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413 lines (301 loc) · 10.1 KB

File metadata and controls

413 lines (301 loc) · 10.1 KB

v8.0.1 (2021-08-08)

  • Softly deprecate Implicit and put AuthorizationCode and AuthorizationCode w/ PKCE more in the spotlights, as per security recommendations.
  • Documentation tweaks and improvements (better cross-link references, better code highlights, links to examples).

v8.0.0 (2021-06-30)

  • Allow more advanced control for tweaking parsers, decoders and url builders. This is particularly useful for applications integrating with systems which are either not strictly following the OAuth2.0 specifications, or, systems who introduce custom fields of some importance for the underlying application. (see #29, #23, #21)

  • Update dependencies for base64 encoding



  • Added:

    type GrantType
        = AuthorizationCode
        | Password
        | ClientCredentials
        | RefreshToken
        | CustomGrant String
    grantTypeToString : GrantType -> String
    type ResponseType
        = Code
        | Token
        | CustomResponse String
    responseTypeToString : ResponseType -> String

OAuth.Implicit - MAJOR

  • Added:

    makeAuthorizationUrlWith :
        -> Dict String String
        -> Authorization
        -> Url
  • Changed:

    -- type alias Parsers =
    --     { tokenParser :
    --           Query.Parser (Maybe Token)
    --     , errorParser :
    --           Query.Parser (Maybe ErrorCode)
    --     , authorizationSuccessParser :
    --           String -> Query.Parser AuthorizationSuccess
    --     , authorizationErrorParser :
    --           ErrorCode -> Query.Parser AuthorizationError
    --     }
    type alias Parsers error success =
        { tokenParser :
              Query.Parser (Maybe Token)
        , errorParser :
              Query.Parser (Maybe ErrorCode)
        , authorizationSuccessParser :
              String -> Query.Parser success
        , authorizationErrorParser :
              ErrorCode -> Query.Parser error
    -- defaultParsers : Parsers
    defaultParsers : Parsers AuthorizationError AuthorizationSuccess
    -- parseTokenWith : Parsers -> Url -> AuthorizationResult
    parseTokenWith : Parsers error success -> Url -> AuthorizationResultWith error success

OAuth.AuthorizationCode - MAJOR

  • Added:

    makeAuthorizationUrlWith :
        -> Dict String String
        -> Authorization
        -> Url
    makeTokenRequestWith :
        -> Json.Decoder success
        -> Dict String String
        -> (Result Http.Error success -> msg)
        -> Authentication
        -> RequestParts msg
  • Changed:

    -- type AuthorizationResult
    --     = Empty
    --     | Error AuthorizationError
    --     | Success AuthorizationSuccess
    type alias AuthorizationResult =
        AuthorizationResultWith AuthorizationError AuthorizationSuccess
    type AuthorizationResultWith error success
        = Empty
        | Error error
        | Success success
    -- type alias Parsers =
    --     { codeParser :
    --           Query.Parser (Maybe String)
    --     , errorParser :
    --           Query.Parser (Maybe ErrorCode)
    --     , authorizationSuccessParser :
    --           String -> Query.Parser AuthorizationSuccess
    --     , authorizationErrorParser :
    --           ErrorCode -> Query.Parser AuthorizationError
    --     }
    type alias Parsers error success =
        { codeParser :
              Query.Parser (Maybe String)
        , errorParser :
              Query.Parser (Maybe ErrorCode)
        , authorizationSuccessParser :
              String -> Query.Parser success
        , authorizationErrorParser :
              ErrorCode -> Query.Parser error
    -- defaultParsers : Parsers
    defaultParsers : Parsers AuthorizationError AuthorizationSuccess
    -- parseCodeWith : Parsers -> Url -> AuthorizationResult
    parseCodeWith : Parsers error success -> Url -> AuthorizationResultWith error success

OAuth.AuthorizationCode.PKCE - MAJOR

  • Added:

    makeAuthorizationUrlWith :
        -> Dict String String
        -> Authorization
        -> Url
    makeTokenRequestWith :
        -> Json.Decoder success
        -> Dict String String
        -> (Result Http.Error success -> msg)
        -> Authentication
        -> RequestParts msg
  • Changed:

    -- type AuthorizationResult
    --     = Empty
    --     | Error AuthorizationError
    --     | Success AuthorizationSuccess
    type alias AuthorizationResult =
        AuthorizationResultWith AuthorizationError AuthorizationSuccess
    type AuthorizationResultWith error success
        = Empty
        | Error error
        | Success success
    -- type alias Parsers =
    --     { codeParser :
    --           Query.Parser (Maybe String)
    --     , errorParser :
    --           Query.Parser (Maybe ErrorCode)
    --     , authorizationSuccessParser :
    --           String -> Query.Parser AuthorizationSuccess
    --     , authorizationErrorParser :
    --           ErrorCode -> Query.Parser AuthorizationError
    --     }
    type alias Parsers error success =
        { codeParser :
              Query.Parser (Maybe String)
        , errorParser :
              Query.Parser (Maybe ErrorCode)
        , authorizationSuccessParser :
              String -> Query.Parser success
        , authorizationErrorParser :
              ErrorCode -> Query.Parser error
    -- defaultParsers : Parsers
    defaultParsers : Parsers AuthorizationError AuthorizationSuccess
    -- parseCodeWith : Parsers -> Url -> AuthorizationResult
    parseCodeWith : Parsers error success -> Url -> AuthorizationResultWith error success

