-- PR #383 - Fix maxLengthEnforced deprecation
-- PR #360 - Resize before opening box (fixes issue 220)
-- PR #354 - Make maxLines nullable -- PR #349 - Add option for min number of chars before suggestionsCallback is called -- PR #347 - Un private some variables -- PR #347 - Fix deprecated info's in example -- PR #344 - Add textAlignVertical support, fixes #231
-- PR #333 - support Windows and MacOS by making keyboard_visibility optional
-- PR #327 - Added Scrollcontroler as optional parameter -- PR #335 - Fix ErrorBuilder Widget display -- PR #339 - Strong mode and type fixes
-- PR #326 - file structure reorganisation -- PR #325 - Fix Scrollbar ScrollController
-- PR #308 - Allow suggestionsCallback to return null
-- PR #303 - Guard against missing size in _adjustMaxHeightAndOrientation -- PR #306 - Fixed Issue #286 - Suggestions callback called immediately
-- PR #297 - Fix styling of CHANGELOG.md
-- PR #295 - autoFillHints for TextFieldConfiguration -- PR #294 - Check if the overlay is open -- PR #292 - Various bug fixes, including null safety -- PR #291 - Check for platform and run the correct example demo -- PR #287 - Cancel the debounce timer when widget is destroyed -- PR #285 - Fix possible race condition by doing an await
-- PR #290 Null-safety pre-release
-- NOTE!! BREAKING CHANGE! Not major but changed Types for some calls -- RE-APPLY : 1.9.2 will become 2.0.0
-- REVERT : Reverting back to 1.9.1 as 1.9.3. 1.9.2 will become 2.0.0
-- #267 : Remove undeeded typecasts and add String types
-- #256 : Change default to disabled for autovalidateMode and fix typo
- Merged 4 PRs: -- #238 : Added hideKeyboard even if textfield has focus (edge case) -- #248 : Added enabled and autovalidateMode properties. Resolves Issue #247 -- #249 : Added enableSuggestions to Textfield Configuration. Resolves Issue #210 -- #255 : Update to use flutter_keyboard_visibility 4.X from 3.X
- Merged PR to fix typo and validator tests and examples using deprecated consts.
- Merged PR to fix dispose() error in tests.
- Merged PR to fix "flashing" bug.
- Dependency Update : Updated flutter_Keyboard_visibility to ^3.0.0 from ^2.0.0
- Bug Fix : Merged 3 PRs for various bug fixes.
- Bug Fix : PR to address keyboard visibility issues from @alphamikle
- Bug fixes
- Change from List to Iterable for flexibility
- Added
property toTextFieldConfiguration
- Added
property toSuggestionsBoxDecoration
- Support iOS 13 dark mode
- Bug fixes
- Updated keyboard_visibility dependency
- Scolling bug fix
- Added new property
- Fix disposing overlay
Thanks to MisterJimson, davidmartos96, pparadox11, diegoveloper
- Fixed onChanged not being called for TypeAheadFormField
- Added CupertinoTypeAheadField for Cupertino users
- Updated example project
- Bug fixes
- Added
property andSuggestionsBoxController
class to allow manual control of the suggestions box - Fix suggestions box height problems in dialogs
- Add
property toTextFieldConfiguration
- Fixed BoxConstraints width parameters being ignored in
- Added property
to allow automatic direction flipping if there is not enough space for the suggestions list
- Limit number of suggestionsCallbacks until current call is finished
- Bug fixes & optimizations
- Added property
- Changed default behavior: suggestions box will no longer show circular progress indicator when loading; it will maintain previous results if available
- Suggestions box now closes on keyboard hide by default
- Added property
- Width now properly resizes on orientation changes
- Suggestions box will display above keyboard when keyboard hides the box for AxisDirection.Up
- Fix FocusNode errors
- Fix keyboard height calculation
- Fix suggestions being called on TextBox focus
- Resize suggestion box when scrolling
- Bug fix for
- Added properties
, andhideOnError
to hide the suggestions box
- Allow types to properly work.
- Add documentation for direction: option.
- Added property
to allow the suggestions to grow either up or down
- Added contributing guidelines and reverse sorted the CHANGLELOG.md file.
- Bug fixes
- Added the hasScrollbar property which allows the optional display of a
- Fixed the case where the suggestion box becomes hidden behind the keyboard
- Fixed the bug of not disposing the animations controller
- Added property
to the form field implementation
- Added property
to allow fetching suggestions before the user types - Added assertion in the form field to disallow having
defined at the same time
- Added a constraints property to the
which allows to set the height and width of the suggestions box
- Added mention of 'autocomplete' in README and pubspec
- Executed 'flutter format'
- Changed the suggestions box decoration to decorate a material sheet instead of decorating a container
- Moved the
properties inside a class calledTextFieldConfiguration
, which is provided to theTypeAhead
widgets through atextFieldConfiguration
property. This was done to decrease the clutter in the interface - Added more configuration properties to the
- Added a configurable vertical offset for the suggestions box
- Changed the mechanism used to open/close the suggestions box
- Added meta-tags to README for SEO
- Updated the GIF to show the changes
- Added "How you can help" section to README
- Small fix to README
- Small fix to documentation
- Initial Release.