This project implements a RL agent for doing Dynamic Channel Allocation in a simulated mobile caller environment.
The implementation is in Rust and uses ndarray for numerical work.
It is a near-complete Rust port of the best performing agent (AA-VNet) from This agent utilizes a linear neural network as state value function approximator which is updated using a newly proposed variant of TDC gradients, originally defined in Sutton et al. 2009: "Fast gradient-descent methods for temporal-difference learning with linear function approximation."
See also the version written in Haskell, and Python.
cargo build --release
cargo run --release -- --n_events 100_000
or, to see the help menu for all command line arguments:
cargo run --release -- --help
rustdca [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Log level: '-v' for debug, '-vv' for trace
--verify_grid Verify channel reuse constraint each iteration
-l, --alpha <alpha> Learning rate for neural network [default: 2.52e-6]
-a, --alpha_avg <alpha_avg> Learning rate for average reward [default: 0.06]
-g, --alpha_grad <alpha_grad> Learning rate for TDC gradient corrections [default: 5e-6]
--call_dur <call_dur> Call duration, in minutes [default: 3]
-r, --call_rate <call_rate_ph> Call rate, in calls per hour [default: 200]
--hoff_call_dur <hoff_call_dur> Call duration for hand-offs, in minutes [default: 1]
--log_iter <log_iter> Show blocking probability every 'log_iter' iterations [default: 5000]
-i, --n_events <n_events> Simulation duration [default: 10000]
-p, --p_handoff <p_hoff> Hand-off probability [default: 0.0]