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File metadata and controls

525 lines (391 loc) · 21.4 KB



Q: TypeScript, CoffeeScript, LiveScript or Vue Single File Component (SFC) dependencies don't show up. How can I fix that?

A: Install the compiler you use in the same spot dependency-cruiser is installed (or vv).

Dependency-cruiser doesn't come shipped with the necessary transpilers to handle these languages. Instead, it uses what is already available in the environment (see below). You can check if the transpilers are available to dependency-cruiser by running depcruise --info.

When it turns out they aren't yet:

  • if you're running dependency-cruiser as a local (development-) dependency (recommended!), install the necessary transpilers there.
  • if you're running dependency-cruiser as a global install, install the necessary transpilers globally as well.
  • if you're running dependency-crusier with npx you can pass the necessary compiler(s) with the -p option. E.g. to get a list of all incoming and outgoing dependencies of a TypeScript file you could use this:
    npx -p typescript@4.3.5 -p dependency-cruiser@latest depcruise src -T text --focus src/main/index.ts

For some types of TypeScript dependencies you need to flip a switch, which is what the next question is about:

Q: Some TypeScript dependencies I'd expect don't show up. What gives?

A: Put "tsPreCompilationDeps" : true in the options section of your dependency-cruiser configuration (.dependency-cruiser.json or .dependency-cruiser.js) or use --ts-pre-compilation-deps on the command line.

By default, dependency-cruiser only takes post-compilation dependencies into account; dependencies between TypeScript modules that exist after compilation to JavaScript. Two types of dependencies do not fall into this category

  • imports that aren't used (yet)
  • imports of types only

If you do want to see these dependencies, do one of these:

  • if you have a dependency-cruiser configuration file, put "tsPreCompilationDeps" : true in the options section.
  • pass --ts-pre-compilation-deps as a command line option

See --ts-pre-compilation-deps for details and examples.

Q: Some TypeScript dependencies still don't show up (/// tripple slash directives)

A: You're using a version <9.0.0. From version 9.0.0 on tripple slash directives are recognized without the need for additional configuration. Easiest is to upgrade to version 9.0.0 or higher.

In older versions you needed to add the "tsd" (tripple slash directive) module system to the moduleSystems array in your dependency-cruiser configuration - or pass it on the command line (with --module-systems cjs,ejs,tsd).

Q: It looks like dependency-cruiser only detects the first of level dependencies - what is going on (TypeScript)?

picture illustrating seemingly on the first level of dependencies is found

A: The most likely cause is that dependency-cruiser can't find the TypeScript compiler at the same spot you installed it in - see Q: TypeScript dependencies don't show up. How can I fix that? for a solution.

Background/ what's happening?

The graph above is the result of a command like depcruise src/index.ts -T dot | dot -T svg > deps.svg. As dependency-cruiser got src/index.ts as an explicit argument, it'll scan it. When no TypeScript compiler is available it'll fall back to the JavaScript one. As TypeScript looks a lot like JavaScript, it will still find all direct dependencies. However, when it tries to resolve those dependencies (e.g. configuration in the example above) it's going to check for extensions it can handle - which will typically be ".js", ".json", etc. - but not ".ts". As it cannot find the modules it marks them as unresolvable. This is also why the graph shows them with red lines and text.

Once dependency-cruiser does have a TypeScript compiler available, it will find a lot more dependencies with the same command:

the same command, but now with a TypeScript compiler in the neighbourhood

Q: The graph dependency-cruiser generates is humongous, and I can't follow the lines very well what can I do?

A: Usually you don't need to see all modules and dependencies that make up your app at the same time - showing your monorepo with 5000 modules and 20000 dependencies in one picture will not give you much information. There's a few strategies and options that can help

It can e.g. be helpful to make separate graphs for each of the packages in your monorepo. That won't solve all readability issues, though, so dependency-cruiser has a few options to get you sorted.

High level dependency graph ('archi' reporter)

If you just want to get an overview of how the main components of your application are connected, you can aggregate dependencies to a higher level.

dependency-cruiser --config .dependency-cruiser.js --output-type archi -- src | dot -T svg > high-level-dependency-graph.svg

By default the archi reporter aggregates to the level just below packages (for mono repos), src, lib and a few other often occurring paths. You can tweak this to your own app's structure with a collapsePattern).

