- Added ability to track progress of video during play, pause, and stop events. videogular/bower-videogular-analytics#6
- Added a mediaElement[0] mock to avoid calls to mediaElement[0].play() when player is not initialized. videogular#326
- Defensive check for mediaElement in clearMedia method. videogular#323
- Allow for custom playback speeds. videogular#319
- Fixed docs, volume and playback expects a float instead of an integer.
- Updated Readme. Point to the maintained version of Cuepoints.
- Normalized value for seek by percent so it can't fall out of valid range.
- Added fix for when virtual clip start time is set to 0.
- Added new directive vg-scrub-bar-thumbnails to display thumbnails in scrub bar.
- Added new property vg-start-time to autoseek to a certain second.
- Added new property vg-virtual-clip-duration to set a duration. When used with vg-start-time it will create a virtual media fragment in given video.
- Added more precise iOS device detection.
- Added autoplay enabled for mobile devices on cordova. Cordova/phonegap allows autoplay by default. In particular calling play() directly always works.
- Fixed bug with volume bar when mute button was focused. close #289
- Updated demo with virtual clips.
- Updated Readme.
- Updated docs.
- Removed old files.
- Added new directive vg-scrub-bar-buffer.
- Added new API properties bufferEnd and buffered.
- Added support for Browserify.
- Published all plugins in NPM.
- Fixed seek on Android.
- Updated readme with more heroes.
- Updated build.
- Updated readme with more heroes.
- Fixed bug in iOS trying to detect fullscreen mode when video player was in full screen mode.
- Fixed a bug of onEnter callback.
- Added binding to playback button.
- Published to NPM.
- Updated docs with onEnter cue point callback.
- Fixed gruntfile.
- Added onEnter event to cue points.
- Improved onEnter cue point callback.
- Fixed changing between multiple subtitles.
- Fixed controlbar positioning errors between Android 4.0 and 4.3.
- Fixed conflicts on some packages.
- Fixed undefined values when native fullscreen is updated.
Added vgClearMediaOnNavigate to allow continuous playback. close #186
Added vgSeeking and vgSeeked callbacks. close #257
Added webkit-playsinline for mobile devices. close #160 #151
Added vgNativeFullscreen to separate the behaviour from vgPlaysInline.
Fixed DASH bug when changing from a DASH source to a non-DASH source. close #248
Fixed volume out of range bug. close #260
Fixed tests.
Updated demo.
Updated docs.
BREAKING CHANGES: vgPlaysInline doesn't deactivate native fullscreen anymore. You need to use vgNativeFullscreen now (default is true).
- Improved watch for API.sources.
- Improved controls autohide and overlay play plugin interaction. Fixed with #239
- Removed mouse events to vg-poster.
- Catch error on stop function to avoid problems with single video environments. close #223
- Fixed vg-preload problem on desktop browsers. close #197
- Fixed crossorigin problems with tracks (tested with https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-control-allow-origi/nlfbmbojpeacfghkpbjhddihlkkiljbi/reviews). close #123
- Fixed track position in Chrome and Safari.
- Fixed problems showing tracks in Firefox. close #119
- Fixed getZIndex to inline styles and css styles. close #230
- Fixed error in Firefox when stop is pressed and media element is not available. close #223
- Added support to change media sources from anywhere (plugins, widgets, etc...)
- Fixed bug: autoplay is triggered on mobile devices. #234
- Fixed bug: a muted player can't be unmuted with the mute button. #232
- Fixed package.json files in bower repositories. #176
- Fixed problem updating cue points. closes #221
- Added watcher for analytics track info. closes #213
- Updated currentTime on stop media. closes #220
- Updated demo.
- Added optional timeLapse.end parameter. Now you can define cue points setting only timeLapse.start to define a 1 second cue point.
- Added support for responsive cue points.
- Added isolate scope to overlay-play plugin.
- Added bindable ads.
- Fixed rendering problem on controlbar cue points.
- Updated demo.
- Updated readme.
- Updated docs.
- Added Videogular cue points bar in controls plugin.
- Added Videogular new method API.setPlayback(playback), new callback vgUpdatePlayback(playback) and vgPlaybackButton in controls plugin.
- Added persistent volume and vgCanPlay callback.
- Fixed bug: vgChangeSource callback now triggers when the video player begins playing a new file.
- Fixed bug when a preroll was the last ad played.
- Fixed bug with plays inline styles.
- Fixed IMA demo.
- Improved Dash live demo.
- Code reformatted.
- Updated demo.
- Updated readme.
- Updated docs.
- Fixed bug on Android 2.3 browser.
- Fixed problems on Win8 IE10 and IE11.
- Fixed problem updating themes.
- Fixed fullscreen on Win8 IE10 and IE11.
- Added vg-cue-points property to videogular tag.
