The slha
crate is a crate to read SUSY Les Houches Accord (or SLHA) files.
It aims to be as general as possible, in the sense that Blocks of arbitrary types are
In particular, all the Blocks defined in the SLHA 1 and 2 standards can be read using this
There are two ways to use this crate, using the (automatically derivable) SlhaDeserialize
trait or using an Slha
Automatically deriving SlhaDeserialize
is the recommended way to use this library, and the
object approach should only be used if the other can not be used, most notably in the
case when the necessary Blocks are only known at runtime.
The following is a full example using the SlhaDeserialize
method to extract blocks and decays
from an SLHA file. An example using the Slha
object method can be found in the
Using an Slha object
To be able to use this example, you will have to add
slha = "0.5"
slha-derive = "0.5"
error-chain = "0.1"
to your Cargo.toml
extern crate slha;
extern crate slha_derive;
extern crate error_chain;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use slha::{Block, DecayTable, SlhaDeserialize};
use error_chain::ChainedError;
#[derive(Debug, SlhaDeserialize)]
struct Slha {
mass: Block<i64, f64>,
ye: Vec<Block<(i8, i8), f64>>,
decays: HashMap<i64, DecayTable>,
fn main() {
// In a more realistic example, this would be read from a file somewhere.
let input = "
6 173.2 # M_t
BLOCK ye Q= 1
3 3 4.2
BLOCK ye Q= 2
3 3 8.4
Decay 6 1.35
1 2 5 24 # t > W+ b
let slha = match Slha::deserialize(input) {
Ok(slha) => slha,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("{}", err.display_chain());
assert_eq!([&6], 173.2);
assert_eq!(slha.mass.scale, None);
assert_eq!(, 2);
assert_eq!([0].scale, Some(1.));
assert_eq!([1].map[&(3,3)], 8.4);
assert_eq!(slha.decays[&6].width, 1.35);
Together with the slha-derive
crate, it is possible to deserialize a SLHA file directly into a rust
Each field of the struct is treated as a block in the SLHA file with the same
(case-insensitive) name as the field. The block-name that should be deserialized into a field
can be customized using the rename
While the fields can be of any type that implements the SlhaBlock
trait, the most common
blocks, including all blocks defined in the SLHA 1 and 2 papers, can be expressed using two
block types defined in this crate, Block
and BlockSingle
All blocks declared in the struct must be present in the SLHA file, or an error is returned. Blocks that are included in the SLHA file but not in the struct are ignored. Therefore it is possible to pick and choose the blocks that are necessary for a task without having to include (and know the types of) all the others.
# extern crate slha;
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate slha_derive;
# use slha::{SlhaDeserialize, Block, BlockSingle};
#[derive(Debug, SlhaDeserialize)]
struct Slha {
alpha: BlockSingle<f64>,
mass: Block<i64, f64>,
ye: Block<(u8, u8), f64>,
# fn main() {
let input = "
6 173.2 # M_t
BLOCK ye Q= 1
3 3 4.2
BLOCK ALPHA # Effective Higgs mixing parameter
-1.1e-01 # alpha
let slha = Slha::deserialize(input).unwrap();
let mass = slha.mass;
assert_eq!(mass.scale, None);
assert_eq!(, 1);
assert_eq!([&6], 173.2);
let ye =;
assert_eq!(ye.scale, Some(1.));
assert_eq!(, 1);
assert_eq!([&(3, 3)], 4.2);
let alpha = slha.alpha;
assert_eq!(alpha.scale, None);
assert_eq!(alpha.value, -1.1e-1);
# }
The default behaviour is to return an error if a block declared in the struct is not present in
the SLHA file.
Since this is not always desireable, it is possible to mark blocks as optional by wrapping the
type of the block in an Option
# extern crate slha;
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate slha_derive;
# use slha::{Block, SlhaDeserialize};
#[derive(Debug, SlhaDeserialize)]
struct Slha {
mass: Option<Block<i64, f64>>,
# fn main() {
let present = "
6 173.2 # M_t
let present = Slha::deserialize(present).unwrap();
let not_present = Slha::deserialize("").unwrap();
# }
How duplicate blocks are handled depends on the type of the field that the block is written into.
If the type is a Block, any block that appears more than once, even with different scale is an
However, the SLHA standard allows for blocks (with different scales) to appear multiple times in an SLHA
file. To store all occurences of a block, the block can be wrapped in a Vec
. An error is
returned if the blocks do not have different scales.
# extern crate slha;
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate slha_derive;
# extern crate error_chain;
# use std::collections::HashMap;
# use slha::{Block, SlhaDeserialize};
#[derive(Debug, SlhaDeserialize)]
struct Slha {
ye: Vec<Block<(i8, i8), f64>>,
# fn main() {
let input = "
BLOCK ye Q= 1
3 3 4.2
BLOCK ye Q= 2
3 3 8.4
let slha = Slha::deserialize(input).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, 2);
assert_eq!([0].scale, Some(1.));
assert_eq!([0].map[&(3,3)], 4.2);
assert_eq!([1].scale, Some(2.));
assert_eq!([1].map[&(3,3)], 8.4);
# }
Decays can be read in as well.
