deb3 => wheat
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