- Added to set state to stop when a source is changed. closes #174
- Allowed videogular directive as attribute. closes #162
- Fixed bug with vgAutoPlay. close #161
- Fixed problem with templating demo.
- Improved performance in main controller.
- Improved autohide in vg-controls.
- Updated demo.
- Updated readme.
- Updated docs.
- Added vg-type attribute in vg-media for "audio" or "video".
- Added watch for vg-plays-inline.
- Fixed problem with vg-plays-inline in iPhone devices.
- Fixed missing dependency in vg-media causing that vg-auto-play didn't work.
- Updated scrubbar in default theme.
- Updated docs.
- Added vg-config to load config file to init the player and plugins.
- Added Videogular Analytics.
- Added unit tests.
- Added "test" task in gruntfile.
- Added firefox in karma conf.
- Added config support in vg-analytics.
- Added views as $templateCache.
- Added analytics to build process.
- Added a new fullcreen service with a native fullscreen polyfill.
- Added vg-plays-inline to disable native fullscreen.
- Updated theme to set controls-container as a class instead of an id element.
- Updated Gruntfile with new build process.
- Updated gitignore to remove coverage directory.
- Updated package.json with new dependencies.
- Updated function to calculate the highest zIndex.
- Updated demo files.
- Updated docs.
- Changed vg-media to have a template.
- Changed private functions to scope functions.
- Changed vg-poster-image to vg-poster.
- Changed internal times from Date objects to miliseconds.
- Fixed error with duplicated CSS themes on head.
- Fixed problem seeking on Safari Yosemite.
- Moved plugins to outside of directives directory.
- Removed old scope variables on fullscreen button.
- Removed vg-ima-ads in karma conf.
- Removed template views.
- Changed videogular font name to 'videogular' to avoid problems with other 'icomoon' fonts.
- Improved error messages.
- Fixed NaN values when video duration is not specified.
- Fixed problem with Google IMA when preload='none'.
- Fixed problem with Google IMA when all ads complete it was starting the video again.
- Fixed bug when auto play is true and a source has been changed.
- Added vgError to notify video object error events.
- Improved buffering API.
- Fixed problems initializing player.
- Some minor code fixes for maintainability.
- Updated grunt files.
- Added DASH plugin for streaming and live streaming in Chrome. This is still beta, but it's awesome in Chrome.
- Updated demo.
- Moved all media files to dropbox.
- Fixed UTC time problems on time display.
- Fixed bindings for native controls.
- Fixed to hide buffering when it's loading content and state changes to stop.
- Fixed to use cursor pointer on buttons.
- Added jquery-event-fix for function
. - Fixed error changing volume with keys.
- Fixed init problem when preload is 'none'.
- Updated docs.
- Updated IMA ads plugin to work with the new API.
- Added resize in IMA ads plugin.
- Updated demo with Google IMA ads.
- Added new API method clearMedia() to prevent browsers download media when player is destroyed or ngRoute changes.
- Fixed bug when autohide is true and user moves mouse wasn't showing the controls.
- Fixed bug when a source is changed but there are no tracks.
- Removed unnecessary scope variable on overlay-play.
- Improved docs.
- Improved demo.
- Added new directive vg-audio.
- Improved performance removing some $apply() calls.
- Fixed initialization problems in iOS, Android and Safari for Mac OS X.
- Added new directives vg-tracks.
- Added new directives vg-loop.
- Added new directives vg-preload.
- Added new directives vg-native-controls.
- Added new diretive vg-video and vg-source.
- Removed events now everything is bindable.
- Added seek by seconds or percentage passing a parameter.
- Added new "timeLeft" property.
- Added seek by seconds or percentage passing a parameter.
- Fixed bug at vg-src in Safari for Windows 8.
- Fixed bug with iOS screen size.
- Fixed bug in vgScrubbarcurrenttime, it wasn't updating the current time.
- Added support for IE11 fullscreen API.
- Added new callback vgChangeSource to change video source or quality.
- Added new stop method.
- Added licenses in all files.
- Fixed some issues related to $apply in progress error.
- Fixed to show icon correctly in overlay-play when a complete event is fired.
- Removed jQuery dependency.
- Added new vgSrc directivo to set by binding a video source.
- Added a new event ON_ERROR.
- Added gitignore, package.json and Gruntfile.
- Now icons are setted as CSS classes.
- Added support for minification.
- Added minified version.
- Fixed controlbar rendering on init.
- Now all plugin HTML templates are embedded in JS files (easier to deploy with bower).
- Improved fixEventOffset.
- Added IMA ads plugin.
- Improved fixEventOffset.
- Now vg-theme it's not mandatory.
- Support for full screen on devices without native full screen.
- Removed
dependencies. - Added
callbacks. - Exposed API with name "API" instead of "vg".
- Fixed problems with stretch mode.
- Improved code quality in link functions.
- Added this changelog.