- Debian (Preferred)
- Ubuntu
- CentOS
- Fedora
Note for Ubuntu 18.04.1
If you're using Ubuntu 18.04.1
, before Starting the Linux Installer, add the following apt repository:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -sc) main universe restricted multiverse"
This isn't necessary if you're running from the 18.04
!!! warning
It is not advised to log in as root
or run sudo -i
to install and run EQEmu
- First you will need to kick off the installer using the single line command line also referenced on the README in the EQEmu/Server repository
- You can use curl or wget to kick off the installer (whichever your OS has)
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/scripts/linux_installer/install.sh && chmod 755 install.sh && sudo ./install.sh
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EQEmu/Server/master/utils/scripts/linux_installer/install.sh && chmod 755 install.sh && sudo ./install.sh
- The Linux installer has configurable options
- EQEmu User: eqemu - set password
- MySQL root password
- MySQL database name
- MySQL new user name and password
This is what you will see during the execution of the install.sh script
#::: EverQuest Emulator Modular Installer
#::: Installer Author: Akkadius
#::: Installer Co-Author(s): N0ctrnl
#::: EQEmulator Server Software is developed and maintained
#::: by the EQEmulator Developement team
#::: Everquest is a registered trademark
#::: Daybreak Game Company LLC.
#::: EQEmulator is not associated or
#::: affiliated in any way with Daybreak Game Company LLC.
#::: To be installed:
- Server running folder - Will be installed to the folder you ran this script
- MariaDB (MySQL) - Database engine
- Perl 5.X :: Scripting language for quest engines
- LUA Configured :: Scripting language for quest engines
- Latest PEQ Database
- Latest PEQ Quests
- Latest Plugins repository
- Maps (Latest V2) formats are loaded
- New Path files are loaded
- Optimized server binaries
Press any key to continue...
First, we need to set your passwords...
Make sure that you remember these and keep them somewhere
You will be prompted for installation configuration
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
Enter MySQL root (Database) password: eqemu
Enter Database Name (single word, no special characters, lower case):eqemu
Enter (Database) MySQL EQEmu Server username: eqemu
Enter (Database) MySQL EQEmu Server password: eqemu
- Once complete, the installer will take off and do the rest, and you can just sit back and wait for it to complete!
- Note: Compiling takes a little while because of compiling happening on a single core, this is because not all servers that the installer runs on has proper memory configured for the amount of processor jobs that could be ran to speed up this process
- Once the installation is complete, you will have the following directory structure in /home/eqemu
user@debian:/home/eqemu# ls -l
total 24
-rwxr-xr-x 1 eqemu eqemu 10617 Jan 15 11:34 install.sh
drwxr-xr-x 9 eqemu eqemu 4096 Jan 15 11:46 server
drwxr-xr-x 3 eqemu eqemu 4096 Jan 15 11:34 server_source
drwxr-xr-x 2 eqemu eqemu 4096 Jan 15 11:34 source
root@debian:/home/eqemu# cd server
- Once in the server you can use either of the start scripts to start your server, and the stop script of course to stop the server
- server_start.sh Starts EQEmu server (Quiet) with 30 dynamic zones, UCS & Queryserv, dynamic zones
- server_start_dev.sh Starts EQEmu server with 10 dynamic zones, UCS & Queryserv, dynamic zones all verbose
- server_stop.sh Stops EQEmu Server (No warning)
- server_status.sh Prints the status of the EQEmu Server processes
- Startup example
user@debian:/home/eqemu/server# sudo -u eqemu ./server_start.sh
[Status] Loading items...
[Status] Loading factions...
[Status] Loading loot...
[Status] Loading skill caps...
[Status] Loading spells...
[Status] Loading base data...
Server started - use server_status.sh to check server status
Akka's Linux Server Launcher
Zones to launch: 30
Launcher already running... Exiting...
user@debian:/home/eqemu/server# ./server_status.sh
Akka's Linux Server Launcher
World: UP Zones: (30/30) UCS: UP Queryserv: UP
- To configure your server name, shortname and other parameters, you can visit eqemu_config
- To configure additional zones to boot, those options can be set in the startup script
That's it! You should be set!