An example of how this can look: dependency-cruiser's high level dependency graph Compare that to dependency-cruiser's internal module graph with ~100 modules to appreciate the difference)

Folder level dependency graph ('ddot' reporter)

For a birds-eye view, you can use the ddot reporter that summarises dependencies on a folder level:

dependency-cruiser --config .dependency-cruiser.js --output-type ddot -- src | dot -T svg > folder-level-dependency-graph.svg

See an example of how this can look: dependency-cruiser's folder level dependency graph


The --include-only, exclude, --do-not-follow, --focus (and for more extreme measures --max-depth) command line options and their configuration file equivalents provide various ways to reduce the number of modules and dependencies in the dot output. E.g. to focus on stuff within src only and not show any test and mock files, you'd do something like this:

depcruise --include-only "^src/" --exclude "mocks\\.ts$|\\.spec\\.ts$" --output-type dot | dot -T svg > dependency-graph.svg

Bonus: report level filtering

If you want to apply a different filter for your graph as for your validations (because the detail you need for your graph is lower, for instance), you have two options:

  1. Create a configuration separate from your validation configuration, dedicated to the generation of graphs.
  2. In your overall configuration add filters at reporter level. Read more about that in report level filtering, which also explains how you can use depcruise-fmt to get a free performance level-up. Here's an example that only shows modules in the src tree:
  "options": {
    // global filtering: when encountering node_modules record it
    // but don't follow it any further
    "doNotFollow": "node_modules",
    "reporterOptions": {
      "dot": {
        // filtering specific for the dot (graphical) reporter:
        // only show modules in the src tree
        "filters": {
          "includeOnly": { "path": "^src" }

You can do this with the includeOnly, exclude and focus filters

Make dot render orthogonal edges instead of splines

Some of the examples you see in the documentation have orthogonal edges, instead of splines. Sometimes this will improve legibility quite a bit. To achieve that either pass -Gsplines=ortho to dot, e.g. in a complete incantation:

depcruise --config .dependency-cruiser-graph.js --output-type dot -- src | dot -Gsplines=ortho -T svg > dependency-graph-with-orthogonal-edges.svg

... or put it permanently in your dependency-cruiser configuration in the dot reporter options:

module.exports = {
  // ... your rules and/ or the configuration it extends ...
  options: {
    // ... your other options ...
    reporterOptions: {
      dot: {
        theme: {
          graph: {
            splines: "ortho",

The reason it's not the default for the dot reporter output is GraphViz won't always be able to render a graph with orthogonal edges, so YMMV.

Q: TypeScript dynamic imports show up as "✖" . What's up there?

A: You're using a version of dependency-cruiser < 4.17.0. Dynamic imports, both in TypeScript and JavaScript are supported as of version 4.17.0 - and ✖'s in the output should be a thing of the past.

Before dependency-cruiser@4.17.0 this instruction was in place:

By default dependency-cruiser uses ES2015 as compilation target to figure out what your TypeScript sources look like. That does not play nice with dynamic imports. Chances are you already have a tsconfig.json with a configuration that makes your TypeScript compiler happy about compiling dynamic imports. If so: feed it to dependency-cruiser with the --ts-config command line parameter and dependency-cruiser will attempt to resolve the dynamic imports - which will work as long as you're not importing variables (or expressions).

Q: My package is pure ESM and I get "Must use import to load ES Module" when I run dependency-cruiser. How do I fix that?

A: Rename your .dependency-cruiser.js to .dependency-cruiser.cjs

As of version 10.1.0 the --init generator automatically does this for you.

Q: Should I run dependency-cruiser as a global install, with npx or as as local development dependency?

A: It's recommended to install dependency-cruiser as a local (development) dependency in your project, though. That way it will automatically use the same versions of compiler tooling as your project does, which will give the most reliable results.


Q: How do I enable TypeScript, CoffeeScript or LiveScript in dependency-cruiser?

A: You don't. They work out of the box, as long as it has the necessary compilers at its disposal.

