- Docker
- Docker Compose
- NVIDIA GPUs on host
- modifications may be made within the
file to change the images folder to be mounted to the containers as well as many other env options.
NVIDIA NGC CLI is a command-line interface tool for managing Docker containers in the NVIDIA NGC Registry. With NGC CLI, you can perform the same operations that are available from the NGC website, such as running jobs, viewing ACE and node information, and viewing Docker repositories within your orgs. Read the docs here. You will need a valid API key to download containers, models and other content from the NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC).
class ImagesModel(JsonModel):
The images referenced by a COCO dataset are listed in the images array.
Each image object contains information about the image such as the image
file name.
id: (Required) A unique identifier for the image. The id field maps to
the id field in the annotations array (where bounding box information
is stored).
license: (Not Required) Maps to the license array.
coco_url: (Optional) The location of the image.
flickr_url: (Not required) The location of the image on Flickr.
width: (Required) The width of the image.
height: (Required) The height of the image.
file_name: (Required) The image file name. In this example, file_name and
id match, but this is not a requirement for COCO datasets.
date_captured: (Required) the date and time the image was captured.
id: int = None
license: Optional[int]
coco_url: Optional[str]
flickr_url: Optional[str]
height: int
width: int
channels: int
file_name: str = Field(index=True)
date_captured: Optional[str] = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
class CategoriesModel(JsonModel):
Label information is stored the categories array.
supercategory: (Not required) The parent category for a label.
id: (Required) The label identifier. The id field maps to the category_id f
ield in an annotation object.
name: (Required) the label name.
supercategory: Optional[str] = Field(index=True)
id: Optional[int] = None
name: Optional[str] = Field(index=True)
class AnnotationsModel(JsonModel):
Bounding box information for all objects on all images is stored the
annotations list. A single annotation object contains bounding box
information for a single object and the object's label on an image. There is
an annotation object for each instance of an object on an image.
id: (Not required) The identifier for the annotation.
image_id: (Required) Corresponds to the image id in the images array.
category_id: (Required) The identifier for the label that identifies the
object within a bounding box. It maps to the id field of the categories array.
iscrowd: (Not required) Specifies if the image contains a crowd of objects.
segmentation: (Not required) Segmentation information for objects on an image.
area: (Not required) The area of the annotation.
bbox: (Required) Contains the coordinates, in pixels, of a bounding box
around an object on the image.
segmentation: Optional[List[List[float]]] = None
iscrowd: Optional[bool] = None
area: Optional[float] = None
image_id: Optional[int] = None
bbox: Optional[List[float]] = None
rotation: Optional[float] = None
center: Optional[List[float]] = None
category_id: Optional[int] = None
id: Optional[int] = None
class COCOModel(JsonModel):
images: Optional[List[ImagesModel]] = None
categories: Optional[List[CategoriesModel]] = None
annotations: Optional[List[AnnotationsModel]] = None
The model described in this card detects one or more faces in the given image / video. Compared to the FaceirNet model, this model gives better results on RGB images and smaller faces.
The model is based on NVIDIA DetectNet_v2 detector with ResNet18 as a feature extractor. This architecture, also known as GridBox object detection, uses bounding-box regression on a uniform grid on the input image. Gridbox system divides an input image into a grid which predicts four normalized bounding-box parameters (xc, yc, w, h) and confidence value per output class.
The raw normalized bounding-box and confidence detections needs to be post-processed by a clustering algorithm such as DBSCAN or NMS to produce final bounding-box coordinates and category labels. The results are then saved to your local RedisDB. docker/triton-server/facenet_model/README.md
for more information.
10/26/2021 12:02 PM Accuracy: 83.87 70 Epochs Batch Size: 1 GPU: V100 5.51 MB
ngc registry model download-version "nvidia/tao/facenet:pruned_quantized_v2.0.1" --dest docker/triton-server/facenet_model
08/18/2021 10:21 PM Accuracy: 85.3 70 Epochs Batch Size: 1 GPU: V100 44.15 MB
ngc registry model download-version "nvidia/tao/facenet:deployable_v1.0" --dest docker/triton-server/facenet_model
The FPENet model described in this card is a facial keypoints estimator network, which aims to predict the (x,y) location of keypoints for a given input face image. FPEnet is generally used in conjuction with a face detector and the output is commonly used for face alignment, head pose estimation, emotion detection, eye blink detection, gaze estimation, among others.
This model predicts 68, 80 or 104 keypoints for a given face- Chin: 1-17, Eyebrows: 18-27, Nose: 28-36, Eyes: 37-48, Mouth: 49-61, Inner Lips: 62-68, Pupil: 69-76, Ears: 77-80, additional eye landmarks: 81-104. It can also handle visible or occluded flag for each keypoint. An example of the kaypoints is shown as follows:
This is a classification model with a Recombinator network backbone. Recombinator networks are a family of CNN architectures that are suited for fine grained pixel level predictions (as oppose to image level prediction like classification). The model recombines the layer inputs such that convolutional layers in the finer branches get inputs from both coarse and fine layers.
The facial landmark estimations may be used for facial alignment and an example of that is provided in the notebook. docker/triton-server/fpenet_model/README.md
for more information.
11/23/2021 7:47 PM Accuracy: 6.1 100 Epochs Batch Size: 1 GPU: V100 2.24 MB
ngc registry model download-version "nvidia/tao/fpenet:deployable_v3.0" --dest docker/triton-server/fpenet_model
docker compose build
docker compose up triton-model-builder
docker compose up triton-server triton-client redis-db