All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.6.9 (2021-11-22)
- apply delayed enable to wall graphics when part has preroll (b368090)
- apply effekt part properties before evaluating cues (a235267)
- apply full and dve part properties before evaluating cues (cfd5ee5)
- apply full graphic properties only when contains a full (c1d0fa8)
- Apply jingle part properties before evaluating cues (e187f60)
- create parent class for VOs (784df52)
- don't update infinites from previous part (e2bfa83)
- set enable for pilots targeting wall (22a2a4c)
- set higher priority on WALL graphics to make them last during prerollDuration (de6dbca)
- undefined properties not synced (cf44d4e)
1.6.8 (2021-08-18)
- deploy on v tags (6cd8f5a)
1.6.7 (2021-08-18)
1.6.5 (2021-06-10)
1.6.0 (2021-03-22)
- Add advanced SSRC art properties as studio settings (6057de4)
- Add control of all DSKs (66747de)
- add DSK control to offtube (d255325)
- add full graphic source selection to DSK table (cdb7b06)
- Add IdleSisyfosLayers config manifest entry (386f3a3)
- Add PGMCLEAN iNews cue support (442d221)
- add sourceDuration to jingles to support PieceCountdownPanel (b036439)
- Asset folder settings (41e5804)
- Create internal graphics as either viz or caspar based on studio setting (95c64e8)
- Generic graphic baseline (ce371cb)
- Ignore black/freeze frames for jingles and png graphics (8696af7)
- Locators in sport-overlay renderer (e165720)
- LYD=Fade cues (8538625)
- Offtube audio bed (cd69807)
- Offtube soundbeds (b4ce593)
- open studio mics on adlib servers (990f7f8)
- open studio mics on adlib servers (70f6057)
- open studio mics on fulls (ca83358)
- Recall last DVE in script (2e89855)
- Static buttons for offtube (35ea3e9)
- Add baseline jingles to expected media (7c5eeb6)
- Add DSK FullSource to offtube config manifest (1b6c25c)
- add missing tags on jingle pieces (eb1f7dd)
- allow DSK adlibs to be cleared (1a50bb1)
- apply full graphic properties to unknown part (f51c5f7)
- Build (3030710)
- casparcg jingle lokahead distance (870df42)
- channelLayout (36c95d6)
- CircleCI test runner (92d6d7d)
- Clone content (duplicate id error in core) (b90e8eb)
- Config manifests (e94d01d)
- disable full animation when the file stays the same (e7dfc93)
- disable full transition after jingle (e38dc3f)
- disable template animation on first full (d1cc55d)
- disable template animation on first full (450213c)
- disable template animation on first full on lookahead (c8360f2)
- Duplicate timeline Ids (da2e163)
- DVE types, building blueprints (8040072)
- Full mics for caspar graphics (3efa7ac)
- full tags (fb02ccb)
- Graphic folder (fef9cb8)
- Ignore freeze/black frames for effekts (7d09ed4)
- keep timeline objects in full datastore (198d390)
- Migration (aa0acc3)
- Migrations (e2ff0ad)
- N-1 fader label (056a981)
- Offtube wall graphic (6401a2e)
- Pass actions tests (4eefb98)
- Pass blueprint tests (6e319ed)
- Pass graphics tests (b863f80)
- Pass telefon tests (a9995b0)
- Preview jingle first frame (ad4c75b)
- remove ATEM obj from full datastore (e4353fb)
- Remove duplicate migration (b595740)
- Remove sisyfos objects from DVE datastore (d96553b)
- Remove sisyfos objects from full graphic datastore (85ca08b)
- Rename sisyfos fader 11 to N-1 (cbfc1ea)
- Server only persist sisyfos levels on adlibs (67ddae2)
- set jingle dsk to non-premultiplied (b6ebde0)
- splitting left duration evenly (044c345)
- Static button colour for transitions (935e0fc)
- Tests and migrations (76787c7)
- transition replacement on take with transition (6159148)
- Transitions test (5b3f28f)
- Typo in config manifest (e0b69bc)
- Use properties from DVE config table (2ba99f5)