OAuth.ClientCredentials - MINOR

  • Added:

    makeTokenRequestWith :
        -> Json.Decoder success
        -> Dict String String
        -> (Result Http.Error success -> msg)
        -> Authentication
        -> RequestParts msg

OAuth.Password - MINOR

  • Added:

    makeTokenRequestWith :
        -> Json.Decoder success
        -> Dict String String
        -> (Result Http.Error success -> msg)
        -> Authentication
        -> RequestParts msg

OAuth.Refresh - MINOR

  • Added:

    makeTokenRequestWith :
        -> Json.Decoder success
        -> Dict String String
        -> (Result Http.Error success -> msg)
        -> Authentication
        -> RequestParts msg

v7.0.1 (2020-12-05)

  • Updated dependency ivadzy/bbase64@1.1.1 renamed as chelovek0v/bbase64@1.0.1

v7.0.0 (2020-02-17)




---- OAuth.AuthorizationCode - MAJOR ----

        type alias AuthorizationCode = String.String
      - type alias AuthorizationSuccess =
            { code : String, state : Maybe String }
      + type alias AuthorizationSuccess =
            { code : OAuth.AuthorizationCode.AuthorizationCode
            , state : Maybe.Maybe String.String


  • f1f648a76fcc0e8e33ef06cd9867600164d709d7 add support for RFC7636 - Proof Key for Code Exchange

    Auth 2.0 public clients utilizing the Authorization Code Grant are susceptible to the authorization code interception attack. This specification describes the attack as well as a technique to mitigate against the threat through the use of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE, pronounced "pixy").

  • 3dc3c9d6a0aa6d20b84d8ffc79e55aec06beb683 remove double dependency on base64 and favor only one

  • 6199c78126d59fe0da5ed491f04835087285188a several doc revision on all grants (diagrams, type description etc ...)

  • 0d969a08dd90079933f747c24cea8c13b9954a07 put PKCE as recommended in README and start reviewing demos / guides

  • b712fcdec341bb3b07a95fbcf5e77c6794f7da01 rework examples

    • Add auth0 example with authorization code and PKCE support
    • Add facebook example
    • Make them more readable and avoid unrelated code in examples
    • Add README to summarize information
  • 68383cfa0d22c29733a219a2849db3cfc2731e63 revise deployment scripts, in particular examples

  • f86ffe9469f50b9c011505459df380fe071b604c bump version (major) to 7.0.0 & update CHANGELOG

v6.0.0 (2019-09-03)

  • (267ca48) Internal small refactor
  • (43e536a) General documentation improvements
  • (e34e16f) Rename 'makeAuthUrl' to 'makeAuthorizationUrl'
  • (12ce2ba) Split-up README, extract troubleshooting and guides

v5.0.0 (2019-01-23)

  • (d74016e, 333d6ea, 849d985, 78caba7) Upgrade elm/http to new major version 2.0.0

v4.0.1 (2018-10-06)

  • (15e4e82) Bug Fix: make token_type parsing case-insensitive.

v4.0.0 (2018-09-07)

  • (72f251a, 1327646) Documentation improvements

  • (0105ca3, 9a3b307, 5e3c841, 4801593) Review examples to be more complete, self-explanatory and clearer

  • (0ac7d90) Completely review internal implementation & exposed API

v3.0.0 (2018-09-03)

  • (3a60354) Upgrade src/ to elm@0.19
  • (ef85924) Upgrade examples/implicit to elm@0.19
  • (88f27a7) Remove examples/authorization_code
  • (7ce7c82) Change String to Url for
    • Authorization.url
    • Authorization.redirectUri
    • Authentication#AuthorizationCode.redirectUri
    • Authentication#AuthorizationCode.url
    • Authentication#ClientCredentials.url
    • Authentication#Password.url
    • Authentication#Refresh.url
  • (912197c) Expose lenientResponseDecoder from OAuth.Decode

v2.2.1 (2018-08-16)

  • Bump elm-base64 version upper-bound

v2.2.0 (2017-12-22)

  • (oversight) Actually expose 'authenticateWithOpts' functions from modules

v2.1.0 (2017-12-22)

  • Expose internal Json decoders
  • Enable users to adjust requests made to the Authorization Server to cope with possible implementation quirks (like GitHub API v3)

v2.0.3 (2017-06-04)

  • Update LICENSE's information
  • Fix broken links and examples in README

v2.0.2 (2017-06-02)

  • Fix bug about empty scope parameter being sent when Nothing is provided as a scope

v2.0.1 (2017-06-02)

  • Enhance documentation about response parameters

v2.0.0 (2017-06-02)

  • Review type Response to provide a clearer API
  • Fix typos and references in examples

v1.0.0 (2017-06-01)

  • Initial release, support for all 4 grant types.