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Quick Installation

tuli edited this page Apr 25, 2018 · 19 revisions


  1. Download latest version from here and unzip the files

  2. Move moonbot folder near your Profit Trailer folder
    folder structure example

  3. Set the following fields in file:

    • bot.user_id - your Telegram chat id. Can be found at @MyTelegramID_bot
    • bot.token - create new telegram bot using @BotFather and place your bot token here. (GUIDE)
    • pt.server.api_token - set your PT api token, same value as you have in PT's
    • - set your PT folder path, i.e "../ProfitTrailer"
  4. Enter your telegram bot, press "Start"

  5. Run:

    • Windows: double click run-moonbot.bat and wait for > I'm UP! message
    • MacOs\Linux: run ./moonbot from terminal and wait for > I'm UP! message

Advanced configuration description can be found here.

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