For this a field with name decays
and type HashMap<i64, DecayTable>
has to be present in
the struct.
The decays
field then contains a map from the pdg id of the decaying particle to the
of the particle.
An error is returned if there are multiple decay tables for the same particle.
# extern crate slha;
# #[macro_use]
# extern crate slha_derive;
# use std::collections::HashMap;
# use slha::{DecayTable, SlhaDeserialize};
#[derive(Debug, SlhaDeserialize)]
struct Slha {
decays: HashMap<i64, DecayTable>,
# fn main() {
let input = "
Decay 6 1.35
1 2 5 24 # t > W+ b
let slha = Slha::deserialize(input).unwrap();
assert_eq!(slha.decays[&6].width, 1.35);
let decays = &slha.decays[&6].decays;
assert_eq!(decays.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(decays[0].branching_ratio, 1.);
assert_eq!(decays[0].daughters, vec![5, 24]);
# }
Sometimes using the SlhaDeserialize
trait is not an option, usually if the names and/or types
of the blocks in the SLHA file are not known at compile time.
In these cases blocks from the SLHA file can still be accessed using an SLHA object, which
allows to access blocks by name with names that are only known at run time.
Accessing blocks with unknown type can be done by converting these blocks into a BlockStr
only the key type of the block is unknown but the type of the value is known.
If nothing is known about the types, there is still the possibility of switching over all
possible types, or using the RawBlock
type, which contains the unparsed body of the block.
Since neither the names nor the types of the blocks contained in the SLHA file are known in advance, blocks can only be converted into their corresponding rust type when the block is accessed. Therefore all getter functions for blocks can return parse errors if the block is invalid or cannot be converted into the desired type.
The SLHA object provides several methods that can be used to convert blocks into any type that
implements the SlhaBlock
If the full type is known, the get_block
function can be used to convert the block into
either a Block
or a BlockSingle
If only the value type is known but not the key type, then these blocks can be converted into a
, which uses a vector of 'words' as key.
As a last resort, the get_raw_blocks
method can be used to obtain a RawBlock
object for
each block with a given name.
This object contains the raw (string) data that makes up the block.
The Slha
objects has several methods to access blocks that may appear more than once.
- The
method is supposed to be used for blocks that may only appear once in an SLHA file, or in cases where the calling code is not prepared to handle more than one block. If a block does appear multiple times, then this method will return an error when trying to access it. - The
method. This method returns all occurences of a block in an SLHA file, as long as these blocks have different scales. As such, this method can be used to access e.g. grids for running parameters. - The
method is similar to theget_blocks
method, but does not perform any sanity checks. Using this function it is for example possible to read duplicate blocks without scale.
use slha::{Slha, Block, BlockStr};
let input = "\
Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
3 0.1172 # alpha_s(MZ) SM MSbar
5 4.25 # Mb(mb) SM MSbar
6 174.3 # Mtop(pole)
DECAY 6 1.35
1 2 5 24
let slha = match Slha::parse(input) {
Ok(slha) => slha,
Err(err) => panic!("Failed to deserialize SLHA file: {}", err),
// Using `Block`
let sminputs: Block<i8, f64> = match slha.get_block("sminputs") {
Some(block) => match block {
Ok(sminputs) => sminputs,
Err(err) => panic!("Failed to parse block 'smimputs':\n{}", err),
None => panic!("Missing block 'sminputs'."),
assert_eq!(sminputs.scale, None);
assert_eq!(, 3);
assert_eq!([&5], 4.25);
// Using `BlockStr`
let sminputs: BlockStr<f64> = match slha.get_block("sminputs") {
Some(block) => match block {
Ok(sminputs) => sminputs,
Err(err) => panic!("Failed to parse block 'smimputs':\n{}", err),
None => panic!("Missing block 'sminputs'."),
assert_eq!(sminputs.scale, None);
assert_eq!(, 3);
assert_eq!([&vec!["5".to_string()]], 4.25);
// Using `RawBlock`
let blocks = slha.get_raw_blocks("sminputs");
assert_eq!(blocks.len(), 1);
let sminputs = &blocks[0];
assert_eq!(sminputs.scale, None);
assert_eq!(sminputs.lines.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(sminputs.lines[1].data, "5 4.25 ");
assert_eq!(sminputs.lines[1].comment, Some("# Mb(mb) SM MSbar"));
The decay tables contained in the SLHA file can be accessed using the get_decay
use slha::{Slha, DecayTable};
let input = "\
Block SMINPUTS # Standard Model inputs
3 0.1172 # alpha_s(MZ) SM MSbar
5 4.25 # Mb(mb) SM MSbar
6 174.3 # Mtop(pole)
DECAY 6 1.35
1 2 5 24
let slha = match Slha::parse(input) {
Ok(slha) => slha,
Err(err) => panic!("Failed to deserialize SLHA file: {}", err),
let decay_table = match slha.get_decay(6) {
Some(dec) => dec,
None => panic!("Missing decay table for the top quark."),
assert_eq!(decay_table.width, 1.35);
let decay = &decay_table.decays;
assert_eq!(decay.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(decay[0].branching_ratio, 1.);
assert_eq!(decay[0].daughters, vec![5, 24]);