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Courier Inbox

An in-app notification center list you can use to notify your users. Allows you to build high quality, flexible notification feeds very quickly.


Requirement Reason
Courier Inbox Provider Needed to link your Courier Inbox to the SDK
Authentication Needed to view inbox messages that belong to a user.

JWT Authentication

If you are using JWT authentication, be sure to enable JWT support on the Courier Inbox Provider here.

Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 11 19 31 AM


CourierInbox works with all native iOS UI frameworks.

UI Framework Support
XIB ⚠️ Not optimised

Default Inbox Example

The default CourierInbox styles.



import Courier_iOS
    didClickInboxMessageAtIndex: { message, index in
        message.isRead ? message.markAsUnread() : message.markAsRead()
        print(index, message)
    didLongPressInboxMessageAtIndex: { message, index in
        print(index, message)
    didClickInboxActionForMessageAtIndex: { action, message, index in
        print(action, message, index)
    didScrollInbox: { scrollView in


let courierInbox = CourierInbox(
    didClickInboxMessageAtIndex: { message, index in
        message.isRead ? message.markAsUnread() : message.markAsRead()
        print(index, message)
    didLongPressInboxMessageAtIndex: { message, index in
        print(index, message)
    didClickInboxActionForMessageAtIndex: { action, message, index in
        print(action, message, index)
    didScrollInbox: { scrollView in

Styled Inbox Example

The styles you can use to quickly customize the CourierInbox.


func getTheme() -> CourierInboxTheme {
    let whiteColor = UIColor.white
    let blackColor =
    let blackLightColor =
    let primaryColor = UIColor(red: 102/255, green: 80/255, blue: 164/255, alpha: 1)
    let primaryLightColor = UIColor(red: 98/255, green: 91/255, blue: 113/255, alpha: 1)
    let font = UIFont(name: "Avenir-Medium", size: 18)

    return CourierInboxTheme(
        tabIndicatorColor: primaryColor,
        tabStyle: CourierStyles.Inbox.TabStyle(
            selected: CourierStyles.Inbox.TabItemStyle(
                font: CourierStyles.Font(
                    font: font!,
                    color: primaryColor
                indicator: CourierStyles.Inbox.TabIndicatorStyle(
                    font: CourierStyles.Font(
                        font: font!,
                        color: whiteColor
                    color: primaryColor
            unselected: CourierStyles.Inbox.TabItemStyle(
                font: CourierStyles.Font(
                    font: font!,
                    color: blackLightColor
                indicator: CourierStyles.Inbox.TabIndicatorStyle(
                    font: CourierStyles.Font(
                        font: font!,
                        color: whiteColor
                    color: blackLightColor
        readingSwipeActionStyle: CourierStyles.Inbox.ReadingSwipeActionStyle(
            read: CourierStyles.Inbox.SwipeActionStyle(
                icon: UIImage(systemName: ""),
                color: primaryColor
            unread: CourierStyles.Inbox.SwipeActionStyle(
                icon: UIImage(systemName: "envelope.fill"),
                color: primaryLightColor
        archivingSwipeActionStyle: CourierStyles.Inbox.ArchivingSwipeActionStyle(
            archive: CourierStyles.Inbox.SwipeActionStyle(
                icon: UIImage(systemName: "archivebox.fill"),
                color: primaryColor
        unreadIndicatorStyle: CourierStyles.Inbox.UnreadIndicatorStyle(
            indicator: .dot,
            color: primaryColor
        titleStyle: CourierStyles.Inbox.TextStyle(
            unread: CourierStyles.Font(
                font: font!,
                color: blackColor
            read: CourierStyles.Font(
                font: font!,
                color: blackColor
        timeStyle: CourierStyles.Inbox.TextStyle(
            unread: CourierStyles.Font(
                font: font!,
                color: blackColor
            read: CourierStyles.Font(
                font: font!,
                color: blackColor
        bodyStyle: CourierStyles.Inbox.TextStyle(
            unread: CourierStyles.Font(
                font: font!,
                color: blackLightColor
            read: CourierStyles.Font(
                font: font!,
                color: blackLightColor
        buttonStyle: CourierStyles.Inbox.ButtonStyle(
            unread: CourierStyles.Button(
                font: CourierStyles.Font(
                    font: font!,
                    color: whiteColor
                backgroundColor: primaryColor,
                cornerRadius: 100
            read: CourierStyles.Button(
                font: CourierStyles.Font(
                    font: font!,
                    color: whiteColor
                backgroundColor: primaryColor,
                cornerRadius: 100
        cellStyle: CourierStyles.Cell(
            separatorStyle: .singleLine,
            separatorInsets: .zero
        infoViewStyle: CourierStyles.InfoViewStyle(
            font: CourierStyles.Font(
                font: font!,
                color: blackColor
            button: CourierStyles.Button(
                font: CourierStyles.Font(
                    font: font!,
                    color: whiteColor
                backgroundColor: primaryColor,
                cornerRadius: 100