Q: I'm developing in React and use jsx/ tsx/ csx/ cjsx. How do I get that to work?

A: jsx and its TypeScript and CoffeeScript variants work out of the box as well. For jsx there is a little caveat, though.

Q: I hear there is a little caveat with jsx. What is that?

A: Under the hood dependency-cruiser currently uses acorn and acorn-jsx which (for at least some time) have been the official jsx transpilers and are still used by other tools (source: acorn-jsx github page). Some constructs in jsx it does not support however. In the lion's share of the cases you will not notice, and acorn will still pick out the correct dependencies (more nor less than are in the source code) because it will fall back on the acorn-loose parser, which will pick up the pieces. except, that is when you happen to use import, export or require in jsx fragments in one special flavor of jsx

Sample of jsx the default parser doesn't parse
import React from "react";

export class ReplicateIssueComponent extends React.Component {
  renderSomethingElse = () => {
    return (
      <>The word import here results is picked up as an import statement.</>

  render = () => (
      Here import is confused with an import statement as well.

In this comment on the orignal issue @audunsol offers a few ways to work around the issue you might find helpful when you have similar jsx.

(As a future feature dependency-cruiser will include ways to handle even these situations without workarounds).

Q: Does this work with Vue as well?

A: Yes.

For .vue single file components it uses either the vue-template-compiler (Vue2) or @vue/compiler-sfc (Vue3).

vue-template-compiler should be in your module dependencies already if you are developing with Vue2 - just make sure you install dependency-cruiser in the same place.

@vue/compiler-sfc is included by default in Vue 3 projects since version 3.2.13. If you are using an older version of Vue 3, you may have to add @vue/compiler-sfc manually.

Q: Does this work with Svelte as well?

A: Yes.

For .svelte single file components it uses the svelte (version 3.x)

  • which will be in your module dependencies if you're developing with Svelte.
  • because of how svelt works, all .svelte files depend on "svelte/internal". If that turns out to be too noisy, you can configure dependency-cruiser to ignore it (either in the config file or with a command-line param)

Q: Does this mean dependency-cruiser installs transpilers for all these languages?

A: No.

For LiveScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Svelte and Vue Single File Components dependency-cruiser will use the transpiler already in your project (or, if you installed dependency-cruiser globally - the transpilers available globally).

This has a few advantages over bundling the transpilers as dependencies:

  • npm i-ing dependency-cruiser will be faster.
  • Transpilers you don't need won't land on your disk.
  • Dependency-cruiser will use the version of the transpiler you are using in your project (which might not be the most recent one for valid reasons).

Q: Does this work with webpack configs (e.g. alias and modules)?

A: Yes.

You can feed dependency-cruiser a webpack configuration (--webpack-config on the cli or webpackConfig in the dependency-cruiser config file in the options section) and it will take the resolve part in there into account when cruising your dependencies. This includes any alias you might have in there.

Currently dependency-cruiser supports a reasonable subset of webpack config file formats:

  • nodejs parsable JavaScript only
  • webpack 4 compatible and up (although earlier ones might work there's no guarantee)
  • exporting either:
    • an object literal
    • a function (webpack 4 style, taking up to two parameters)
    • an array of the above (where dependency-cruiser takes the first element in the array)

Support for other formats (promise exports, TypeScript, fancier ECMAScript) might come later.

Q: Does dependency-cruiser detect dynamic imports?

A: Yes; in both TypeScript and JavaScript - but only with static string arguments or template expressions that don't contain placeholders (see the next question). This should cover most of the use cases for dynamic imports that leverage asynchronous module loading (like webpack code splitting), though.

Q: Does dependency-cruiser handle variable or expression requires and imports?

A: No.

If you have imports with variables (require(someVariable), import(someOtherVariable).then((pMod) => {...})) or expressions (require(funkyBoolean ? 'lodash' : 'underscore')) in your code dependency-cruiser won't be able to determine what dependencies they're about. For now dependency-cruiser focuses on doing static analysis only and doing that well.

Q: Does dependency-cruiser support webpack inline loaders?

A: Yes, as of version 9.17.0 it does. No configuration necessary.

