This repository contains the source code artifacts belonging to the paper Feature-Oriented Programming with Object Algebras, to appear in the proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP'13).
Copyright (c) 2012-2013
NOTE TO ECOOP'13 AEC REVIEWERS: Instead of providing a comprehensive, installable bundle containing all required sources, compilers and dependencies, this README provides detailed instructions on how to install the required dependencies needed for compiling and running the source code in this repository. Since the contribution of the paper is primarily in powerful programming patterns in Scala, an installable distribution would make less sense. We made this decision with permission from the Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC) chairs of ECOOP'13. Should the compiler present a problem, a comprehensive bundle will be made available upon request.
IMPORTANT: we promise to not touch this repository until the AEC reviewing process is finished. Should there be doubts about this, a cloned repository can be brought back to the state of the AEC deadline (8th of March 2013) using the following command:
git checkout 'master@{2013-03-08 14:00:00}'
Be sure NOT to fork this repository, because then you'll leak your identity to us and others.
This Scala IDE Project contains the following artifacts:
oalg.algebra.core The generic object algebra combinators implemented using reflection.
oalg.algebra.demo Case studies illustrating the applicability of object algebra composition.
oalg.algebra.paper Small examples of the paper on object algebra composition.
The source code of Feature-Oriented Programming with Object Algebras is made available in the following Git repository:
The most convenient way to explore the source code and run the demo applications is to clone this repository in the Eclipse IDE ( with the Scala IDE installed ( If you haven't installed Eclipse, or the Scala IDE already, please consult the section below on how to do this. We have successfully tested the examples in both Eclipse Indigo and Juno.
To check out the the project and run the demos, you need to clone the oalgcomp Git repository. Go to Window->Open Perspective->Other..., and select Git Repository Exploring. (If this perspective does not show, please see below how to install EGit.) In the left-hand side of the Git perspective, click on the link "Clone a Git repository" or click the button in the tool bar with blue curved arrow. Enter or paste in the URI text-field. Click Next, and Next (checking out master) and Finish. The repository should now be listed under "Git Repositories". Expand the tree view of "oalgcomp", right-click "Working Directory" and select Import projects.... Click Next and Finish. After switching back to the Scala perspective (Window->Open perspective->Other...), the oalgcomp project should be present in the Package Explorer.
The source tree is organized as follows:
oalg.algebra.aspects: contains an aspect for circular attribute evaluation
oalg.algebra.core: contains the core combinators to compose object algebras
oalg.algebra.demo: the two case-studies from the paper
- grammar: algebras for executing and analyzing grammars.
- stacks: the Stack example used in Prehofer's paper on feature-oriented programming.
oalg.algebra.paper: this directory contains the listings from the paper.
Both demo packages contain a Main.scala file. After opening such a file in an editor. They can be run by pressing the "Run" button in the Eclipse tool bar (green play button). Alternatively: right-click the editor or the file in the package explorer and select Run as-> Scala Application from the context menu.
NB: the code requires Scala 2.10.0 or later. The Scala IDE Eclipse update sites used below contain a suitable version of the Scala compiler.
If you haven't installed Eclipse yet, please download one of the following Eclipse versions:
Eclipse Juno:
Eclipse Indigo:
The next step is to install the Scala IDE with Scala 2.10 included. To do this, start up Eclipse and go to Help->Install new software. Click Add to add a new update site. Enter "Scala IDE" as name, and paste the either one of the following URLs in the URL field, depending on which Eclipse you are running:
- Indigo:
- Juno:
Click Ok. From the list of items hosted on the update site check "Scala IDE for Eclipse". Click Next, Next, Accept License, and Finish. After some time, you're asked to restart Eclipse. Do this. When Eclipse comes back up, click Yes when asked to Run Scala Setup Diagnostics. You're now set to clone the oalgcomp repository and import the oalgcomp project (see above).
We have tested the code with the following versions:
- Indigo:
- eclipse-java-indigo-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64
- Scala IDE for Eclipse3.0.0.rc2-2_10-201303061959
- Juno:
- eclipse-SDK-4.2.2-linux-gtk-x86_64 (Juno)
- Scala IDE for Eclipse
Both were run using Oracle jdk-7u5-linux-x64.
NB: if the Git perspective is not available in Eclipse Juno, install EGit via Help->Install new software. Use the following Juno update site: ; type git in the filter search box and select the top Eclipse EGit plugin.
The top-level Makefile can be used to compile the sources from the command line on Unix-like systems. This requires the location of the Scala (2.10.0 or later) compiler scalac to be present in the PATH environment variable. Please consult the Makefile for further instructions.