All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.0.3 (2017-03-11)
2.0.2 (2016-10-29)
- docs: params before examples (0ed25c5)
2.0.1 (2016-10-27)
- version: fix version collistions, huh.. fast fingers (546a68d)
2.0.0 (2016-10-26)
- index: returns the index of the match, true if index is 0 (9c7a075)
- index: returns an index instead of true; it returns false only if found index is 0; always
returns positive value
- Release v1.0.2 / npm@v1.0.2
- add missing
to devDeps, closes #3
- Release v1.0.1 / npm@v1.0.1
- use
, closes #2 - update package.json: npm scripts
- update travis.yml
- update gitignore
- add
to devDeps - switch to use
instead ofassertit
- Release v1.0.0 / npm@v1.0.0
- fix "duplicate" issues reported by @codeclimate, arrrgghh!
- implement 🐈
- Initial commit