import Courier_iOS
    canSwipePages: true,
    lightTheme: getTheme(),
    darkTheme: getTheme(),


import Courier_iOS
let courierInbox = CourierInbox(
    canSwipePages: true,
    lightTheme: getTheme(),
    darkTheme: getTheme(),

Courier Studio Branding (Optional)


You can control your branding from the Courier Studio.

Supported Brand Styles Support
Primary Color
Show/Hide Courier Footer

👋 Branding APIs can be found here

Custom Inbox Example

The raw data you can use to build whatever UI you'd like.

import UIKit
import Courier_iOS

class CustomInboxViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {

    @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView!
    private var inboxListener: CourierInboxListener? = nil

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        Task {
            // Allows you to listen to all inbox changes and show a fully custom UI
            self.inboxListener = await Courier.shared.addInboxListener(
                onLoading: { [weak self] in
                    // Called when listener is registered, refreshing or restarting
                onError: { [weak self] error in
                    // Called on error or sign out
                onUnreadCountChanged: { [weak self] count in
                    // Will return 0 when a user is signed out
                onFeedChanged: { [weak self] set in
                    // Called when the feed initially loads or is restarted from scratch
                onArchiveChanged: { [weak self] set in
                    // Called when the archive initially loads or is restarted from scratch
                onPageAdded: { [weak self] feed, set in
                    // Called when pagination happens
                onMessageChanged: { [weak self] feed, index, message in
                    // Called when a message is change (i.e. read / unread)
                onMessageAdded: { [weak self] feed, index, message in
                    // Called when a message is added (i.e. new message received in realtime)
                onMessageRemoved: { [weak self] feed, index, message in
                    // Called when a message is removed (i.e. message is archived)
    deinit {


Available Properties and Functions

import Courier_iOS

Task {

    // Listen to all inbox events
    // Only one "pipe" of data is created behind the scenes for network / performance reasons
    let inboxListener = await Courier.shared.addInboxListener(
        onLoading: { [weak self] in
            // Called when listener is registered, refreshing or restarting
        onError: { [weak self] error in
            // Called on error or sign out
        onUnreadCountChanged: { [weak self] count in
            // Will return 0 when a user is signed out
        onFeedChanged: { [weak self] set in
            // Called when the feed initially loads or is restarted from scratch
        onArchiveChanged: { [weak self] set in
            // Called when the archive initially loads or is restarted from scratch
        onPageAdded: { [weak self] feed, set in
            // Called when pagination happens
        onMessageChanged: { [weak self] feed, index, message in
            // Called when a message is change (i.e. read / unread)
        onMessageAdded: { [weak self] feed, index, message in
            // Called when a message is added (i.e. new message received in realtime)
        onMessageRemoved: { [weak self] feed, index, message in
            // Called when a message is removed (i.e. message is archived)
    // Stop the current listener
    // Remove all listeners
    // This will also remove the listener of the prebuilt UI
    await Courier.shared.removeAllInboxListeners()
    // The amount of inbox messages to fetch at a time
    // Will affect prebuilt UI
    await Courier.shared.setPaginationLimit(123)

    // The available messages the inbox has
    let inboxMessages = await Courier.shared.inboxMessages
    let archivedMessages = await Courier.shared.archivedMessages

    // Fetches the next page of messages
    try await Courier.shared.fetchNextInboxPage(.feed || .archived)

    // Reloads the inbox
    // Commonly used with pull to refresh
    try await Courier.shared.refreshInbox()

    // Handle events
    try await Courier.shared.readMessage("...")
    try await Courier.shared.unreadMessage("...")
    try await Courier.shared.openMessage("...")
    try await Courier.shared.clickMessage("...")
    try await Courier.shared.archiveMessage("...")

    // Reads all the messages
    // Writes the update instantly and performs request in background
    try await Courier.shared.readAllInboxMessages()


// Mark message as read/unread
let message = InboxMessage(...)

// Calls Courier.shared... under the hood

👋 Inbox APIs can be found here