Q: Does dependency-cruiser support require.js plugin notation?

A: Yes, as of version 9.17.0 it does. No configuration necessary.

Q: Does it work with my monorepo?

A: Absolutely. For every cruised module the closest package.json file is used to determine if a package was declared as dependency.

Q: Does dependency-cruiser work with Yarn Plug'n'Play?

A: Yes.

From version 9.21.3 this works automatically. In earlier versions (from 4.14.0) you only needed to yarn-pnp into externalModuleResolutionStrategy key in the config (--init took care of that), but that's not necessary anymore.

Q: dependency-cruiser detected a circular dependency. How can I see (one of the) cycles that dependency-cruiser saw?

A: Upgrade to version 5.2.0 or higher - from that version on dependency-cruiser emits the circular path in the err, err-long, err-html and teamcity reporters (he dot and ddot reporters already did before).

Q: I'm using window.require or a require wrapper - how do I make sure dependencies I declared like that are included?

A: From version 5.4.0 or higher you can add an exoticRequireStrings key in your configuration with the wrapper(s) and/ or re-definitions of require:

"exoticRequireStrings": ["window.require", "need", "tryRequire"]

Q: Can I get code completion for .dependency-cruiser.js?

A: Yes.

You can get code completion & suggestions in editors that support these things by typing the module.exports with a comment like so:

/** @type {import('dependency-cruiser').IConfiguration} */
module.exports = {
  // ... your rules & options

Newer versions of the --init generator automatically do this for you.

Expanding dependency-cruiser

Q: How do I add a new output format?

A: There's two ways - as a plugin or directly in dependency-cruiser

as a plugin

  • create a module that exports a function of this signature:
    (pCruiseResult: ICruiseResult): IReporterOutput;
  • pass the module as an output type, e.g. on the command line:
    • depcruise src --output-type plugin:my-awesome-plugin
    • dependency-cruiser should be able to find my-awesome-plugin. For local modules this typically means you have to provide it the full path path e.g. depcruise src --output-type plugin:$(pwd)/path/to/my-awesome-plugin
  • before executing the plugin dependency-cruiser checks whether the function has the correct signature and whether it can handle minimal input.
  • plugin support is quite new (2021-02), so details like when the plugin gets validated what prefix to use (currently: plugin: ) might still change in the coming months.

See the basic stats-reporter-plugin for an example.

directly in dependency-cruiser

For reporters that should come shipped with dependency-cruiser do this:

  • In src/report:
    • add a module that exports a default function that
      • takes a dependency cruiser output object (json schema)
      • returns an object with
        • output: the output you want the cli to emit
        • exitCode: the exit code you want the cli to return when the report is done
  • In report/index.js
    • require that module and
    • add a key to the TYPE2REPORTER object with that module as value
  • In bin/dependency-cruise
    • add it to the documentation of the -T option
  • In test/report add unit tests that prove your reporter does what it intends.

Q: How do I add support for my favourite alt-js language?

A: Ask me nicely or make a PR.

Dependency-cruiser already supports TypeScript, CoffeeScript and LiveScript. If there's another language (that transpiles to JavaScript) you'd like to see support for, let me know.

Recipe for PR's to add an alt-js language:

  • In package.json:
    • add your language (and supported version range) to the supportedTranspilers object.
    • Add your language's transpiler to devDependencies (you'll need that, because you are going to write tests that prove the addition works correctly later on).
  • In src/transpile
    • add a yourLanguageWrap.js that invokes the transpiler transforming your language into JavaScript (preferably ES6 or better, but lower versions should work as well). typeScriptWrap.js as an example on how to do this.
    • in meta.js
      • require ./yourLanguageWrap and
      • add it to the extension2wrapper object with the extensions proper for your language.
  • In test/extract/transpile add unit tests for yourLanguageWrap

Road map



If you have an issue, suggestion - don't hesitate to create an issue.

You're welcome to create a pull request - if it's something more complex it's probably wise to first create an issue or hit @mcmeadow up on twitter.

For things that don't fit an issue or pull request you're welcome to contact the @mcmeadow twitter account as well (checked at approximately daily intervals).