The PyPI package publishing is done automatically via GitHub actions when a new tag is pushed.
To push a tag and trigger the release for new version:
pipx run --pip-args="cython" --spec="zest.releaser[recommended]>=6.22.1" fullrelease
You can also apply this process manually:
- Create a new branch with the name release-VER (ex release-1.1.0) No need to create a separate issue.
- On that branch update the version from `setup.cfg ` to the final version to be released.
- Update the CHANGELOG.rst file with the final version and release date.
- Push the commit and record the commit SHA as this will be the one used to tag and do the release.
- Include the tagged commit to the PR description.
- On the same branch, update the setup.cfg ` to a `.dev0 version and update CHANGELOG.rst to a new empty unreleased section.
- Push the latest commit and request a review for the PR.
- Once the PR is approved, you can merge the PR
- After the merge, push the release tag. GitHub action will take care of the release.
You can check the GitHub actions release process here
Below is the template text for the unreleased NEWS section:
1.0.1 (unreleased) ------------------ - Nothing changed yet.